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Underground men do logistics employment in colleges and universities in Beijing, earns 3,600 Yuan

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/12 9:31:06 Browse times: 270 Comment times: 0

Underground men do logistics employment in colleges and universities in Beijing, earns 3,600 Yuan(北京住井下男子高校就业做后勤,月入3600元)

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Underground men do logistics employment in colleges and universities in Beijing earns 3,600 Yuan (photo) | | | underground employment in colleges and universities _ news

"Many humans lived for many years Lido area 3 metres underground" track

The Beijing News (by Jenny Liu) sit in the burning heat of a school dormitory, Wang Xiuqing kept touching my employment contract. He said goodbye to 10 years of underground life.

Yesterday was Wang Xiuqing "wells" on the 4th day, Beijing City College signed a labour contract with him, he remained there for the rest of one logistics staff, difficulties will receive 2,600 Yuan monthly salary and 1000 Yuan subsidy, the school also offered him free room and Board. The school official said Wang Xiuqing can start from the greening of the campus, classroom maintenance simple, finding expertise can provide job training.

Beijing Chaoyang District Lido Hotel near Wang Xiuqing and forced by living, working, and scavengers who for many years lived in heat, in which Wang Xiuqing lived at the bottom of a 10-year.

  Monthly income of up to 3,600 Yuan

Yesterday afternoon, the Beijing City University personnel department within the Office of Wang Xiuqing took up the pen, write their names on a labor contract.

Before signing a contract, staff when seeking his intention of working at the school for several years, Wang Xiuqing touched the prisoner didn't know what yarn hat, smiled and said, "3 years, 5 years. "After negotiations, Wang Xiuqing logistics for General Affairs Office for 3 years at the school, one month's probation, schools had prepared for him a green jacket Andes as overalls, Wang Xiuqing tried it," just fit ".

In accordance with the contracts, after a one-month trial (paid 2,500 dollars), Wang Xiuqing got 2,600 Yuan a month salary, school Charity Fund will also give him 1000 hardship grants, also addresses social security issues for him.

Director of the Office of the principal of the school had said, after media reports that Wang Xiuqing, the Rector immediately expressed willingness to provide jobs for several teachers to the King family, "employment, the school will give Wang an adaptation of Chef time, let him start with green seat repair these simple maintenance, classroom work, if he has skills, schools can also arrange specialized job training. ”

  "I'll debt after recipients"

Wang Xiuqing also moved into the dormitory provided by the free school, school teaching of the second floor in a room of about 10 square meters.

Two bunks, next door, covered with blue sheets is Wang Xiuqing shop Windows, on the table in front of the TV, heating the House sent shivers up his nose, he and the school's custodial staff Liu became co-workers and roommates.

"I went from underground to above ground into the schools, further education. "Wang Xiuqing joked reduce media surrounded by tensions," thank you "he said most of the words in these two days," children tuition settlement, it found, was reassuring. ”

In recent days, Wang Xiuqing had received public donations of tens of thousands of dollars, a donation envelope that says "to pay tribute to the father of self-improvement."

Wang Xiuqing said that after recipients, he worked hard, get 60,000 yuan debt a little bit, "first I take 30,000 janitors, people even want IOU, I move there, fear of mind is not at ease. ”



  Old man was back to Henan in underground home

Prior to this, living near Lido Hotel thermal underground and three others said they're minquan people in Henan province.

Yesterday, minquan Han confirmed that of the propaganda Department of Henan province, with the help of villagers in Henan, they found in the Beijing Clinic last name old lady who used to live in underground, then came home for his civil rights. Granny currently undergoing a physical exam and learned that it would do after dinner, Government contact your local nursing home, has asked her to provide a canteen Cook jobs.

Han introduction, old lady working in Beijing, live improvised canopy removed, can't afford to pay rent to live in underground and lives by scavenging and begging.

"After the media attention, she said that under a lot of pressure, now reluctant to be interviewed. "Mr Han says, among old things, the remaining two men, not the civil rights of people living underground," if they are the people of our County, the Government must be responsible for them. ”

Related: Beijing underground man signed a labor contract that happiness comes suddenly

(Original title: saying goodbye to the "bottom man" Wang Xiuqing College placement)

(Edit: SN035)December 11, 2013 The Beijing News(北京住井下男子高校就业做后勤 月入3600元(图)|高校|井下|就业_新闻资讯

  ■ “多人长年居住丽都地区3米井下”追踪

  新京报讯 (记者刘珍妮)坐在烧着暖气的学校宿舍里,王秀青不住地摸着手里的劳动合同。他彻底告别了10年的井下生活。














  ■ 追访







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(原标题:告别“井底人”生活 王秀青高校就业)


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