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Expert: detention measures are expected to be replaced by misdemeanour

Writer: delv Article type: The Military News(军事要闻) Time: 2013/10/27 11:04:40 Browse times: 335 Comment times: 0

Expert: detention measures are expected to be replaced by misdemeanour(专家:劳教措施有望被轻罪处理取代)

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Expert: detention measures are expected to be replaced by misdemeanor | RTL | | Supreme Court of petty offences _ Sina News October 24, 2013 (editors: SN069)

South reporter Cheng Shuwen, according to Xinhua, President of the Supreme People's Court, Party Secretary and Governor Zhou Qiang at the Supreme People's Court yesterday leading party group meeting, courts at all levels to actively cooperate with the reform of the re-education through labour system, explore the perfect minor criminal cases get mechanism, vigorously promoting community correction, effectively extending the trial function, help offenders returning to society as soon as possible. South reporter noted that, since the reform of reeducation-through-labour system since the start of this year, the Supreme Court's official stance for the first time.

Long-term studies of reeducation-through-labour system in Chongqing analysis of Chen Zhonglin, Dean of law, University of the South reporter, Zhou Qiang, a statement conveys the highest law in the reform of reeducation-through-labour system attitudes and tendencies.

"The Supreme Court in favor of replacing detention measures with a misdemeanor, for acts that violated, directly in accordance with the criminal case to deal with and has not violated, is a misdemeanor. "Chen Zhonglin said, which is gradually emerged from the referee in cases since last year.

Chen Zhonglin said, it can be expected that as Supreme Court requires courts at all levels are implemented, will reduce or even cancel the detention measures from its source.

(Original title: detention measures are expected to be replaced by misdemeanor)

The Southern Metropolis daily(专家:劳教措施有望被轻罪处理取代|劳教|轻罪|最高法_新浪新闻2013年10月24日03:20(编辑:SN069)

  南都讯 记者程姝雯 据新华社消息,最高人民法院党组书记、院长周强昨天在最高人民法院党组会上提出,各级法院要积极配合劳教制度改革,探索完善轻微刑事案件快审快结机制,大力推进社区矫正工作,有效延伸审判职能,帮助罪犯早日回归社会。南都记者注意到,这是今年自劳教制度改革启动以来,最高法首次作出的官方表态。






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