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Banned adjust State-level nature reserves in China

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/12 9:25:05 Browse times: 271 Comment times: 0

Banned adjust State-level nature reserves in China(我国新规禁止随意调整国家级自然保护区)

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Banned adjust State-level nature reserves in China _ | | reserve adjustments | new rules news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 11-11th message according to the Chinese Government, the State Council recently issued the regulations on national nature reserve management. Requirements, shall not be adjusted freely on national nature reserves.

Provides pointed out that national nature reserve is a typical significance both at home and abroad, has a major international impact in science or special scientific interest, and approved by the State Council approved the establishment of nature reserves. Environmental protection Administrative Department under the State Council is responsible for supervision and management of national nature reserve adjustments. Competent administrative authorities in their respective areas of responsibility within the national nature reserve management work.

Requirements, adjust national nature reserve, in principle, not narrow the area of core areas, buffer zones, should ensure effective protection of the main protected object, without damaging the integrity of the ecosystems and ecological processes, without compromising the biological diversity, may not change the nature reserve. Area is too small and cannot meet the protection needs of national nature reserves, extend the term of protection should be encouraged. Approve or adjust the date of national nature reserve, in principle, revised shall be carried out in five years. Adjustments should be avoided and a national scenic area in national nature reserve new overlap in scope.

Provisions stressed that unauthorised adjustments result of serious threats and damage to the protected object, the relevant responsible persons, nature reserves in environmental protection Administrative Department under the State Council or the relevant administrative department may apply to the unit, the higher administrative authorities or administrative recommendations made by supervisory organs. Especially severe for the destruction, loss of national nature conservation value, can be submitted to the approval of the State Council approved the establishment of the program, disqualify, and to investigate the relevant responsible persons of legal liability.

(Edit: SN064)December 11, 2013 The website(我国新规禁止随意调整国家级自然保护区|自然保护区|调整|新规_新闻资讯

  新华网北京12月11日电 据中国政府网11日消息,国务院日前印发了《国家级自然保护区调整管理规定》。规定要求,对国家级自然保护区不得随意调整。





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