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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China completely has the ability to effectively monitor the air defense identification zone

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/16 0:46:11 Browse times: 278 Comment times: 0

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China completely has the ability to effectively monitor the air defense identification zone(外交部:中国完全有能力有效监管防空识别区)

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China completely has the ability to effectively monitor the air defense identification zone | | | the Chinese _ the Foreign Office news

China News Agency, Beijing, December 13 (Wang Yifei), Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said at a regular press conference of the 13th that China is fully capable of imposing effective regulation on sea air defense identification zone. The parties concerned should row with China and make constructive efforts to this end.

In response to a question, it was reported that the Japan maritime self-defense force and Korea Navy 12th in Korea South held a plane involved in a routine joint search-and-rescue training on the high seas. Training in air defense identification zone of overlapping areas in China and Japan, but failed to inform the Chinese side of flight plans. China have any response?

Hong Lei said China's determination to safeguard national territorial airspace security and will stand firm, perfectly capable and are imposing effective regulation on sea air defense identification zone. At the same time, China is committed to maintaining peace, order and stability in regional and spatial. The parties concerned should row with China and make constructive efforts to this end, not the other way around. (End text)

(Original title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China is imposing effective regulation on sea air defense identification zone)

(Edit: SN091)December 13, 2013 China News Network(外交部:中国完全有能力有效监管防空识别区|外交部|中方|能力_新闻资讯

  中新社北京12月13日电 (王一菲) 中国外交部发言人洪磊在13日的例行记者会上表示,中方完全有能力且正在对东海防空识别区实施有效监管。有关各方应与中方相向而行,为此做出建设性努力。





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