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English 46 kinds of questions played Chinese style, translated four great inventions got candidates

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/16 0:35:06 Browse times: 281 Comment times: 0

English 46 kinds of questions played Chinese style, translated four great inventions got candidates(英语四六级题型玩中国风,翻译四大发明难倒考生)

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English 46 kinds of questions translated four great inventions of China wind beats candidates candidates | | 46 | translation _ news

Authorities wide nets Beijing, December 15 (Xinhua Hou Yan Liu Yulei) according to voice of the news evening peak reported, yesterday, the National University English 46 exam, which is the reformed band new edition 46 test debut, also following the 2005 exam questions again and change after the reform. Yesterday morning the exams is over, examinees on level 46 related discussion immediately boarded the Twitter hot topic in the top three, some students chanted "acclimatized".

Changed: adjusted for level 46 lifted the Cloze test and quickly read original, matching question increase reading comprehension. Variation II: compound dictation to dictate words and phrases. Variation III: translation of sentences with the words in Chinese-English translation of the passage. Variation IV: test time from 120 minutes to 130 minutes, listening comprehension exam time by 5 minutes.

New exam question types of change and examination time, students are prepared for, but many candidates neglect changes in the examination process. This level 46 in two test cards, which records answer sheet in the hearing of hearing answers away immediately after the test, which made many candidates off guard.

Candidates: maybe it is that we do not read carefully before the process, because have no idea it happened so much change, hearing over right away your answer sheet, above when I wrote all the answers on the exam, be honest now winding, just at that time a dozen seconds, quickly to smear their own answers, still not finished.

Candidates: yesterday morning had just finished four back dormitory common to hear students reflect have no time to write on answer sheet.

Twitter has launched an investigation of the new four-level hearing did you complete the answer sheet? , Only 58.5% candidates who said, "Fortunately, fill out". Candidates who have not been completely filled, 18.3% is the hearing entirely in the end up. There is a big change that translation problem has taken a "Chinoiserie". Even after members of the national college English 46 exam have been published: "translation concerning the history, culture, economy, social development, etc. "But in the face of" compass "" powder "and" Chinese knot "words like, many candidates are stupid eye.

Candidate: I happened to come across the four great inventions of China that is really not much, gunpowder, the compass that I really was not.

Candidate: I have problems in translation of Chinese food, Chinese words translated in English.

Online slots are more cute, someone said, "compass really not Ah, I said GPS", who immediately responded by saying: "I am directly translates into the TNT gunpowder". Despite new questions, new process for candidates who don't agree with some, but a general sense of the candidate, level 46 overall easier than ever.

Candidate: I think it exams easier than ever before, is that it changes a lot of questions, I feel on top of the time, examination of the way it is, in fact, easier than before.

Candidate: I played twice before, but I think this reform is more simple, because it's much information matches the topic, than gestalt fill up easy.

Candidate: I think that some place before relative to simple, but there are a few places will have a certain degree of difficulty.

It also embodies the essence of translation is to have a culture of communication and Exchange. Especially in life, you have to be very familiar with applying it so that its examination has really served its purpose. Along with the internationalization of the Chinese, increasing the pace of opening to, I believe, sometimes we go out of the country people will ask, Chinese traditional hell what to say? A college English teacher, teacher Jiang said in Beijing, new edition level 46 is to visit the students actually pay more attention to English proficiency rather than testing capacity of investigation.

Ginger t: it was mostly a test application, you see, Cloze test, for example we cancelled, it was multiple choice, quick reading choice was cancelled. Multiple choice questions are obvious, its proportion of declining, meaning that guessing and cast declined, in fact, on the basis of your true self, you see, is the translation of this piece, based on practical abilities of writing this piece.

(Original title: English 46 "after changing faces" four great inventions of China wind translation beats candidates)

(Edit: SN095)December 15, 2013 China broadcast network(英语四六级题型玩中国风 翻译四大发明难倒考生|考生|四六级|翻译_新闻资讯

  央广网北京12月15日消息(记者侯艳 刘玉蕾)据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,昨天,全国大学英语四六级考试举行,这是改革后的新版四六级考试 首次亮相,也是继2005年四六级考试改革后题型的再次大变动。昨天上午的四级考试一结束,考生们关于四六级考试相关讨论立即登上微博热门话题前三名,一些考生高呼"水土不服"。














(原标题:英语四六级“变脸后”大玩中国风 翻译四大发明难倒考生)


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