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China's first COINS fraud: website run away, whirl away 20 million

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China's first COINS fraud: website run away, whirl away 20 million(中国首例比特币诈骗案:网站跑路,卷走玩家2千万)

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First coins fraud: websites run away players 20 million fraud | | bitcoin | site _ news

-Trainee newspaper reporter Chun Wang newspaper correspondent Li Jin

"I want to buy coins, where to buy?" Buy gold, rather than buying coins "... ... In recent days, in the eyes of many new players, bitcoin this unfamiliar term, he became a short cut to wealth. Meanwhile, the fraud has quietly targeted bitcoin.

Dongyang city, Zhejiang Province, the legal daily reporter, December 10 from public Security Bureau was informed that the Dongyang police recently cracked the first coins to the fraud, more than 500 people being cheated, amounting to 20 million Yuan.

Fried coin 4 days have been lured to 90,000 yuan

On October 22, bullish on coins, Dongyang citizen Joe a bitcoin transactions online search platform, found "GBL".

This reporter learned that, the company Web server located in the United States, the website established on May 27 this year, claiming to be based in Hong Kong, as financial support from large corporations. At the national level, is a well-known bit of currency trading platform. Statistics show that ranks fourth in the country in volume of this platform.

Payment through a third party, Joe, it looks "very good" trading platform recharge 90,000 yuan, fried bitcoin.

Joe never thought, just over 4 days, on October 26, the site will not be able to log on. Joe a contact platform staff, but never got a response. Some normal trade procedures cannot be carried out, after he realized he could be a trap, select an alert right away.

In fact, Joe's is just one of the many victims. The morning of October 26, website inaccessible Home shows hacker extortion message, management team collectively disappears, GBL with many members realized that it was self directed scam, and quickly join the QQ Group exchange information over more than 500 investors to form a "Union of defenders" totals of up to 20 million dollars of losses.

Police investigations found that GBL trading platform can recharge its currency and coins, then conducted similar stock trading can also be done similar to the futures short. Member's investment in the above two ways, site from which is to bet earned fees and revenue. Since the website launch, managers with high returns as bait to attract members to the 10 times leverage.

"Is the same as was 10,000 yuan to 1000 Yuan, for example, if you have 1000 dollars, in case of 10 times leverage, you can buy the rise and buy 10,000 coins. Rose 10% the basis of coins you buy, then you'll earn 1000 Yuan, if-10%, 1000 dollars will be gone. "Handling of civilian police, told reporters.

Police also learned that websites online in the early doubts, expose the company background, the management of identity fraud, but was issued a notice on the site with its exaggerated propaganda apology calmed.

According to industry sources, the recharge members on October 18, began to shift the site of the bitcoin, preparing to abscond with the money.

Task force civilian police work, identified GBL trading platform identity management and hunting. In mid-November, suspect Liu, Jin, Huang worked in Guizhou, Anhui, Shenzhen was captured.

29 Liu is head of the GBL site, stock investment and coins of passion, alias analyst "worry", is well known in the industry, 24, Kim participation site daily operation, 33, Huang is a former colleague, responsible for the site's finances. At present, the case is in the further process.

Coins security risks great

On December 2, when the head of the GBL site was caught when the news spread quickly in the GBL group of victims, people cheered, some Internet users into QQ description "celebrate GBL fraudsters arrested." But this time, a bitcoin exchange rate has moved from GBL and run more than 1000 Yuan the same day, soared to more than 7,300 yuan.

Reporter learned in 2009, officially released the bitcoin system, 1-bit coin prices of only a few cents. But as coins are more and more people recognized, bitcoin surging 4 years tens of thousands of times the price, $ 1 coins up to 266.

In July of this year, Thailand's Central Bank trading realities bitcoins in circulation should be totally banned, become the first country to ban the use of coins.

On December 5, the people's Bank of China and four other ministries issued against the risk of the bitcoin notice within one hour after the notice is published, within the trading platform bitcoin China show, coins denominated prices fell from 6,970 per cent per cent, or 35%.

Bitcoin controversial opinions. Portion of the bitcoin Dongyang Li, bitcoin prospects took a wait-and-see attitude. "Coins are something new, highly speculative, and poor platform security, afraid of climbing higher, fell harder, investment still requires caution. ”

"Potentially risky, bitcoin no cent daily limit like the stock market, overnight, hit lost money might also have been in vain. "Player Zhang told reporters that" the coins must be traded through the trading platform, vulnerable to hacker attacks, theft is not impossible thing to do. ”

Young friends Wang said: "the new development needs a process. I get bitcoins is to follow, I heard that rate, if you are lucky, maybe fired into a House. ”

Bitcoin's prospects are uncertain, but its safety problems have surfaced.

According to introduced, bit coin fraud means main has 3 species: opened shopping website, netizens paid bit coin Hou, businesses not shipping volume paragraph escape; for "miners" con, that has specifically sales "dug mine machine" of businesses, in netizens payment purchased "dug mine machine" Hou, late not shipping; hacker uses technology means, that gets bit coin holds people identity information, again risked with the identity information, cut empty bit coin holds people of "wallet", will bit coin go go. In this regard, the Dongyang police tip: fried coins, should think twice before taking any action.

Staff writer, Dongyang, (Zhejiang) December 10-

-Reporter Zhou Bin mapping

(Original title: website "run" swept away the bit players 20 million)

(Edit: SN053)December 11, 2013 Legal daily(国内首例比特币诈骗案:网站跑路卷走玩家2千万|诈骗案|比特币|网站_新闻资讯



























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