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Railway construction for hospitality to investigate irregularities in personnel is alleged to drink three glasses

Writer: delv Article type: The Military News(军事要闻) Time: 2013/10/27 10:43:27 Browse times: 360 Comment times: 0

Railway construction for hospitality to investigate irregularities in personnel is alleged to drink three glasses(中铁建针对招待费查处违规人员被指罚酒三杯)

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Railway construction for hospitality to investigate irregularities in railway construction in the persons alleged drink three glasses | | | sky-high hospitality drink three cups _ Sina News October 24, 2013 (editors: SN094)

  Railway construction in the "drink three glasses" too light

Modern Express Chief commentator Zephyr

Yesterday, "Xinhua editorial" by China railway construction really expensive hospitality to comment: long-standing problems to deep, there is no slack. Turn style sword was placed, why problems still abound? How many cases there are immersed in the "sea level" of Bush and brake? On account of staff will investigated only "drink three cups"? What changes, change the pattern still indiscriminate and the line?

In comparison to other typical cases investigated, railway construction in "8.37 hospitality" events are not satisfactory. Preliminary results of a special inspection is: total criticized 57 people, party and Government disciplines disposition 8, transferred to judicial organs for 1 person. Commission statistics also showed that by the end of August, China had investigated eight provisions 12,099, 13,999 people were processed.

Spent more than eight million, and indeed existence of invoicing irregularities, claims procedures not rigorous, some issues, such as improper use of ledger, but 66 disciplinary accountability of offenders, it is gently aloft, coy. The public did not know the man who had been transferred to judicial organs who, what position? Circulate a notice of criticism and the party and Government disciplines established by the signing during the "boss"? Said the results deliberately favour, deliberately reek of indulgence, is not an exaggeration.

"Costly hospitality" is indeed widespread Central enterprises, and have no access to effective diagnosis and treatment of problems for a long time.

Reported yesterday: 18 hospitality Central enterprises listed companies more than 3.1 billion, said everyone in the industry can not help but look. So, this process provides another kind of "model"? Public about it a great deal.

Problem is just the tip of the railway construction in a corner, use a railway was built as a target without causing the resistance of the latter. Investigate and deal with violations of the eight provisions on corruption "moods", "the moves" will only make the question more and more, torture has caused: the 800 million dollars spent on what? Guest who? Who is approved?

We can probably guess that really be held accountable, are those who can eat delicacies, have no access to Jean mash wine finance staff, feast officials blame them all. Such accountability, not only could be further punished, and the lack of deterrent effect. If there is no head of self-knowledge, self-discipline, like really expensive to eat and drink, lavish reception, excessive gifts there will be endless.

In May this year, when China tiejianchao 800 million Yuan entertainment expenses problems after exposure, a society is in shock, the people's daily "people's micro-evaluation" to "put his flesh in the State-owned assets? Entitled "torture issued, but Zhao Guangfa, Chief Executive of China railway construction company in an interview with voice of the economy when he said is bullshit. China railway construction Supervisory Board Chairman and Secretary of Qi Xiaofei don't think huge hospitality there is a problem. "Protect the calf parents", the enterprise there sky-high hospitality event, what strange?

Railway construction in the "sky-high hospitality", and the current nation, none of the "mirror, bath wash and treat disease" atmosphere far from. The Commission requested a thorough investigation into the matter, SASAC discipline Inspection Commission Secretary Qiang Weidong Wang requirements and China railway construction discipline Inspection Commission Qi Xiaofei books sign verified report back the results. But today's results, it is clear that it is difficult to tell.

"Drink three cups", have their own reasons, also with "punishment is not moved forcefully on" traditional habits. Indeed, the Central enterprises for outstanding contributions to the economic construction of the State, legitimate and necessary hospitality is allowed. But cannot be considered extravagant for a reasonable, illegal things. Enterprises are public property. Public awareness of the "costly hospitality" repugnant, must not be allowed 800 million dollars "fog".

Railway construction in the hope of "drink three cups" can be corrected! It cannot be bypassed by a starting point.

Modern express(中铁建针对招待费查处违规人员被指罚酒三杯|中铁建|天价招待费|罚酒三杯_新浪新闻2013年10月24日04:02(编辑:SN094)


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