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Bureau of communications of Liaoning faku 300,000 migrant workers wages

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/16 0:33:37 Browse times: 349 Comment times: 0

Bureau of communications of Liaoning faku 300,000 migrant workers wages(辽宁法库交通局拖欠民工30万工资)

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Bureau of communications of Liaoning faku 300,000 migrant workers wages | | Liaoning faku | _ the traffic news

Yonge wide network Beijing, December 13 (Xinhua Luan Hong intern Ren Yuqian) according to the voice of the news report in the evening peak, close to Chinese new year, migrant workers over unpaid wages and become an issue of social concern. In Shenyang in faku County, Liaoning province, way to repair a year ago, the Secretary for transport has been completed, road workers hard money has not been paid. This afternoon, in faku County traffic Bureau Deputy Director Wang Feng admits there are defaults. Faku County Government is prepared to arrange special funds to address migrant workers ' wages.

In 2011, the connecting Jia Tun, faku County City of ceramic and clay package line started by the highway law. Waist packs in France by more than 60 people in the village line the fourth section Road, but since last year, hasn't made a wage at the construction site. Project was completed in late August last year, migrant workers ' wages have not up to now.

Migrant workers: a project for two years, up to now have failed to resolve. The sixty or seventy people now labor costs still owed 300,000, not including machinery and material costs.

To the villagers, is a life-saving money in arrears. Villager Liu Yongjun is responsible for a car at the site, now has more than 4,000 yuan of wages didn't get it back. In April, he was hit on the leg, has no money to operation:

Liu Yongjun: this leg now has 4,800 bucks, have done the surgery, buy spray and take anti-inflammatory medicine, operating on both legs, didn't give any results until now.

Find contract Liu kaiming, head of journalists, he said, fourth section was contracted by the mine construction project of Benxi steel limited, Benxi, and he signed a subcontract. They team hired migrant workers. Now can't pay wages because the Government does not require paid engineering team works under the contract.

Liu kaiming: Government stated that it is very good. Completed the first year giving you 50%, 30% for the second year, the third year is 20%. As part of this exercise, that we won't owe farmers money.

Reporter: migrant workers looking for you over and over, right?

Liu kaiming: find me one too many times. But now I have nothing. Overdraft cards are used in money spent.

Construction of the evolute "BT model", roads are built out of investors, government investment in phases. According to the contract, in faku County Government money that should be paid at least 80% at the end of this year. Engineering Manager, said Sun Jing, project Fund has so far paid only about 38%, still owes more than 18 million.

Sun Jing: I ask, they say next week. Old pushing. Has been pushed up to now.

In construction terms, wages of migrant workers, head of construction on the verge of bankruptcy, all because of Government default in faku County. This afternoon, in faku County traffic Bureau Deputy Director Wang Feng admitted that there are defaults. Faku County traffic Bureau Deputy Director Wang Feng said, reported that after the broadcast of the voice of China, faku County Government held a meeting to study the next step program, ready to arrange special funds to address migrant workers ' wages.

Wang Feng: last week, I was with us for security research, borrowed from other projects for $ 350,000. This morning, the County Government also met to study the next scheduled special fund to address migrant workers ' wages, have made concrete arrangements.

Wang Feng said evolute 5 section show varying degrees of farmer workers ' wages, Bureau of transportation statistics will next Monday a specific amount of arrears. Why is money owed to migrant workers friend? Wang Feng, Secretary for transport did not have a direct answer, saying only that financial difficulties.

Wang Feng: financially difficult, this project is subsidized by the Shenyang Municipal Department in charge of transportation funds and local matching funds. Now funding a majority, some of this money did not put in place. Towards the implementation of most of the funds next year.

According to Deputy Director Wang Feng said, migrant workers ' wages will have a next Government arrears with construction money not paid out, the fourth segment engineering unit manager, said Sun Jing, only migrant workers can feel at ease, and builders can also live.

Work rewarded, only right and proper. "Respect for labor", this is not an empty slogan, but we ought to abide by the basic law. Ordinary labourers in migrant workers in our society of friends. It was cold, flat, don't get wages, cold hearts.

(Original title: Deputy Director of the Bureau of communications of Liaoning faku 300,000 migrant workers wages acknowledged breach)

(Edit: SN064)December 13, 2013 China broadcast network(辽宁法库交通局拖欠民工30万工资|辽宁|法库|交通局_新闻资讯

  央广网北京12月13日消息 (记者栾红 实习记者任玉茜)据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,临近年关,农民工讨薪又成为社会关注的问题。在辽宁省沈阳市法库县,交通局要修的路一年多前早已完工,可修路农民工的辛苦钱至今没有付清。今天下午,法库县交通局副局长王峰承认的确存在违约现象。法库县政府准备安排专项资金解决农民工工资问题。

















(原标题:辽宁法库交通局拖欠民工30万工资 副局长承认违约)


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