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State Council issued national nature reserve management regulations

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State Council issued national nature reserve management regulations(国务院印发国家级自然保护区调整管理规定)

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 State Council issued national nature reserve

Management notification provided

Letter (2013)

Provincial, autonomous regional and municipal people's Governments, ministries, organizations directly under the State Council:

The national nature reserve management regulations issued to you, please carefully implemented. Originally approved by the State environmental protection administration of the national nature reserve and Ribbon to adjust for range adjustment and change of name rules repealed.

The State Council

On December 2, 2013

(Public release)

National nature reserve management regulations

First to strengthen the construction and management of national nature reserves, national nature reserve of the effective protection of the environment, natural resources and biodiversity, in accordance with the People's Republic of China nature reserve Ordinance and other relevant provisions, these provisions are formulated.

Second national nature reserve is a typical significance both at home and abroad, has a major international impact in science or special scientific interest, and approved by the State Council approved the establishment of nature reserves.

Scope of the provisions of this article apply to the national nature reserve adjustments, adjust and change the name of the Ribbon.

Range adjustment, refers to the expansion of the outer limit of national nature reserves, reduced or internal and external interregional exchanges.

Adjust the Ribbon, is a national nature reserve in core areas, buffer zones, within the experimental area adjustments.

To change the name, refers to protection of geographical names in the national nature reserve of the original name change or change.

Article fourth environmental protection Administrative Department under the State Council is responsible for supervision and management of national nature reserve adjustments. Competent administrative authorities in their respective areas of responsibility within the national nature reserve management work.

Article fifth national nature reserve shall not be adjusted freely.

Adjust national nature reserve, in principle, not narrow the area of core areas, buffer zones, should ensure effective protection of the main protected object, without damaging the integrity of the ecosystems and ecological processes, without compromising the biological diversity, may not change the nature reserve. Area is too small and cannot meet the protection needs of national nature reserves, extend the term of protection should be encouraged.

Approve or adjust the date of national nature reserve, in principle, revised shall be carried out in five years.

Adjustments should be avoided and a national scenic area in national nature reserve new overlap in scope.

Sixth national nature reserve, the following conditions may apply for adjustment:

(A) lead to major changes in natural conditions protected significant changes in the living environment;

(B) approved the establishment of towns or cities in the region before the main city and other densely populated areas, and does not have the protected value;

(C) the construction of national key projects required. National major projects include the approval of the State Council, approved construction projects, in the approval of the relevant departments of the State Council or the State Department authorized planning and construction projects will start construction in the near future.

(D) is the seat of major changes in place names, the main protected object, can apply for a name change.

Seventh principal protection is one of the following circumstances, adjustment shall not be reduced core area or on protected areas regional exchange within the core area:

(A) the typical natural eco-systems of its kind in the world, and for the world's rare and endangered types;

(B) only or very special natural monuments in the world, and remains of the type, contents, size comparison of international significance;

(C) the key protected species at the national level.

Eighth is the major national construction projects needed to adjust reserves, may not bring up the core areas, buffer zones, in principle.

The construction unit shall carry out construction of ecological risk assessment, and relevant information to the public.

Except in defence of major construction projects, due to major construction projects construction adjustments in national nature reserve, in principle may not be adjusted again.

Nineth adjustment range of national nature reserves, national nature reserve of the seat of the provincial, autonomous regional and municipal people's Governments or related nature reserve administrative departments of the State Council to apply to the State Council. Apply nature reserve administrative departments concerned under the State Council, should first consult the State-level nature reserve, seat of the provincial, autonomous regional and municipal people's Governments.

Ribbon adjusted national nature reserve or change the name, the national nature reserve is located in provincial, autonomous regional and municipal people's Governments applied to the nature reserve administrative departments concerned under the State Council, with a copy to the State Council Administrative Department of environmental protection.

Tenth Article adjust the declarations of national nature reserves must include: Declaration, comprehensive scientific investigation reports, master planning and adjustment demonstration report, color charts, photographs, and audio-visual information, photo gallery and parts.

Adjustment range and function declarations in national nature reserve of the related requirements, Administrative Department of environmental protection by the State Council in conjunction with the relevant administrative departments to develop nature reserves.

11th due to construction of national key projects need to adjust the range of national nature reserves, or Ribbon, except as provided in this article the tenth request materials, please provide the following documents:

(A) the project approval documents;

(B) the opinions of the relevant administrative departments under the State Council;

(C) the nature reserve management and the nature reserve is located in and around the public consultation;

(D) the topic of effects of construction of nature reserve demonstration report;

(E) the production and living conditions of the people and places where reporting;

(Vi) ecological protection and compensation programmes and related agreements.

The materials can be used as preparation of the construction project environmental impact report and project approval basis.

12th national nature reserve assessment Committee is responsible for adjusting the scope and function of assessment in national nature reserve.

National nature reserve, adjusting the scope and function of assessment in accordance with the assessment criteria and assessment procedures carried out in national nature reserve.

Vetting Committee in the first instance of organized the 13th national nature reserve, in situ, remote sensing monitoring process, the following circumstances are discovered, no review, and promptly notify the reporting units:

(A) the reporting procedures are incomplete;

(B) the declared material content is not comprehensive, not true;

(C) the environment exists within the nature reserve.

Range adjustments applied article 14th national nature reserve, after they have been reviewed by, coordinated by the Administrative Department of environmental protection under the State Council and make recommendations for approval, approved by the State Council.

Request for name change in national nature reserve, nature reserve administrative departments concerned under the State Council to coordinate and make recommendations for approval, approved by the State Council.

National nature reserve Ribbon adjustment applications after they have been reviewed by, and nature reserves approved by the administrative authorities concerned under the State Council, environmental protection Administrative Department under the State Council for the record.

15th national nature reserve adjusted after approval from environmental protection Administrative Department under the State Council released four to scope and function of their size, zoning, nature reserve of local people's Governments shall, within three months from the date of publication of organization complete their prospection Pharos, announce it.

Ribbon adjusted after approval in national nature reserve, published by the nature reserve administrative departments concerned under the State Council, nature reserve of local people's Governments shall, within three months from the date of publication of organization complete their prospection Pharos, announce it.

National nature reserve, to change the name after approval, by the reporting units shall be published.

Units of the 16th and one of the following acts, environmental protection Administrative Department under the State Council or the nature reserve administrative departments concerned under the State Council shall order the rectification, and investigated and dealt with according to the law:

(A) unauthorized, unauthorized adjustment, change the name of the national nature reserve, scope or Ribbon;

(B) is not in accordance with approved programmatic national nature reserve or Ribbon;

(C) declarations, falsification, concealment of material facts.

Unauthorised adjustments result of serious threats and damage to the protected object, the relevant responsible persons, nature reserves in environmental protection Administrative Department under the State Council or the relevant administrative department may apply to the unit, the higher administrative authorities or administrative recommendations made by supervisory organs.

Especially severe for the destruction, loss of national nature conservation value, can be submitted to the approval of the State Council approved the establishment of the program, disqualify, and to investigate the relevant responsible persons of legal liability.

December 11, 2013 Government network(国务院印发国家级自然保护区调整管理规定|自然保护区|国务院|调整_新闻资讯










  第一条 为加强国家级自然保护区的建设和管理,有效保护国家级自然保护区的环境、资源和生物多样性,根据《中华人民共和国自然保护区条例》及其他有关规定,制定本规定。

  第二条 国家级自然保护区是指在国内外有典型意义、在科学上有重大国际影响或者有特殊科学研究价值,并经国务院批准建立的自然保护区。

  第三条 本规定适用于国家级自然保护区的范围调整、功能区调整及更改名称。




  第四条 国务院环境保护行政主管部门负责国家级自然保护区调整监督管理工作。国务院有关行政主管部门在各自的职责范围内负责对国家级自然保护区调整管理工作。

  第五条 对国家级自然保护区不得随意调整。




  第六条 存在下列情况的国家级自然保护区,可以申请进行调整:





  第七条 主要保护对象属于下列情况的,调整时不得缩小保护区核心区面积或对保护区核心区内区域进行调换:




  第八条 确因国家重大工程建设需要调整保护区的,原则上不得调出核心区、缓冲区。



  第九条 调整国家级自然保护区范围,由国家级自然保护区所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或国务院有关自然保护区行政主管部门向国务院提出申请。由国务院有关自然保护区行政主管部门提出申请的,应事先征求国家级自然保护区所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府意见。


  第十条 调整国家级自然保护区的申报材料应当包括:申报书、综合科学考察报告、总体规划及附图、调整论证报告、彩色挂图、音像资料、图片集及有关附件。


  第十一条 因国家重大工程建设需要调整国家级自然保护区范围或功能区的,除按本规定第十条要求提供材料外,还需提供以下材料:








  第十二条 国家级自然保护区评审委员会负责国家级自然保护区调整范围和功能区的评审工作。


  第十三条 国家级自然保护区评审委员会在组织材料初审、实地考察、遥感监测过程中,发现存在下列情况的,不予评审,并及时通知申报单位:




  第十四条 国家级自然保护区范围调整申请,经评审通过后,由国务院环境保护行政主管部门协调并提出审批建议,报国务院批准。



  第十五条 国家级自然保护区范围调整经批准后,由国务院环境保护行政主管部门公布其面积、四至范围和功能区划图,自然保护区所在地人民政府应当在公布之日起的三个月内组织完成勘界立标,予以公告。



  第十六条 有关单位和个人存在下列行为之一的,由国务院环境保护行政主管部门或国务院有关自然保护区行政主管部门责令限期整改,并依法查处:







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