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Hubei jingmen knock down 15 people in the college entrance examination fraud gang, involved over more than 20 provinces and cities

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/12 9:26:45 Browse times: 329 Comment times: 0

Hubei jingmen knock down 15 people in the college entrance examination fraud gang, involved over more than 20 provinces and cities(湖北荆门打掉15人高考舞弊团伙,涉20余省市)

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Hubei jingmen knocked | college entrance exam fraud gangs involved 15 people over more than 20 provinces and cities nationwide fraud _ | | college entrance examination news

CNS, Jingmen, December 11 (reporters Wu Qiyong and Han Hongzhi and Wu Di)-Duodao branch of jingmen city, Hubei Province Public Security Bureau released 10th, took six months, cracked a tone of public security supervision cases suspected of illegally producing and selling spy equipment, arrested 15 suspects in connection with, destroying a coverage over more than 20 provinces and cities nationwide, worth billions of Yuan involved, specializes in the production and sales of cheating devices benefit crime chain. Freshman studying at a certain University in Wuhan, Hu and Jiang Kun, because crime is suspected of illegally producing and selling spy equipment in jingmen city Duodao District Court of first instance sentenced to ten months.

Duodao Public Security Bureau Deputy Director Zhang Xianmao introduction, experienced a six-way track, detection success capturing 15 suspects in connection with the class name. In April 2013, Zhongxiang Hu students studying in Wuhan University, Jiang Kun hand tension, eye to the sale of cheating in college entrance examination, a lucrative activity. Hu online contacts "Shandong" sellers and "huaqiang Electronics" manufacturers, Wang He, has bought back two launchers, 90 "Eraser"-type receiver.

Zhang Wei and Wang He shared "go-live" for Zheng Shi, linyi city, Shandong people. Meanwhile Zhang Cheng Nong and Wang Yu two hands "purchase", from 2011 onwards, in Shenzhen Cheng Nong with Wang Yu with "wise education wireless data transmission" on behalf of the company across the country selling cheating devices.

Zheng Shi to dig at the source, are the top sellers, as "factory" Liu Yang. Statements by Liu Yang, from 2011 onwards, subaqueous and its two people in Shenzhen to purchase spare parts, technical cheat factory OEM production equipment sold throughout the country, nearly 3 million yuan in sales. In the trial of Zheng Shi, he told another in Wuhan "suppliers", identified by the police, "a" 's true identity Zhou Hao.

In early September, subaqueous, Zhou Hao, under strong police pursuit-evasion campaign active surrender and delinquent. Since then, the arrest of 15 suspects in connection with all.

An "Eraser" receiver manufacturers cost price is only 40 Yuan, Hu, Jiang Kun bought from the online price is 70-90 RMB, a transmitter to the dozens of "Eraser" sends a signal, they purchase college entrance exam answers through the network, each course's price of 20000-30000 Yuan, packaged to sell candidates collected 12000-20000 Yuan per person, during which profits can be imagined.

Duodao District Court of jingmen city view, Zhang Wei, Hu, Jiang Kun acts constitute the crime of illegally selling spy equipment, Hu, Jiang Kun was sentenced to ten months, Zhang Wei to a criminal sentenced to six months. The other 12 suspects dealt with. (End text)

(Original title: jingmen, Hubei knock down 15 people involved over more than 20 provinces and cities nationwide college entrance exam fraud gangs)

(Edit: SN091)December 11, 2013 China News Network(湖北荆门打掉15人高考舞弊团伙 涉20余省市|全国|高考|舞弊_新闻资讯

  中新网荆门12月11日电 (吴奇勇 韩红芝 吴迪) 湖北省荆门市公安局掇刀分局10日对外公布,历时半年,破获一起公安部挂牌督办涉嫌非法生产、销售间谍专用器材案件,抓获涉案嫌疑人15名,摧毁一条覆盖全国20余省市、涉案价值千万余元、专门生产、销售考试作弊器材谋利的犯罪链条。在武汉某高校就读大一的江坤和胡斌因为涉嫌非法生产、销售间谍专用器材罪被荆门市掇刀区法院一审判处有期徒刑十个月。







(原标题:湖北荆门打掉15人高考舞弊团伙 涉全国20余省市)


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