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Sichuan Institute of technology President suspected of accepting bribes of more than 3 million public prosecution

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/12 9:29:58 Browse times: 245 Comment times: 0

Sichuan Institute of technology President suspected of accepting bribes of more than 3 million public prosecution(四川理工学院院长涉嫌受贿300余万被公诉)

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Sichuan Institute of technology President of taking bribes of more than 3 million were on indictment | | Sichuan bribery | indictable _ news

Chengdu commercial reported news (reporter Wang Ying accounted for) "2002 to 2013 between, Zeng Huanglin in served as Sichuan light chemical College, and Sichuan Polytechnic College Dean during, received bribery amounted to Yuan more than 3 million Yuan......" as important of seized works open carrier, Sichuan province people's Procuratorate official website (Web site: has Yu 9th opened, and active open has this up has major social effects of bribery case. Yesterday, the Provincial Procurator's Office checked Affairs system reform held to promote experimental work of press briefing.

As revealed by the website, Zeng Huanglin used his position and took bribes totaling more than 3 million Yuan. Yibin city people's Procuratorate, the Department of public prosecutions on October 23, 2013, the admissibility of the case, to prosecute to the Yibin municipal intermediate people's Court recently. Attorney-Zeng Huanglin was published not only the facts of the crime, also announced a case of time nodes and processes.

(Original title: Sichuan Institute of technology President Zeng Huanglin was suspected of accepting bribes of more than 3 million Yuan on indictment)

(Edit: SN053)December 11, 2013 Chengdu business daily(四川理工学院院长涉嫌受贿300余万被公诉|四川|受贿|公诉_新闻资讯

  成都商报讯(记者 王英占)“2002年至2013年间,曾黄麟在担任四川轻化工学院、四川理工学院院长期间,收受贿赂共计人民币300余万元……”作为重要的检务公开载体,四川省人民检察院官方网站(网址已于9日开通,并主动公开了这起具有重大社会影响的受贿案。昨日,省检察院召开全面推进检务公开制度改革试点工作的新闻通气会。


(原标题:四川理工学院院长曾黄麟 涉嫌受贿300余万元被公诉)


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