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Count 20,130 reversal news

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/16 0:34:27 Browse times: 336 Comment times: 0

Count 20,130 reversal news(盘点2013十大逆转新闻)

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Counting 20,130 reversal News: foreigners in Beijing hit Granny Granny news | in | out | _ news

  Summary: "The foreigners help Granny fell down in the streets by the supporter 1800", December 3, the network circulated a set of pictures has caused wide concern. For the "true man" Aunty criticism intensified when events suddenly turn. Beijing police responded by saying foreign man convicted of driving without a license, driving without licence plates for motorcycles and traffic accidents will be punished. Similar news amusing incident, occurred repeatedly in recent years. Both the traditional media, new media, and the media, dissemination of information, to judge the first time impulse, has gone beyond the spirit of care and questioned the authenticity of information. Small make up an inventory found that in 2013 "news banjun dramas" frequently staged. When you uncover the truth, however, it was dismayed, some remorse, reflection.

  "Reverse play" one of the foreigners in Beijing hit events

"Counting" the morning of December 3, one "truth", "middle-aged lady grabbed fell, foreign men suspected of being blackmailed," network news is the major portal sites in Home prominently. The core content is the text: on December 2, zuojiazhuang xiangheyuan road, Chaoyang District, Beijing East Street intersection, next to a middle-aged lady, after riding a foreigner when it suddenly fell. Get off foreign guys quickly helped, Granny was a hug, who was hit by a foreigner was injured in the legs to walk, require that foreigners are responsible for. Foreign boy, pale, but Granny was tightly hold his clothes were torn. Soon police arrived, both went to the hospital. After medical examination, x-ray film diagnosis of the aunt was not injured. Lady then came out sick again. Finally after mediation, a foreign boy had to pay 1800 Yuan medical expenses, Granny has just dropped out on their own. Provoked a thousand waves. The press CTR skyrocketed and became "Headliners". No less difficult to understand the truth of user reviews: "country out of business, and living abroad", "the lady was the first to force foreigners to sign ' unequal treaties ' man", "go your own way, away from Granny,! ”

"Afterwards truth" reporter understanding to, this article news of author is this group pictures of shooting who, dang reporter found he Shi, he admits, hit people of that moment he does not presence, just drove en route see foreign men is helped pour in ground of middle-aged woman, will parking watch, scene was told he, middle-aged woman is was foreign men hit pour of, from two name party of quarrel in the, he also basic understanding has event of roughly situation. After you snap a photo, why was he made to the fact that "foreign young man grabbed the woman by the supporter" describes it? He said, "because the middle-aged woman more emotional, but it's a bit exaggerated, coupled with until I saw her lying on the floor, I saw at least two or three minutes, I subconsciously thought more money. "The Beijing police to identify, according to the recording and verification of identification, such foreign man exists without motor vehicle driver's license drivers, vehicles without license plates for two-wheel mopeds, two-wheel motorcycles manned, wrong side of the road and other traffic violations. According to the road traffic safety law and related laws and regulations, has merged its 7th administrative detention and a fine of 1500 dollars.

   "Reverse play" part II: network "Jinan people looting a Daisy"

"Event playback" on November 28, @ CCTV news theme "Jinan people looting a Daisy: flower soaking" weibo, says: "according to authorities wide nets, yesterday thousands of pots of chrysanthemums under the Jinan, Shandong jiefangge were many people looting, the entire scene is a mess, decorated or even an old man in a wheelchair as the ' float '. Finally someone just pull out the flowers, called home to soaking ... ... Steal oranges, Rob Dove and grabbed Daisy ... ... No looting, from what I start support please forward! " Then the King put forward and review times.

"The truth" 10:08 @ Jinan public security Rumor says: "the Chrysanthemum exhibition from October 25 to November 25. Chrysanthemum exhibition after the end of reusable daisy buds, has been recycling Park, remaining Daisy, on their own, and sent away. There is no looting said. "" Cart grab the flower people "is in fact the best spring scenic spot personnel staff.

Volkswagen net reporter "baotu Spring Autumn Chrysanthemum exhibition" organizers--peerless spring scenic spot of baotu spring Management Office. According to the administrative office staff on the liberation Pavilion is an exhibition of this Chrysanthemum Show. Chrysanthemum exhibition in the process, generally high quality of Jinan public, the service also has an associated protective measures, Daisy does not appear lost during the exhibition. Baotu spring Management Office staff, this year's "baotu Spring Autumn Chrysanthemum exhibition" area including the baotu Spring Park, moats, the liberation Pavilion, chrysanthemum exhibition of liberation Pavilion exhibition on November 25 show, exhibition of Chrysanthemum flowering season, staff when dismantling planting chrysanthemums, and has been preserved can reuse items such as flower pots were recycled. "The remaining who had opened up the Daisy, some members of the public can ' change water into wine ', chrysanthemum flowers open longer hours, some broken flower pots can also have other uses, is to allow people to get home. ”

   "Reverse play" ter: Hong Kong Girl believed abducted by mainland events

"Event playback" the evening of November 23, surnamed Wu reported to the young woman, her 6-month-old daughter only with infant car Street Nam Kok Road, Kowloon City, met a woman speaks Putonghua and asking for directions she's enthusiastic guidance, each other left, found inside the vehicle for the girl disappeared, she suspects may I ask Rd to distract their attention, then the accomplice secretly took the baby girl. "Baby turn case" alerting the Kowloon City, many residents are surprised and read about the panic, however, that the Mainland trafficker "scored" in Hong Kong, families with children are nervous, and they want the police to solve the case as soon as possible, get "missing" girls. Apart from police search, but Hong Kong celebrities, members of the community also responded positively enthusiastic netizens set up thematic groups on the Internet, there are tens of thousands of Internet users join. Calls for drivers to check the front of the drive-by video cameras, to see whether there are videotaped the process of the crime or suspected human face appearance. At the same time, some netizens in the mainland also launched the "human flesh search", the words "trafficked" baby girl photo spread, desiring to assist the girls were recovered.

"The truth" after 10 days of cracked cases full of twists. Face days of questioning by the police investigation, Wu finally admitted that her daughter had not disappeared, even more surprising is Kat, sunny morning had died at home on November 17, dead bodies have long been abandoned to the trash, while Wu under the panic about daughter cavity women ask for directions where the Mainland disappeared after the story. Another Hong Kong media reports that Wu in the morning of November 17 finds out his daughter does not have any responsive, that girl had been suffocated to death, panic and baby girl body in a violin case, pretending to throw garbage into the trash, and suspected RUF at a later date, falsely claiming that was stolen from her daughter. The afternoon of December 2, said the Hong Kong, Kowloon West regional corps, a 31-year old mother of a baby girl Wu suspected of committing crime of illegal handling of dead bodies, have been detained for further investigation, police confirmed that the case did not involve child stealing.

  "Reverse play" v: networks "v" Xue Manzi was arrested

"Event playback" national Internet Information Office, the Ministry of public security and other departments to treat online rumors soon, Internet v Xue Manzi was arrested. One time, a public outcry. It was suspected that Xue Manzi "convicted".

"The truth" on August 25, SINA weibo @ peace of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, Beijing released a microblogging, confirmed the previous day began to circulate news of Xue Manzi detained on suspicion of prostitution. The Tweets said, according to public reports, Chaoyang on August 23, 2013, a district in the North of An Hui Xue and Zhang seized for prostitution, two-person prostitution confessed. At present, the police have for two persons held in administrative detention in accordance with law. The tiny reveal, 22 years old from Henan. Xue Manzi last article on SINA weibo microblog updates for August 23.

Mastermind farce pushes down "corpse" car in the downtown, many people watching.

Drama participants acted very descriptive.

CCTV's prime focus details "zhashi" farce.

At about 6 o'clock in the afternoon, "the dead" can't stand the heat, "resurrection" and ran.

  "Reverse play" six: Chengguan "beat" street vendors "zhashi"

"" Event "playback" on stretchers covered with white cloth, "dead", surrounding a group of "family" mourning on his knees crying, and placed wreaths in downtown "beg" ... ... On August 3, Wuhan jianghan road users upload a group "Chengguan killings", family "lifting body" photos of the protests, netizens quickly raised the sight. In time, the "urban killings, there are pictures and the truth", "wooden Tenri, Chengguan are bad effects of" urban network denounced everywhere.

The "truth" that afternoon, this "victim" suddenly got up and out from under the cart mineral water drink, say "too hot to sit through a" schematic companions to leave. Jianghan district, Wuhan City Administration departments responded, Chengguan Department regulation violations accounted for line of business on the day, some vendors refuses to cause scuffles and later staged "zhashi" farce in order to claim compensation.

Vendors play dead denounced the city of Wuhan unbearable heat "zhashi"

  "Banjun dramas" of the seven: "cleaner heat little girl umbrella" incident

"Event playback" August 1, express news report dismissed such a mixed news: a sanitation worker passed out on the floor, passers-by on the sidelines not stepped forward, only a young girl sitting next to her umbrella, child appeal, two passers-by eventually rescued. News spread instantly stirred public opinion all over the city, reflections about social indifference to punch the way of the world and the heart of human being again.

"Afterwards truth" However, as interview of in-depth, new express reporter found, this up event another has tricky, passed out in to of sanitation workers and umbrella girls of met, is not room truth, and just one "paid performances", burst material people is more like is this out play of Director, its motives and purpose temporarily unknown, but various signs has displayed, this is following two years Qian that up "knelt climbed mother" event zhihou of and together malicious hype event. This "human life genuine feeling" is actually "paid performances". All the touching episode, are all carefully planned out. After much effort collapsed reporter found the photos of female sanitation worker Tang Street, through her story we know that photo of love that, turned out to be an elaborate publicity stunt. "They said they wanted me to shoot a advertising that sells umbrellas, how do we know is ... ... If I knew it was gonna be on newspaper of lying, how much money, I don't do. "Soup Lady says that she herself is also being used by the other victims.

  "Reverse play" VIII: Incubator "roast" baby dies of infection

"" Event "playback" July 18 late, a article name for "Fujian Quanzhou children's Hospital roast died newborn" of micro-Bo in online pass opened, netizens "cute of waist between disc Ah" micro-Bo said "Quanzhou children's Hospital a just was born 12 days of baby put insulation box, due to temperature too high, alive was roast died", its dispensed of number Zhang photos more is shocking. A time, network formation massive denunciation in the hospital on "lean" trend, one of the hospital's newborn parents even give their children handle the referral procedures.

"The truth" the industry believes, possibility of baby incubator Burns baby is small, hospital incubator power is limited, cannot rise to the Baidu on high heat. The afternoon of July 19, quality inspection department in Quanzhou incubator complete detection of the infant was alive, he used found the indicators are consistent with standards, official identification for the girl dies of infection in Fujian province.

Beijing police announced on May 2 and May 3 early morning two-stage market surveillance video showing Yuan from entering the Mall until the fall, actions are free, without any trailing and hijacking.

  "Reverse play" ten: Shenzhen "most beautiful" girls gone to the disabled beggars fed events

"Event playback" March 25, a article name for "$literal girl Street to disability beggars feeding, moved passers-by" of micro-Bo was netizens large forward, one in Shenzhen worked of $literal girl Wen fang, in joy coast of a exhibition sold tickets, March 24 in ran into one in street begging of disability elderly, this girl not only pay for elderly buy Bento, also a mouth to will rice feed into elderly mouth, also claimed to for elderly looking for family, this a scene was took Xia has widely forward. Netizens said, the girl known as "Shenzhen is the most beautiful girl".

"The truth" after media investigations found that this is made of fake news network push plan, whose purpose is to hype the story mentioned in the trade fairs. This "beauty" to "ugly" event, so many users of relish in the early "positive energy", instantly became shock and even anger "shock". The morning of March 28, the mastermind behind the events of "golden spring hero" apology, admit loving girl is a hyped event, and this story involved the media also issued apologies.

(Edit: SN091)December 13, 2013 The website(盘点2013十大逆转新闻:北京老外撞大妈在列|真相|新闻|大妈_新闻资讯

  核心提示: “老外街头扶摔倒大妈遭讹1800元”,12月3日网络流传的一组图片引起广泛关注。就在针对“讹人”大妈的抨击愈演愈烈之际,事件发展却突然转向。北京警方回应称,外籍男子因存在无证驾驶、驾驶无牌照摩托车及交通肇事行为,将被处罚。类似的新闻乌龙事件,近年来一再发生。无论是传统媒体、新媒体、还是自媒体,第一时间传播信息、评头论足的冲动,已经超越了对信息真实性的谨慎和质疑精神。小编盘点发现,2013年“新闻反转剧”频频上演。然而当真相大白于天下时,有人惊愕,有人懊悔,有人反思。










   【事件真相】经过10天的侦破,案件峰回路转。面对警方连日盘问调查,吴某终于承认女儿并未失踪,更让人吃惊的是小凯晴早于11月17日就已在家中死亡,尸体也早已被抛弃至垃圾桶,而吴某在惊慌之下编造了女儿在遇内地腔女子问路后失踪的故事。 另有港媒消息称,吴某于11月17日上午发现女儿对外界没有任何反应,认为女婴已经窒息死亡,大惊之下将女婴遗体放入一个小提琴盒内,假装成垃圾扔进了垃圾桶,并在事后故布疑阵,谎称被人偷走女儿。12月2日下午,香港西九龙总区总队表示,31岁的女婴之母吴某涉嫌犯有非法处理尸体罪,已将其扣留作进一步调查,警方已确认该案情并不涉及拐带儿童。











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