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Four veterans of the war apology: I’m sorry, we can’t in Nanjing

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/16 0:35:52 Browse times: 288 Comment times: 0

Four veterans of the war apology: I’m sorry, we can’t in Nanjing(四名抗战老兵致歉:对不起,当年我们没守住南京)

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Four veterans of the war apology: I'm sorry, we didn't guard veteran | | | Nanjing massacre in Nanjing in Nanjing _ news

Today, 10:00, air defense alert sounded over Nanjing, if you are driving, please pull whistled; if you go on the road, stopped, and if you are at work, please rise to the 300,000 victims of the Nanjing massacre by the Japanese army invading China mourning ... ...

Today 10:00~10:33

To sound the air defense warning

Today is the Japanese army killed 300,000 people 76 anniversary of the Nanjing massacre, 10 o'clock in the morning to try audible air defense alert throughout the city of Nanjing. Try air defense warning chirp sequence is as follows: 10:00-10:03,10:18-10:21 airing of views the early warning; 10:06-10:09,10:24-10:27 airing of views sirens; 10:12-10:15,10:30-10:33 airing of views clear.

In addition, this morning cum public tribute to the Nanjing massacre in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, held the 300,000 people killed 76-year ceremony of Nanjing international peace rally, representatives from various sectors to be delivered in a memorial tribute to the square of the peace declaration, the hit rang the peace Bell. Modern Express Reporter Zhao Dan Dan

Battle of Nanjing, is November 1937 in the National Revolutionary Army in the battle for Shanghai after losing to defend Nanking combat. To defend Jerusalem after losing the fall of Nanjing, Japanese invading army into the city, making for six consecutive weeks, the Nanjing massacre shocked the world.

They are veterans, then stand up, rise to struggle against "an inch an inch and rivers of blood" heroic and unyielding, finally won the victory of the war of resistance against Japan.

So many years have passed, they feel guilty. Modern express reporter noted that, recently in Nanjing civil Sino-Japanese War Museum held of Memorial Nanjing battles 76 annual seminar Shang, Wu Chunxiang, and Zhang Xiuqi, and Feng Zongyao and Cheng yun 4 who veterans with to Nanjing people salute: "I, several sorry Nanjing people, December 12 retreat of when forces confusion, didn't can is good to organization fighting, makes Nanjing people in zhihou of days in suffered pain, here to Nanjing people apologized has......"

A bloody battle

Cheng yun: nothing we can use melee attacks

Cheng yun and Wu Chunxiang have taken part in the battle of Nanjing, modern express reported in their story.

Cheng yun was born in 1920, at the age of 15, renounce the pen and join the army, admitted to the Wuhan Huangpu branch teaching corps Infantry Division with 11. On August 13, 1937, songhu campaign began, war had soon burnt to Nanjing, Nanjing Huangpu rushed to the battlefield to serve as garrison deployed emergency officers, 17-year old Cheng yun forces went to Nanjing, serving as trainees platoon. Young, he doesn't know, he can take part in is the Nanjing defence battle.

"And the US against Japan army weapon is equipped, as well as air and tank support, but we have nothing, only by digging trenches, Japan close to hand-to-hand combat. "Cheng yun sighed," we stay for seven days and seven nights, and sleep at night in the trenches, who couldn't sleep a wink! "Watching his comrades fall, Cheng yun to pick up a handful of Germany 20 fire in bursts of submachine guns wildly into the army. On December 12, positions can't be kept, the force began to retreat, Cheng yun's leg was injured.

Wu Chunxiang: close to Guanghua gate was sent to Snipe the enemies

Wu Chunxiang shook the Nanjing defence battle, in order to prevent Japanese air raids and artillery fire, they dug beneath the walls with many bomb shelters, each hole can accommodate two or three people, because even recruits, so the command has been slow to get into battle. Until December 12, the recruits are even similar to the mobile, close to Guanghua gate was sent to Snipe the enemies. But at 5 o'clock in the afternoon the same day, in charge of Commandant of the Nanjing defence battle Tang Shengzhi was given command of the evacuation. Wu Chunxiang knows, the Japanese army broke the Chinese Gate, Nanjing's fall is a foregone conclusion.

Nanjing defence battle is his first on the battlefield, after 8-year war, he experienced the battle of Changsha, Battle of Kunlun Pass, fighting dozens of times, Director of the ranks up to Lieutenant Colonel.

Feng Zongyao: soon learned to drive a tank

Feng Zongyao is Whampoa 18 students participated in the expeditionary force training. In 1944, Feng Zongyao driving chariots became the Chinese expeditionary army seventh battalion, second lieutenant even Deputy platoon. After participation in the expedition reaches Burma and North, he was sent to India the rum gamma here is China's army and rear of the Allied army. Feng Zongyao is indexed in the chariot the seventh battalion of the second, and subsequently act as tank instructors.

Feng Zongyao told reporters that tank needs to study the subjects a lot, but for his Huangpu an ancient covered wagon heavily, he soon learned to drive tanks. Feng Zongyao wanted on the front lines, was stayed by superior, asking him to lamb gals tank coach. At that time, the Chinese army was equipped with Tank M3A3, tank weighs 15 tons, is a light tank at the time.

Zhang Xiuqi: over more than 50 students a day killed 37

Old Zhang Xiuqi is a native of Nanjing, the winter of 1937, at the experimental school of the Central University sophomore, he jumped enlist, decided to apply for military school, Whampoa 15th class, at the age of 17. After graduating in 1940, he served as the 190th Division of the nationalist 10th army mortar battalion 3rd company 2nd platoon platoon leader, participated in anti-Japanese battles in Xiaoshan District, Zhejiang province. Later, his troops became the second battle of Changsha's main forces, and fight at close range to the Japanese. "The most memorable to me is the brutality of war, in which ear the sound, sound of bursting shells around, I remember clearly. Late-we have an infantry company have more than 50 students and Japanese in hand-to-hand combat, day 37 killed. "Zhang Xiuqi blunt:" although I am a veteran, but didn't like Wu Chunxiang, Cheng yun to Nanjing defence battle, thank you all for a correct attitude towards history. ”

Heart pain

"I'm sorry people of Nanjing"

At the meeting, 4-bit veteran with a good talk.

Feng Zongyao to inform young people, "China now finally can be proud, but the word patriotism is eternal, and I have not regretted it participated in the war of resistance against Japan and I hope young people give up the pen for the sword and do not regret it ... ... Not as a conquered people, when the feelings of a conquered people really do not feel better. "He said, broken head, blood can flow, Chi indispensable, young or not, will be a top," at any time, our homeland is the driving force behind, and want them to learn and have a good workout, a good man army justices, participate in the defense of the motherland. ”

At the meeting, Wu Chunxiang said veterans, remember that "Nanjing people actively support the fight for us tea and food, oil and salt, the stretcher, I'm taking you to apologize, before the 13th, we evacuated from Nanjing, Nanjing city suffered loss. ”

Advice of the old Wu Chunxiang, four veterans salute to the Nanjing people, while expressing regret about Nanjing people, he said: "I am sorry people in Nanjing on December 12 when retreating forces panicked and did not fight very well, making Nanjing people's suffering in the days after, to apologize to the people of Nanjing ... ..."

However, Cheng yun Feng Zongyao elderly said that due to age, Body Scrub typhus, salute salute cannot be met when, they hope to get more understanding. Modern Express Reporter Mao Liping


Dear veterans

Not to say I'm sorry

Dear veteran, respected elders, please don't say you're sorry.

The brutality of war and the tragic, never visit any first-line people are unable to understand. Under the Japanese invading army March, you spilled blood for the country and nation, and made tremendous sacrifices. You have paid too much.

Despite the fall of Nanjing, the bloody massacre, is always difficult for us to forget the pain, but you, and those devoted this bloodshed in tens of thousands of soldiers, without remorse, now is our common duty to remember.

Please accept our heartfelt tribute to veterans!

Source: modern express

(Edit: SN077)December 13, 2013 Light nets(四名抗战老兵致歉:对不起,当年我们没守住南京|老兵|南京|南京大屠杀_新闻资讯





  此外,今天上午还将举行江苏省暨南京市各界人士悼念南京大屠杀30万同胞遇难76周年仪式暨南京国际和平集会,各界代表将在纪念馆悼念广场上宣读和平宣言、撞响和平大钟。现代快报记者 赵丹丹























  不过,程云和冯宗尧老人表示,由于年事已高,身体有恙,敬礼时未能做到标准敬礼,他们希望得到大家的理解。现代快报记者 毛丽萍










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