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2012 North Guangxi premature death due to air pollution more than 8,000 persons

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/16 0:31:48 Browse times: 223 Comment times: 0

2012 North Guangxi premature death due to air pollution more than 8,000 persons(2012年北上广西安因空气污染早死人数逾8千人)

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2012 North number of premature deaths due to air pollution in Guangxi more than 8,000 | PSG _ | | XI ' an air pollution news

Authorities wide nets in Beijing December 14, according to voice of the news report in the evening peak, this period of time, because the cold air coming, in fact, Beijing's air quality is still relatively good, but a lot of the media is still today focus on PM2.5 as a theme. Given that a survey showed that residents of PSG in first-tier cities such as respiratory monitoring abnormal rate is on the rise, culprit is air pollution or PM2.5.

The report from the China medical doctor Association and Beijing health safeguard Association study, a survey of 20 cities across the country, 680,000 people after medical exams, the report found, compared to 3 years ago, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system medical exception rate rose significantly. Mainly because of the inhalable particulate matter in the air pollution, 43% of city residents said they had developed palpitations, fatigue, dizziness, difficulty breathing and other unusual symptoms of the cardiovascular system.

China Meteorological Administration, emergency and disaster mitigation and public services Secretary Chen Zhenlin had previously said in 2013 in the average number of days of haze to 4.7 days, representing perennial 2.4 days is closer to three times larger, already up to 52 ppm; an increasing trend in North China, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and South China. Most areas of East annual haze days for 25-100 days and some places over 100 days.

  2012 North Guangxi premature death due to air pollution more than 8,000 persons

Haze continued to increase on the one hand, on the other hand are residents increased respiratory rate of checked exceptions. No matter who, is easy to draw an equal sign between those two. But Pan Xiaochuan Professor, Peking University School of public health hosted a study pointed out that under the existing air quality in 2012, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xian number of premature deaths caused by air pollution reaches 8,572 people, a loss of more than 6 billion yuan.

Pan Xiaochuan: forms the basis of our 2010 pollution data to project in four cities, simply the number of deaths caused by PM2.5, in here, we are sulphur dioxide, PM10, meteorological factors are controlled, get is simply caused by the increase in PM2.5 excess deaths caused by acute effects, in reality the PM2.5 will have some chronic effects.

Coincidentally, the Chinese Academy of engineering Dr Zhong Nanshan said, PM2.5 has formed a direct link between pollution and respiratory diseases.

Dr Zhong Nanshan: haze on the cardiovascular, cerebrovascular has an impact on the nervous system, but brunt's respiratory system. There used to be a statistic, an increase in PM2.5 of 10 μg, respiratory disease hospitalization rates increased 3.1%. If increased from 25 mg to 200 mg, daily (respiratory disease) should increase by CFR 11%. It should be said that air pollution is a very important reason.

For day-to-day first come into contact with the patient's physician, they are also very intuitive feel, when air quality is poor, hospital out patients increases. Peking Union Medical College Hospital doctor Xu wenbing, Director of internal medicine, especially patients who came to Beijing from overseas, a lot of people reacted directly, and cough.

Xu wenbing: do not have a cough in Beijing, in fact, a lot of people have this feeling, to Beijing, throat not suited, because the contaminants can be formed to mucosal stimulation, it will form a chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract, inducing coughing and wheezing.

  Respiratory medicine physicians: recent asthma-prone or haze-related

Respiratory medicine physician is Miss Queenie Lau, and let the air force general hospital care, as well as increase in asthma patients. In her view, recent unusual increase in patients with respiratory effects may have been influenced by other factors such as the cold air, but this season should not be prone to asthma.

Is Miss Queenie Lau: the symptoms of asthma cases are also on the rise, arguably not in this season of onset of asthma, asthma is generally in the spring and fall, outpatient found lately I was increasing incidence of asthmatic patient this time, estimate or haze weather has certainly related.

  Dr Zhong Nanshan: a special outdoor workers should be given special protection

Currently has as much response to potential heavy pollution weather has drawn up contingency plans, for ordinary people, if caught in the haze weather, you can also wear a mask, minimize outdoor activities, but for some special for people working outdoors, haze and pollution is that they cannot avoid the problem. In this regard, China Academy of engineering Dr Zhong Nanshan was proposed, should be targeted at these populations by giving them special protection.

Dr Zhong Nanshan: did we have a statistic, traffic police and allergic rhinitis to reach 40%, pharyngitis reached 23%, one-third more than half than ordinary people. Especially now in China's big cities, pollution is a very serious problem, such as in Beijing, even when under severe conditions, personnel working outdoors, is unlikely to change quickly under outdoor environment conditions using a certain protective measures, I think it is necessary.

(Original title: North Canton abnormal respiratory rate caused by PM2.5 increased by more than 8,000 people die young)

(Edit: SN098)December 14, 2013 China broadcast network(2012年北上广西安因空气污染早死人数逾8千人|北上广|西安|空气污染_新闻资讯

  央广网北京12月14日消息 据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,这段时间以来,因为冷空气的来临,其实北京的空气质量还比较好,但是不少媒体还是把PM2.5作为了今天关注的主题。原因是一项调查显示,北上广等一线城市居民呼吸系统监察的异常率正在上升,元凶就是空气污染和PM2.5。
















(原标题:PM2.5致北上广呼吸系统异常率上升 早死人数逾8000人)


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