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Secret of government departments operating woes: Conference room rental building slush fund

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Secret of government departments operating woes: Conference room rental building slush fund(政府部门经营隐秘化乱象:出租会议室建小金库)

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Government departments operating secret of chaos: rental meeting room built storehouse | | Government storehouse | business _ news

"Not only direct government-owned investment and financing platform companies, some of the main functions of the Department are set up all kinds of investment companies, although there are many, but all of them are monopolistic business, a highly profitable. "A company boss told half moon talking about journalists.

In recent years, some government departments have set up their own wholly-owned or controlled enterprises, such as the water Department Water Conservancy investment company, the transport sector transport investment company, the agricultural sector agricultural investment company, the tourism sector tourism investment company, technology sector science and technology investment company, environmental protection departments have environmental investment company, even the urban sanitation investment company. Shenyou in the local government sector, investment trend.

"The market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources, and give better play to the role of Government", which was 18 the request made by the third plenary session, made clear the Government is to guide and influence the allocation of resources, rather than directly to the allocation of resources. Maintaining fair market order is the Government's important objectives.

Held on November 1, the transformation of local government function and reform of videophone meeting, Li keqiang, the Prime Minister made clear that local governments do not directly invest in enterprises, in principle in the future. At present, should speed up the transformation of government functions, make sure that all levels of Government shift from business to public service.

  Government departments operating private woes worry

In the survey, ban Yue Tan reporters found that the central requirement of "austerity" background, and boards of local government units and promote ways and means to continue to do business, business, or even competing with for personal gain, and great harm.

Investing such violations there are three main forms: first, the start-up business-related enterprises, the use of executive power to control other enterprises, for facilitating specific enterprise services; the second is the technology business, technology, provide monopolistic services. Government departments when the referee and players; third, cross-industry business, sector hotel, meeting rooms, community-oriented business, the use of public resources for economic gain.

In a county of Central investment platform leader Zhao Ling (a pseudonym) told reporters, there are local government or Council's dominant cross-enterprise investment declining, but the use of respective resources management enterprises or enterprises to invest remains invisible phenomenon is still very popular, relevant departments will hand resources "to be" the first choice.

Such as environmental protection department consists of environmental science and research institutions, monopolies EIAs, road Directorate planning and design company; printing company was established within the education system information, and so on. "Want to smooth the EIA to cross the border, it will only be with the environmental protection agency designated the EIA company, no way, he has ultimate jurisdiction, would have a say. "A chemical Enterprise Manager says with frustration.

"These companies seems to be decoupling from the Government's financial, had nothing to do with actually interest is exchanged with each other. "Zhao Ling said that such links of interest there are several main ways, one is independent from the Government, enterprises, privately still had financial transactions with the Government; one is the business of government leaders, access to income, split with the Government; an established business in order to" backed by the big trees good for shade "managed to become the Government 's" under the "enterprise.

These forms are different, but share a common characteristic, is the Government's resources, companies reap the economic benefits, final cut, breaking it up into different ways to give back to the Government, achieve "interests and win-win".

  "Personal conference rooms contracted to become familiar with the building of the new Government, calculated in annual rent 50,000 yuan, and various government departments meet venue fee charge per 1000 Yuan to 2000 Yuan, to foreign business. Departments met spending counted as expenditures of public funds, but collect the money is ' slush fund ', excluding financial, at the end of the month and then sent office workers do benefit. Would be equivalent to public money trying to become private money. ”

A township head of Central On Yeung (not his real name) talk about his business approach. He said that Government officials ' income gradually transparent, only trying to get investment for units and individuals to earn a little extra money. Towns compared to provincial and municipal departments of administrative examination and approval rights, rent space only through such leased hotels, rent a room in a simple way to earn some "small money".

  Corporatization of Government deposit disadvantages associated interests reform shall be broken

Prior to urbanization, local governments due to the master of the land, in the development of urban construction, in order to assure that. Some local governments through the establishment of various government-backed urban construction, investment, urban management in massive debt, while profits also won record. Reporter visits found that many development zone Development Corporation, city investment company, the Group's legal representative is also the local party and Government leaders, is often a team, and a couple of brands.

Now, local governments in a number of sectors and investment management business, pose the greatest problem is that disturb the market order, destruction of fair market. In some cases, bank credit flows to shows, private business, small business loans, while the Government-run enterprises accounts for prime position.

In 2013 on the backlog clearing work performed in party and Government organs concerned across the country, there are cases that some government agencies because the subordinate enterprises of economic disputes and became "deadbeats". A judge told reporters in Hunan province, a subordinate enterprise of the animal husbandry Bureau, just because of financial disputes as being performed.

Zhao Ling believes that all government departments, enterprises, endless, apart from the administration of benefit-seeking impulse,, one of the major reasons is that enterprise marriage ills, by a group of Government-run enterprises delinked from the time of independence, did not completely end the relationship with the Government. In the market area, or light or dark it is still owned by the Government of referees and players, "two in one" status.

  Safeguarding market order, transforming the Government functions

In fact, the emergence of local government-run enterprises, already have a blocking effect on the function transformation of local government, need to overcome.

Anhui University economic Professor Zheng Lanxiang school believes that excessive expansion of functions, business access for government power rent-seeking, "other income" provided the opportunity. In his view, to prohibit government-run enterprises strictly, participate directly in future market competition, the Government should withdraw the competition field, go to the market. XI Jinping, as the General Secretary pointed out that the responsibilities and role of the Government is to maintain macroeconomic stability, strengthen and improve public services, safeguard fair competition and strengthen market supervision, maintain market order, the promotion of sustainable development and promote common prosperity to compensate for market failures.

Take concrete action to cause the "local government in principle no longer directly-run enterprise" into reality, the experts recommended, first of all to the comprehensive mapping of existing enterprises run by local governments, mastering the accounts of Government-run enterprises across the country as soon as possible. Secondly, there are local government-run enterprises, through market-oriented path to secession.

To be truly decoupled from the local governments and enterprises needs for its own conscious cognitive powers and responsibilities, as well as more radical transformation of self. Government departments to clear consciousness, actively adhere to boundaries of power to prevent the Executive from an offside, to emerge from the economic role, maintaining fair competition in the market, provision of social public services required for thorough changes to the public service-oriented Government. (By staff reporter Zhang Zi fine Yu Zhiming)

December 13, 2013 The website(政府部门经营隐秘化乱象:出租会议室建小金库|政府部门|小金库|经营_新闻资讯























  而要真正做到地方政府与企业的脱钩,需要政府对于自身权力和职责的清醒认知,以及更为彻底的自我变革。政府部门要明确意识,主动坚守权力边界,防止行政越位,要从经济人角色中摆脱出来,维护市场公平竞争,提供社会所需的各种公共服务,彻底向公共服务型政府转变。(记者 张紫赟 禹志明)


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