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Expert interpretation of Chang the third probe, fell during the month

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Expert interpretation of Chang the third probe, fell during the month(专家解读嫦娥三号探测器落月过程)

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Expert interpretation of moon Moon: the former Soviet Union have tried 12 times before he succeeded | Chang | third | detector experts _ news

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 14 (reporters and Zhao Wei and and Tian Zhaoyun and and and)-Chang, third will be held on the night of 14th Lunar soft landing, the whole process is about 12 minutes.

"The moon landing was the most critical stages throughout the mission. "Wu Weiren, Chief Designer of China's lunar exploration engineering says," landed safely in just hundreds of seconds from 15 kilometers to the lunar surface preselected landing zone, this is the new and most important test. ”

This is bound to be soul-stirring 720 seconds: first until 12th attempt succeeded the former Soviet Union, United States also sampled the 3 failed sowing rear landing safely. Lunar soft landing in the end what are the risks? Experts believe that the goddess Moon faced at least five tests.

  Falling Moon Rainbow Bay facing an unknown new world

With the United States, Soviet lunar exploration is concentrated near the Lunar equator in different Chinese Chang, third choice in Rainbow landings in the Bay area. To Rainbow Bay to explore Lunar research gaps will be filled, but Yu Change for the third, which was a new and unknown world filled with.

"Rainbow Cove on a macro level is relatively flat, but Chang finally landed third little environment, what kind of terrain, is still unknown. "Said Wu Weiren, Chief Designer of China's lunar exploration engineering, stones, ditches, slopes, and so is Chang, third facing a huge test.

For Chang, third "off" safe, smooth landing, Chang already for third, second "front": ending domain using a CCD stereo camera to Rainbow Bay, ultra high resolution stereoscopic imaging, obtained the image resolution is about 1 metre.

This is the first time China's spacecraft "comes" the extraterrestrial object. In order to ensure land security, technician or simulated lunar surface environment characteristics in the ground, made a lot of fire, obstacle avoidance, slow decline testing.

  New technology and new products waiting for the lunar module test

The moon has no atmosphere, landing on Earth, completely different, traditional air friction and deceleration rocket engine and propulsion system is no longer working on the moon.

"To this end, we first use of our own design and manufacture of variable thrust engine. "Wu Weiren said large thrust engine with 1500 to 7,500 cattle, well adapted to the different flight phases on engine thrust requirements.

This is a variable thrust engine applied to the spacecraft for the first time. "Variable thrust engine has no backup and using for the first time, there are risks. "Chang ' e third detector systems Chief Scientist academician Ye Peijian said.

According to Ye Peijian introduction, Chang e, third over for newly developed technologies and products, equipment and higher risk than the relatively mature products of the product itself.

In order to reduce risks, technicians envisions hundreds of failures, and to develop an appropriate plan. "We think, walk, eat, think of one precludes a, still has to conduct experiments. "Ye Peijian said.

  "Black 12 minutes" depends on autonomous control

Fell to 15 km altitude from the lunar surface, this soul-stirring 12 minutes were called "black 12 minutes" to become immortal, the third to rely entirely on autonomous control, complete the reduced height, distance, speed, the landing spots, freefall landing a series of maneuvers.

During this period, almost zero possibility of manual intervention. This is because every movement during the fall months are very short and once the sensor has been installed on the detector information, you need to respond very quickly to probe and earth-moon distance of 380,000 kilometers as well as signal delay, simply not enough to pass information back to the ground, and then uploaded by ground command.

Indeed, the probes around the world in the process of landing on the Moon or Mars, there is such a probe by independent control of the "black".

  "The China leg," challenges of Lunar soft landing

Despite the use of sophisticated guidance navigation and control systems, landed in moments will still have an impact on surface. In order to avoid excessive shock loads to the device, sensors buffering system used on a landing, which Chang ' e third section 4 "legs". To become immortal, the third has become China's first "leg" of the spacecraft.

After landing in other countries there are three main types: a balloon bounce to meet Chang the third probe, weight requirements; the other is an aerial cable car, control, it's complicated, so Chang-third, choose a third, namely leg landed.

"Buffer institutions are mainly used for buffering the lander the landing impact energy, commonly known as the landing legs. "Probe Lander landing buffer system designer Yang Jianzhong, Director of the system features with 8 words sum up the landing legs: strong, light, soft, stable, more, new, all, is difficult.

In other words, the landing legs have strength to bear shocks and stresses, their lightweight, soft landing, posture and stability, can guarantee the safety equipment. In addition, landing return gathered, to spread and support functions, touch the moon also sent a signal. And as new landing legs with Chinese characteristics, in achieving technological leapfrogging and team-building both at the same time, also experienced a difficult development process.

  Moment of impact test equipment reliability

"China's legs" enabled greatly reduces the impact of landing, but Chang, third on the device are still facing severe challenges.

"After testing, sensors on the device can withstand mechanical environment of landing examination, even if the impact force, electronic equipment is working correctly. "Wu Weiren said.

Chang, third is expanded in a solar flight, and before landing, the "wings" will withdraw until a smooth landing surface. "Landing solar panels may be broken," said Wu Weiren, "we designed the exhibition of repeatable for Chang, third collection of windsurfing, can guarantee the landing safer. ”

Moon dust for this moment poses more risks. On the surface there is a thin layer of dust, landed in time is likely to stir up moon dust, effects on the optical sensors and other equipment. Researchers screened dust control measures such as nets, to probe the "eyes" together with a layer of protective cover.

(Original title: expert translation: Moon Moon faces five major challenges in about 12 minutes)

(Edit: SN098)December 14, 2013 Government network(专家解读嫦娥落月过程:前苏联曾尝试12次才成功|嫦娥三号|探测器|专家_新闻资讯

  新华社北京12月14日电(新华社记者赵薇、田兆运、白瑞雪) 嫦娥三号将于14日晚在月面实现软着陆,整个过程约12分钟。




























(原标题:专家解读:嫦娥落月过程约12分钟 面临五大考验)


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