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Tianjin desalination water no place to sell companies because of high prices without

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Tianjin desalination water no place to sell companies because of high prices without(天津海水淡化水无处销售,企业因价格高不用)

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Seawater desalinated water is ubiquitous marketing enterprises in Tianjin Tianjin, because of high prices without | | | high prices _ sea water news

Tianjin authorities wide nets, December 13 (Xinhua reporter Song Zhen Chen Qingbin Tianjin Rui Wang), according to voice of the news aspect of the report, as water shortages in China country water resources per capita is more than 2000 tons, only one-fourth of the world average. Sea 97.5% of the Earth's total water resources, making desalination a important way to solve the water shortage problem.

In recent years, the rapid development of seawater desalination industry, in terms of process design, lower cost, significant success. In many parts of the country are currently implementing desalination demonstration project, with both technical and geographical advantages of Tianjin, has formed a daily capacity of over 300,000 tons of desalinated water industry, led the nation. However, the reporter interviewed in Tianjin also found that desalination of water quality is good, but fewer people, and large desalination plant is idle for long periods, what was blocking the water promotes the use of desalination?

Located in the Bohai Bay, Tianjin beijiang power plant are of national cyclic economy pilot, here not only for power generation, supporting construction of a desalination project also invested more than 2 billion yuan.

Northern Xinjiang plants Vice President Tan Peidong: design capacity is 200,000 tons per day, and currently belongs to the largest seawater desalination production base in the country, in October 26, 2010, we have the ability to supply to the public in the first set.

According to the technology provider Israel IDE desalination company Beijing Representative Office, Chief Engineer of heaven and Earth, said Liu, northern Xinjiang plants produce desalinated water can be used for both industrial and can also be used for life, the water quality is very good.

Liu heaven: is desalinated water is there is no pollution, if water conveyance system, in a foreign country, as a drinking water tap you can drink.

Tianjin is a city of severe water shortage, it should be said it is demand for such a desalination project. But when reporters recently entered the northern Xinjiang desalination project area of the plant, total installed eight water desalination device, there are now only two are operating, the rest are standby in shut down. Northern Xinjiang plants Vice President Tan Peidong says with exasperation, discontinued sales reason is the production of desalinated water is everywhere.

Tan Peidong: now form a production capacity of 200,000 tonnes, but can send out 30,000 tons to 40,000 tons. Build, you don't have to, it is not depreciated, bank charges are inside. We set the finished Kai Kai that was groaning and groaning is broken, and I would also like to maintain, several thousands every year or so.

Why the quality is so good salt water to fresh water but could not find a market? Jointly with the beijiang power plant adjacent to Tianjin steel special steel Ltd is a major water users, but have so far chosen not to use desalinated water. Vice manager Tian Yan said that high prices are the most mainly because they are not used for desalination of seawater.

Tian Yan: we'll use municipal water. It cannot be higher than those we now use municipal water, itself now iron and steel industry is not good, if the water is too high, we take it up with difficulty.

As Tian Yan said, price is desalinated water promotes the use of maximum barrier. Tianjin municipal development and Reform Commission's Energy Department Deputy Director Gao Huaiying also confirmed on that point.

Gao Huaiying: we routinely luanhe river water raw water water plant before price was 2.51, our plants in North Xinjiang, to the user, and his cost 5.73 per cent, would not like to receive the desalinated water in water plant, one cause of little use.

However, Tan Peidong, Vice General Manager of beijiang power plant does not share this view. He had not considered high cost of desalination, but tap water prices low. In the case of South-North water transfer project, recognized the Yangtze River water to Tianjin cost will be more than 10 yuan per ton, far exceeding the desalination of seawater. But when it came to home, water price is lower than to desalinate seawater, Tianjin University, Institute of chemical technology, Professor Wang shichang says, this is because the water transfer project enjoys State subsidies, but the price of desalination water is entirely market-oriented.

Wang shichang: tap water supply system is subsidized by the State water, water of the Yellow River, for example, Luan river water, the water is cheaper, States collect the cost is relatively low, the desalinated water is new out of the water, the economic costs are higher than, because the State does not subsidize it.

A government subsidy, and is configured to use; as a business product, completely in accordance with the market mechanism for pricing transactions, desalinated water prices are bound to no advantage. Then why in the case of no competitive advantage, also launched the desalination projects to invest it? It is understood that the operation of this project, Tianjin beijiang power plant by sdic and power and Tianjin jinneng investment company long Lu hangu salt works limited liability companies, 64% and 2% jointly funded the formation. Aimed primarily at the beginning of the construction as a national strategy, the pilot response to the water crisis, through pilot, also saw the seawater-desalination development constraints. How to solve this problem? Actively help the beijiang power plant looking for potential water enterprise at the same time, is also considering how to integrate desalination in Tianjin City to city unified water resource allocation, implementation practices monopoly, for full use of desalination.

Tianjin City NDRC Energy Department Deputy Director Gao Huaiying, currently we is through straighten out institutional, settlement this problem, eventually achieved we original water, not only is introduction luanhe water, introduction yellow water, including we of desalination water, integrated consider, cannot said people I drink this mouth is introduction River, drink that mouth is introduction River, drink that mouth is desalination water, last we actually city integrated reckoning, unified is finished yihou, equivalent we currently produced desalination water of volume, assessment to we throughout original water of price inside to, assessment two to three points money, on can Xiao is satisfied, That is ultimately achieved after practices monopoly, prices have gone up two or three points of the entire resident population.

Statistics show that more than one-sixth the city a serious water shortage in the country, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other provinces and cities, has less than 500 cubic meters of water resources per capita. Desalination is an inevitable choice to solve water crisis in the future. Northern Xinjiang plants Vice President Tan Peidong said, he is optimistic about the industry, northern Xinjiang power plant will soon start the second phase of the project, and then building scale produces 300,000 tons of sea water desalination device.

Tan Peidong: desalinated water should be a good thing, involve country related system, yet to keep up to date, we offer these devices must bear the losses of 200 million this year, may have to close to 300 million in the red next year.

Should not be overlooked, seawater desalination projects of Tianjin development is still faced with loss of woes, practices monopoly policy if they can implement in the future, may be able to help sustainable development of seawater desalination to explore possible routes. Experts said, the current development of seawater desalination industry in China is still on the rise. Seawater desalination industry development, the industrial development of guidance and policy support remains critical of the Government. Should strengthen the desalination industry support at the same time, the desalinated water in integrated water resources management.

(Original title: desalination of water is everywhere in Tianjin sales business because of high prices without)

December 13, 2013 China broadcast network(天津海水淡化水无处销售 企业因价格高不用|天津|海水|价格高_新闻资讯

  央广网天津12月13日消息(记者陈庆滨 天津台记者宋震 王瑞)据中国之声《新闻纵横》报道,我国作为缺水国家,人均水资源仅2000多吨,仅为世界平均水平的四分之一。地球上水资源总量中海水占97.5%,使得海水淡化成为解决缺水问题的重要途径。

  近年来,我国海水淡化产业发展迅速,在工艺设计、降低成本等方面取得一定成绩。目前国内许多地方都在实施海水淡化示范项目,天津凭借技术和地缘两方面的优势,已形成日产超30万吨淡化海水的产业规模,走在了全国前列。然而, 记者在天津采访也发现,海水淡化水品质虽好,却少人问津,大量海水淡化设备被长期闲置,是什么挡住了海水淡化水推广使用的脚步?


















(原标题:天津海水淡化水无处销售 企业因价格高不用)


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