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1 Yuan currency coins will is primary in the China in the future

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/12 9:24:53 Browse times: 255 Comment times: 0

1 Yuan currency coins will is primary in the China in the future(今后1元以下货币将以硬币为主)

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1 Yuan currency in the future will be dominated by coins coins | | | currency the Central Bank _ news

When taking the bus, do you like coins, paper bills? Why is the city, people in the South prefer coins, while northerners prefer paper money? Central Bank recently provided, to push a small denomination of currency coins. In future, the currency to less than 1 Yuan coins.

  Central Bank: to improve the utilization rate of existing coins

Recently, the Central Bank said that to soon launch the exchange network to facilitate pushing small sums of coins. In future, the small denomination currencies will be less than 1 Yuan coins.

Central Bank explained that the implementation of small denomination currency coin is primarily intended to increase the usage of existing coins, so as to increase the use of cleanliness. Small denominations of currency coins were perfecting the flow of currency circulation system, and the international monetary system the objective of integration needs. Coins and has a long service life, low follow-up costs and organizing inventory the advantages of easy, low abrasion.

Central Bank officials said, from people's Bank duties, but also to allow people to use clean money, "will put more coin exchange machine to the Metro, supermarkets and other places, user-friendly, improve utilization of coin. ”

  Small-denomination coins in some areas not affected by

Currently, a number of coins used in southern cities or commercial hyper-the emergence of the "coin shortage", this is because the Central Bank entered the market before the coins difficult to withdrawal, essentially sleeping in residents ' savings jar.

Many years ago, the Central Bank, Jinan branch had put 34 railcars 1-dollar coins in 1 year, but still scarce coins in the province of Shandong. This is also confirmed from the side "currency deposit". Obviously, this associated with inadequate circulation of small denominations of currency coins.

In China, the coins in circulation are quite different. For example, Jiangsu, Hebei, Jiangxi province, Shenyang, Shenzhen and other places with more coins, while Beijing, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Fujian, Shanxi, Hainan, Xinjiang and other places commonly used notes.

In addition, although the national amount growing Mint in recent years, but in some areas (such as Guangzhou, Harbin, Tianjin, Shenzhen, etc) is still often appears "coin shortage" phenomenon, caused numerous transactions from being carried out.

Zhengzhou public Wang has the experience, he said, 1 Yuan coin coins being used more in public transport, and Kid Rock on the cradle. Back home in Wang weishi County of Kaifeng, 1 yuan renminbi, stores are not.

Some netizens concluded that: "the moist air of the South, people love to use coins and dirty poor clanging in the North, and love notes. ”

  More provinces have placed a coin exchange machine

In order to increase usage of coins, Bank organization, 29 in Beijing with Chinese commercial banks launched the first coin exchange machine layout work, the next step will be in the supermarket, subway, and more convenient places to put for convenient conversion. In several provinces in China, earlier had appeared the coin exchange machine.

In fact, as early as 1992, a Central Bank official in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Liaoning, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu five pilot provinces and small denomination currency coins, Yuan small denomination currency by areas of a single coin. Because these areas are close to the Mint, lower transport costs and facilitate the rapid transfer of currency. Since 1996, Shanghai, money mainly in coins of small denomination, has now reached the level of currency notes zero puts it. In 2001, the Central Bank also in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shandong launched a pilot of small denomination currency coins.

According to the Henan business news

(Original title: less than 1 currency in the future will be dominated by coins)

(Edit: SN095)December 11, 2013 China business network-China business news(今后1元以下货币将以硬币为主|硬币|货币|央行_新闻资讯



















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