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Guangzhou downtown high rise building fires

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/16 0:36:40 Browse times: 266 Comment times: 0

Guangzhou downtown high rise building fires(广州市中心一栋高层建筑起火)

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Guangzhou City Center a high-rise building fire (photo) | | | Guangzhou fire in residential building _ news

"Uncompleted road of the intifada burst fire" according to the number of netizens revealed: a large fire burned with filling from the top down, next to spread a few residential buildings, high in the East for help with a flashlight in the window, and set afire. According to traffic radio @ Guangzhou currently uprising road, huifulu to the Zhongshan Road, xihu road, as well as education junctions to junctions of the intifada, the implementation of temporary road closure measures, please detour.

# CCTV news # "Guangzhou construction industry building fire" 18:50 today, construction building, No. 217 road, yuexiu district, Guangzhou Uprising and fires. Guangzhou fire has deployed 13 squadrons, 32 fire engines rushed to the site for disposal. At present, the uprising road, Zhongshan Road, huifulu mouth to mouth, xihu road, Kau Yuk Road to the junction of the intifada, and has imposed a temporary traffic control, let us detour. (CCTV reporter Lili Zhang netizens)

According to @ exclusive micro-blogging in China:

"Guangzhou downtown high-rise building fires", 15th, situated in the center of Guangzhou Uprising road high-rise building fire. 21:40 reporter on the scene saw, great architectural body out flames, billowing from. Nearby residents said the fire suspected an uncompleted building, it is not clear whether live, but the buildings near a residential building. There are many high-rise fire engines sprayed water at the scene extinguishing

(Edit: SN095)December 15, 2013 Ocean excursions, Guangzhou daily(广州市中心一栋高层建筑起火(组图)|住宅楼|广州|大火_新闻资讯

  【起义路一烂尾楼突发大火】据多名网友爆料:大火从顶部带装往下烧,波及旁边几栋住宅楼,东边高处有人在窗边用手电求救,现场浓烟滚滚。另据@广州交通电台 目前,起义路,惠福路口至中山路口,以及西湖路,教育路口至起义路口,实施临时交通封闭措施,请绕道行驶。

  #央视快讯#【广州建业大厦发生火灾】今天18时50分,广州越秀区起义路217号建业大厦发生火灾。广州消防已先后调派13个中队、32台消防车赶赴现场处置。 目前,起义路、惠福路口至中山路口,以及西湖路、教育路口至起义路口实施临时交通管制,请大家绕道行驶。(央视记者张莉莉 图自网友)




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