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Experts talk about Lunar soft landing: 1 successful hundred plans in China are not used

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Experts talk about Lunar soft landing: 1 successful hundred plans in China are not used(专家谈月面软着陆:中国1次成功百种预案未用上)

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Experts talk about Lunar soft landing: 1 successful hundred plans in China are not successful _ | | on the Moon probe | news

From the beginning in the late 50, launched the first lunar landing shock was the former Soviet Union, "Moon", and the United States "wanderers" series detectors, but they submitted the initial report card is a series of "failed".

Lunar soft landing is one of the most critical and most thrilling aspect: the first success of the former Soviet Union until the 12th attempt, United States also sampled the 3 failed sowing rear landing safely.

Chang, third is China's launch of the first soft landing probes and outside visits.

It is 130th human lunar exploration activities.

"The moon lady" Moon was the aviation history of the world from an Asian powerhouse's first attempt. China's first astronaut into space from only ten years, China will build its own space station in a few years. ---Germany Frankfurter Allgemeine

Chang, third moon probe last night success, China has become the third in the world capable of independent States applying for Lunar soft landing. This is China's first extraterrestrial object landing spacecraft, the fewest since 1976 after the Soviet Luna 24 probe human lunar soft landing for the first time.

In 1978, the United States presented to the Chinese soil in 1 gram piece of the Moon, is the 17th spacecraft Apollo brought back from the Moon's surface. Scientist Ouyang Ziyuan said: "through the study of this specimen, we wrote 40 papers. ”

Now, China is no longer necessary with United States soil delivered. "Three girls" first successful Moon, followed by real astronauts landed.

If the last century was United States century, now visited by the Chinese century.


First of the former Soviet Union fell

Tried 12 times finally succeeded

China Academy of space technology II, a researcher at yesterday's interview with a Chengdu commercial daily news said, "Chang, third moon was perfect, set for the lander before more than 100 kinds of plans has not been used, completed entirely in accordance with the established planning. ”

In the course of human exploration of the Moon, States show scientific and technological strength, failed to have to bear the huge pressures on the one hand, where the first lunar probe, launched by the Soviet Union in 1959, and moon pass by until the 12th attempt been successful.

Going sideways

From 5,995-kilometer

"The Moon" on the 1th rub shoulders on the Moon

On January 2, 1959, the former Soviet Union launched the first lunar probe, human history---"Lunar" 1th, nicknamed "the dream". At that time, the former Soviet Union is full of hope and faith, because previously, the Soviet space agency has dispatched emissaries to the Moon made three failed attempts.

"The Moon" 1th's goal is to get closer to ratiocination on the escape from Earth's gravity field, directly "to the Moon", and then hit the Moon's surface. Unfortunately there is, "Moon" 1th in 5,995-kilometer and pass the Moon from the Moon, failed to hit the moon.


"The Moon" on the 7th point too early

"The Moon" on the 8th it is a little late

May 9, 1965, the former Soviet Union launched the "Moon" 5th detector, was a lunar soft landing attempt. When the "Moon" and the distance lunar surface, 5th at the time of the final stages of preparing to land due to equipment failure, braking rocket ignition failure, scientists can only listen, it sends out a signal, no choice but to let it hit the Moon at a great speed and damage. Reportedly, Germany an astronomical observatory, saw the impact kicked up Lunar soil to form the longest cent, wide 225-kilometer dust clouds.

Succession followed the former Soviet Union launched "the Moon" on the 7th and "the Moon" 8th detectors, but unfortunately once again. Premature ignition of the former, the latter distance as the probe when the ignition has been very close to the Moon's surface, leading to it have not been reduced to a safe landing speed will hit the Moon's surface. At the moment of impact, all of the signal transmission to stop suddenly on the "Moon" on the 8th already damaged.

The first successful

The world's first

"The Moon" on the 9th the first soft landing

On February 3, 1966, full of hope, "the Moon" on the 9th eventually landed safely on the lunar surface. 7 hours later, transmitted to Earth a panoramic photo of the Moon's surface.

In order to complete this human creation in the former Soviet Union began in January 1959 launch of 24 series Lunar vehicle, made 11 failed Lunar soft landing.

 United States first

Fall Moon

Stunned by success

Compared with the former Soviet Union, United States first moon road is very bumpy, is all the more difficult. United States early Lunar launch 5 "pioneer" probe is hardly a success, its failure is the main cause, the rocket does not have enough thrust, the probe never flew to the Moon, with almost no work.

Beginning in 1961, the United States fired 9 times "wanderers" series detectors are "wanderers" hit in the body directly to the Moon, aims to provide reference data for the moon landing.

Until 1966, the Cruiser, 1th new probe after 64 hours of flight, successful soft landing on the Moon storm Ocean, was considered very likely to mess this project successful.

I can't believe

"Land, Earth can't do anything"

Falling Moon success is a miracle

On May 30, 1966, carrying United States first moon probe---Cruiser 1th of rocket, launch the final stage of preparation. "Lunar exploration success rate this time period? "A staff member couldn't help but ask. "1 per thousand," replied the project manager baobo·luodelike.

In June of that year's Edition of the New York Times reported the Cruiser, 1th falls during the months: the final close, down month process starting from 41 minutes before landing, when its flight speed is approximately 2 kilometers per second. There was a series of instructions from Earth gave it a flip flop---90 degrees, then deflected 60 degrees, then flip to 94 degrees. Since then, the braking rocket firing, Cruiser, 1th gradually landed, its speed and altitude quickly decrease. "From that point on, the probe entered the autonomous State, the Earth can't do anything. ”

Previous practical experience no lunar soft landing, people think 1th can fall months for survey success would have been a miracle.

On June 2 of that year, United States for the fall months the national television broadcast. After the expected time of moon a few minutes, television pictures have popped up in the Moon's surface and one foot Cruiser 1th. The image stayed for quite a long time, so it was joked: "project personnel may have been astonished by the successful landing, they don't know what to do next. ”

 His fate

"Cruiser" series "blind drop"

Fall months are inclined

"To knows, had United States survey who series detector fell months Shi are is ' blind drop ' Ah," United States NASA Moon exploration analysis group members, and scientists jiefu·pulaixia in accept Xinhua News Agency reporter interview Shi said, survey who detector fell months Shi only simple to Executive prior design good of landed program, then resigned, which in fell months midway failed had two times, remaining 5 times security landing.

"Without a United States Lander, both the Cruiser and the Apollo, is the true level landings, they fall months are leaning," Ripley says this is because the lunar surface are rugged, has many craters and rocks.

  Writing obituaries

"Apollo" Moon ago

Prepared the statement failed

You know, while you're still alive, have been given you written obituary, this is definitely not a good thing. 40 years ago when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and other astronauts have not in Mare tranquillitatis region of the moon landing, the then United States President Richard Nixon had failed to ready for a moon mission statement: "God has let the person to travel to the moon to rest in this place. ”

Chengdu business newspaper reporter Zhao q

This integrated group articles such as Xinhua News Agency, people's daily online legal evening news

 China's moon exploration · significance

Moon, what's the use?

Zhang quanling: and our close relationship with

CCTV host Zhang quanling yesterday to prepare for the tower "third mission trip broadcast special reports", went to Beijing Planetarium at Americans sent more than 30 years ago that 0.5 grams of moon rocks.

Zhang quanling in microblogging wrote, "Americans do not have any information of his that year. Study on Ouyang Ziyuan, academician of 0.5 g, draw Apollo back from chenghai, 17th. Americans are quite surprised. Total Division of Chang-Ye Peijian was in Switzerland to see Americans exhibited ' a piece of the Moon ', filled with emotion, ' people rushed out after the subject ', determined to fly to the moon. Low know behind the ambition is not willing to adhere to, dream. ”

Zhang quanling in microblogging, "said Moon was asked on the mountain villages and old school children have to do with anything? In fact quite close to this. Internet technology from the United States Lunar technology to Space Center Houston computer together. Now many good schools to open courses on the Internet. Rural schools in Inner Mongolia this year at private charities to help with math online courses of the Beijing people's Congress came under synchronous classes, scores soared. This is an example only. Really a lot. Meteosat meteorological disaster reduction of loss, hunger and poverty have a direct relationship. Moon fuel technologies, such as the promotion of technology helps reduce haze, booster technology available in a high-rise fire ... ... For me, ' satisfy human curiosity ' is important enough. ”

China's moon exploration · power

Starting from 0.5 grams of rock

Chinese people toward the solar

"We here the lander and the Rover will land," in the national astronomical observatories of China, 7/f, Office, in that more than 1 m in diameter, more marked on the surface of various place names of beautiful models of the Moon in front of China's lunar exploration program Chief Scientist Ouyang Ziyuan said pointing to an area on the model.

"25 years ago, my research starting from 0.5 gram piece of the Moon rock samples. "Ouyang Ziyuan said that in 1978, then-United States President Jimmy Carter, Assistant to the President for national security affairs Zbigniew Brzezinski during his visit to China, presented a special gift to China---a small finger-size piece of Lunar rock samples. Sample casting in a plexiglass box, looks great from the outside, there is only 1 gram of weight. Authorities soon found far away in Guiyang, Ouyang Ziyuan.

"We take this 1 gram of moon rocks cut into two pieces, a save, a piece of research. Americans give rock samples, it is actually our tests in the detection capabilities and research level, although this is unstated. But then it turns, our results or let the Americans are very convincing. "Said Ouyang Ziyuan, 0.5 g stones, we issued a total of 14 research article, confirmed the stones were Apollo 17th acquisition, confirming the Capture Location, or even confirm whether the stone is located there is sunlight, and so on. Is set in the "pressure and power", China began its lunar exploration program.

"We all got up early up late for decades, without a holiday. Because there was no core information on the Moon, we can only gather research information in the public domain in other countries, also with the United States, Britain, Germany and other countries in collaborative research, accumulating astrochemistry and lunar exploration related research foundation. "Said Ouyang Ziyuan, Moon is a good starting point, China also undertake a comprehensive exploration of the entire solar system.

(Edit: SN091)December 15, 2013 Chengdu business daily(专家谈月面软着陆:中国1次成功百种预案未用上|月球|探测器|成功_新闻资讯






  嫦娥三号探测器昨晚成功落月,中国成为世界上第三个有能力独立自主实施月球软着陆的国家。这是中国航天器首次地外天体软着陆,也是自1976年前苏联Luna 24探测器之后,人类月球探测器首次软着陆。














































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