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Starving to death her two daughters drug addiction mother convicted of journeys _ Sina news

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Starving to death her two daughters drug addiction mother convicted of journeys _ Sina news(饿死两个女儿的吸毒母亲被判无期_新浪新闻)

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Starving to death her two daughters drug addiction mother convicted of journeys _ news

Starving the drugs the mother of two daughters was sentenced last goodbye

Jiang Jianan Ding Hongxia

In June 2013, Jiangning district was a tragedy of two young children were starving to death in the home, the case received wide attention. On September 18, the Nanjing municipal intermediate people's Court in accordance with the accused, the mother of two girls Le Yan held a public hearing, after the day's hearing, the Court of first instance adjudged, Le Yan committed voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life.

Two young girls starve

, June 21, 2013, qilin town, Jiangning district, Nanjing City police station community police Le Yan ping Wang Yuan-site visits to area residents (female, 22), found no answer, swallow the phone is shutdown. Wang Pingyuan feel something, they called in a locksmith opened the door and found two girls at the door, one at the bedside, were not breathing, who is Le Yan, aged 3 and 1 year old daughter. In February 2013, the boy's father Li Wenbin drugs caught, end of August 2013 release. The investigation, Le Yan has a history of drug abuse. Their two daughters, usually raised by Le Yan himself, but Shi Leyan unaccounted for. To search by the police, Le Yan was captured the suspects at large.

On September 18, 2013, the intermediate people's Court of Nanjing second public hearing of the Tribunal prosecutors to prosecute intentional homicide for the girl's mother Le Yan.

Prosecutors believe that Le Yan knew two children do not have self-care ability, in the case of unaccompanied are dying of hunger, but did not go home until the incident took place on June 21, killing two children and in the home, neglect and causing tragedy. Therefore, should be based on voluntary manslaughter Le Yan criminal accountability.

Trial tenderness once again disclosed some details and information in people's hearts.

Shortly after 9 o'clock, court hearing began, defendant Le Yan was put on trial. Shoulder length hair get in front of this accusation was only 22 years old mother's face. It is understood that she was pregnant before she was arrested by the police.

The trial, every now and then she whispered Weeps, has twice requested a recess. A range of evidence provided by the Prosecutor's allegations and, apart from a few details, she admitted, not too many shadows.

Prosecutors showed a wide range of evidence, including crime and Shi Leyan home videos and photos of the incident before, once again, was saddened by audit staff and media reporters. Video and photos show that they lived in a House is very messy, with children's faeces and litter strewn on the floor, kitchen pots do not wash clutter stacked in there. Prosecutors introduced, some pots, and even mold.

Prosecutors accused in late April 2013, Le Yan two children locked in the master bedroom, reserved for children only a few foods such as bread and a pitcher of water and locks the left, until the time of the murder were not home. During this time, she has been playing close to home, also went to the community took relief funds. After the incident, police in a place not far from her residence to be captured.

On June 21, when the bodies of two children were found mummified. Described as courtroom testimony of forensic medicine, certified, two children are free from mechanical injury and basis for common toxic poisoning, therefore does not rule out its failure due to dehydration, hunger, disease and other factors was killed.

Introduction of forensic medicine, formation of the mummy is often associated with dehydration, judging from the child's remains were found, children died more than two weeks.

Kids long to eat cheap bread

Le Yan was born in January 2011 by Li Mengxue, also in that year, her drug use and her boyfriend met Li Wenbin, cohabitation. In March 2013, also gave birth to daughter Li Tong.

The trial, Le Yan explained, over the years, she and her boyfriend Li Wenbin drugs cost more than 100,000 yuan. If it wasn't for drugs, they are perfectly capable of raising two children, but also can be very fulfilling. However, they eventually took to the road, got himself killed children.

According to prosecutors allegations, Le Yan boyfriend in March this year after drug sentence, she started raising two children alone. During that time, communities and raising children relative to cost about 5,000 yuan, but Le Yan to be around 3,000 dollars for drugs, cigarettes, or playing games, 1000 dollars to spend on clothes, only 1000 Yuan to buy food for their children and baby products.

Le Yan explains, after the baby was born, she has no milk, children per bag is around 30 yuan of milk powder. When the kids are a little larger, gave the kids are mostly from the nearby grocery store to buy cheap pastries, bread and other food.

Before this time away from home, Le Yan current kid locked in, a person out of drugs, having fun, and often only a few days back. In the meantime, young daughter wearing diapers still wet days you put on, butt and vulva appear to fester.

"Before leaving for the last time, I left a 3-5 days worth of food for children, and a pot of water, originally just wanted to go out for two or three days, but ultimately does not withstand the temptation of drugs and games, stayed out in the cold. "Le Yan said. She also told the judge, "Children's Day" before and after children's day, she sees other children injured, have thought of their own children, wants to go home, but in the end didn't go back.

In court, prosecutors alleged, accused Le Yan has a statutory maintenance obligations and to comply, knowing that failure to comply with maintenance obligations can lead to two of the victims died, still adopted a laissez-faire attitude, resulting in harmful consequences, its behavior under the People's Republic of China Article No. 232 of the Penal Code stipulates that criminal facts are clear, the evidence is true and sufficient, and should be based on intentional homicide criminally.

Prosecutors also charged, last time Le Yan left his home, wrapped with a cloth wrapped around the window handle clamp door not wet with urine. In this regard, Le Yan explained that she did not want a child falling from a window, fear that the child ran out from their homes. Before she left home while out having fun, children ran out. However, she did not expect that children were dying of hunger.

"Mother issues" growing experience

The trial, the prosecution and the defence debate focused on Lok yan acts constitute the crime of voluntary manslaughter.

Le Yan's lawyer believes that Le Yan is not a responsible mother, but also her upbringing-related. Court investigation showed that Le Yan himself is born out of wedlock, by the age of 16 living with Grandma and Grandpa, 16 years after independence, long-term work at places such as nightclub, a Hairdresser.

Le Yan start school until he was 12, because of age discrimination, and jump directly to grade 4, can be one year or is dropped out. Many people did not expect is that "$literal" Le Yan, was not only illiterate, but has so far not on the household register, without any identification.

"For such a mother of 21 and a half, we could ask her what kind of love? Did she get mother love? Can we ask her what kind of love? She gets through love? "Le Yan's defence counsel said," there is no residence, no ID, no educated, rather than condemn and punish such a mother, it is better to improve and perfect the deficient minors protection mechanisms. ”

In a final statement, said Le Yan cried, she'd daughter, blame yourself, I've never been friendly, so don't know how to love others. But there is no regret medicine to eat, she only slowly to atone for their sins.

Court finds that cruel fact

After the day's hearing, the Court identified the defendant Le Yan, born on December 19, 1991, was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, illiterate, unemployed, drug abuse was 12th municipal Public Security Bureau in Nanjing Jiangning branch administrative detention on February 27, 2012 (not implemented in administrative detention). Under criminal detention on suspicion of intentional homicide on June 22, 2013, on June 26 of that year was designated under residential surveillance.

Defendant Le Yan is born out of wedlock, and raised by his grandparents, about 16 years old leaving home to live alone. With years of drug addiction, had administrative penalties for taking drugs. In January 2011, Le Yan gave birth to their first daughter Li Mengxue (full years, 2 years, 5 months, father unknown). Beginning in 2011, live Le Yan and Li Wenbin, in March 2012, gave birth to a second daughter, Li Tong (full year 1 year 3 months). Defendant Le Yan Li Mengxue being victims, Li Tong's mother, after being detained in Li Wenbin, on community release of salvation and the help of relatives, friends, neighbours, raising two daughters alone. Indulge in drugs, neglect his daughter, April 17, 2013, Lok yan left home a few days later, Li Mengxue running alone out of the House due to hunger, community leaders and neighbors found and two young daughters was rushed to hospital for medical treatment, Le Yan on day two after her daughter back. Le Yan in his unfinished maintenance obligations, has two young daughters because of hunger caused by cases of illness were taken to hospital, in April 2013, the end of the day, in the afternoon, the two young daughters alone in the master bedroom of their home, that is, not to return home. On May 3 of that year, Le Yan House keys left behind to carry it at a friend's House, to the crime have not been recovered. Le Yan home after repeatedly ask local authorities for assistance, after receiving the drug, and have fun, which he knows two unattended young girls are dying of hunger, until the incident is still not home. On June 21, 2013, the community police visit to Lok Yan House, through the locksmith opened the door, it was found, Li Mengxue, Li Tong was killed in the master bedroom.

Forensic identification, two common poison victims free from mechanical injury and poisoning is based on, not excluding deaths due to dehydration, hunger, disease and factors such as failure.

, June 21, 2013, the public security organs in Jiangning Unicorn Xuan Yilu accused Le Yan tracked him down the street.

The forensic, accused Le Yan psychoactive substances (drugs) due to mental disorder, and crime with full criminal responsibility.

The Court found that the defendant Le Yan Li Mengxue, Li Tong ' biological mother of being victims, the victim has a statutory duty to rear. Le Yan knew no one raising two young victims to take care of its endless maintenance obligations will result in two victims died due to lack of food and water, but still the two victims in a closed room, away from home for more than a month, not back to take care of two victims, addicted to drugs, playing games and the Internet, leading to two victims died because of neglect. Le Yan subjectively have allowed indirect intent of the victim's death, caused the death of two victims on the objective results, so that their actions constitute intentional homicide. Public prosecution service accused the defendants convicted of Le Yan, court support.

CSSA Shang, accused Le Yan in has raising obligations, and has raising capacity of situation Xia, not fulfilled raising obligations, caused two victims death, plot special bad, consequences special serious, is crime extremely serious, on SIN should punished, given accused Le Yan trial Shi Department pregnant of women, and turns Hou pleaded guilty attitude better, in accordance with People's Republic of China criminal law under 14th article first paragraph, and second paragraph, No. 232 article, and 49th article first paragraph, and 57th article first paragraph of provides, court sentencing, Defendant Le Yan committed intentional homicide and sentenced to life imprisonment, deprived of political rights for life.

On the crime of intentional homicide identified pursuant to

After the sentencing, Nanjing municipal intermediate people's Court, at a press conference Le Yan Zhou Kan of the presiding judge of the trial, jury Huang qionghua, jury hejing, responded to reporters ' questions.

In this case after the sentence the Court, presiding judge Zhou Kan is the characterization of the case and the sentence to answer reporters ' questions.

Zhou Kan said Le Yan being Li Mengxue, Li Tong's mother, is a person with full capacity for civil conduct, with help from the community to raise capacity, has a statutory duty to rear two young children. Because of unfinished maintenance obligations, has two young daughters because of hunger caused by pathogenic were sending them to the hospital. Le Yan statement in the trial, the last time that he set aside for their children's food and water enough for them to eat about three or four days, no other key people, did not trust others to help take care of the kids. Le Yan knew for a long time not to go home, children will starve, and that it is common sense. We can see in the subjective, Le Yan had foreseen his actions caused the death of two victims of the harmful consequences of, not because of negligence did not foresee the consequences, does not exist that have seen the consequences, but too much trust in heart of harmful consequences can be avoided. Thus, the subjective state of mind does not belong to her fault, their actions do not meet the constitutive of the crime of negligence causing death.

On why uncertain for abandoned sin and abuse sin, Zhou Kan said, abandoned sin of subjective aspects, General is support obligations people attempts to through abandoned no independent life capacity of family members reached escape or to others passed on this should by himself commitment of support obligations of purpose, objective aspects General is will victims abandoned Yu can obtained rescue of places, such as he people door, and station, and Terminal,, not ruled out others to victims implementation rescue. Le Yan of the accused in the present case, two young kids at home, and doors and Windows sealed, in practice excludes children's self-help and bailout of the behaviour of others, so Le Yan not convicted of crimes should be abandoned.

Subjective is out of deliberate abuse of abuse, namely of a conscious victim to physical and mental abuse, torture. Objective aspects characterized by frequent or continuous torture, looking devastated family members. Le Yan subjectively did not abuse a child intentionally.

On the issue of sentencing, Zhou Kan explained, the people's Court's sentencing was to take into account the accused's motivation, tools, objects, harmful consequences, and crime against the main attitude and consistent performance, and after the crime and other factors and considerations. Victims in this case are children under the age of three, the consequences of two young lives die, although their good attitude in confessing without any statutory mitigating circumstances, I should say, in particularly harsh, particularly serious consequences, the social impact extremely bad, on SIN should be severely punished. Lok yan of pregnant women during the trial, the Court sentenced to life imprisonment.

How to avoid the occurrence of the tragedy of child starvation case?

Jury yellow Joan spent answered reporter questions said: "I I is legal program of producer, is a mother, this case, I as jury participate in has trial, let I for two a children of unfortunately is pain Fletcher heart, each a comes room of small life are is Angel, and this two a this should in parents care Xia grew up of children is such very tragic to lost has life. I felt sad for the children is the most dear mother ended their most fundamental rights and hopes to live and I felt sad for Le Yan, from birth relatives leaving the world sorts of today, from the boyhood home to the next wall bars, is actually a tragedy in her own life. They say, ' tiger poison not food son, love is a mother's instinct, and instinct, a mother pregnant, bringing a baby into this world and always will do everything they can to care, care, the protection of the child's development, from the legal, which also acts as the rights of a guardian. In our perception that, when disaster strikes, the mother will be desperate children guarding the arms; if faced with a choice between life and death, the mother would not hesitate to have a glimmer of hope left for child; children, mothers can do everything we can, after all, you can pay all costs, and the same is mother, Lok yan she can so why? This behaviour is simply ridiculous, normal, like me, can't understand. I read papers and Le Yan, participate in the trial as well as contact with the process, I found the answer to the question, that is drugs has lost her most basic human nature. After Le Yan is a '90 ', this year is less than 22 years of age, but with nearly 7 years of drug addiction, her cohabitant was also a heroin addict, drug-related subject to legal penalties. Drugs, she often played the night without a home, ran away at age 15; because of drug use, her dreams, catastrophe to gave birth to two children; drugs, she had lost the human conscience, forget their most basic responsibility as mothers, leaving her two young children in spite of, and ultimately caused the tragedy. Now, Le Yan also regret their actions, said in tears, is the drug killed themselves and their children. In fact, if it wasn't for drugs, with Dole, her children, life is not a problem. It can be said that once coated with drugs, it will completely destroy a person's health, consciousness, conscience, and drug-related harm to individuals, families, communities far ' more fierce than Tigers '. ”

To does prevent Le Yan case tragedy of occurred, yellow Joan spent recommends, a is University organ to practical increased on drug crime of combat, law punished involved HIV crime; II is to further increased on drug against of publicity intensity, let all national recognize drug of against, justice organ to select typical cases, timely open processing, education masses, AWE crime; three is practical strengthened on drug crime of prevention work, reduced and put an end to drug crime of occurred.

(Edit: SN054) December 13, 2013(饿死两个女儿的吸毒母亲被判无期_新闻资讯


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