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Statutory rape in Yunnan province officials were sentenced to 8 years, moral compensation difficult to achieve

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/9 13:40:02 Browse times: 329 Comment times: 0

Statutory rape in Yunnan province officials were sentenced to 8 years, moral compensation difficult to achieve(云南强奸幼女官员被判8年,精神赔偿难实现)

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Statutory rape in Yunnan province officials were sentenced to 8 years in mental compensation for statutory compensation difficult Yunnan | | | _ news

Kunming, authorities wide nets, December 7 (Xinhua Zhang Mian Mian Ren Mengyan) according to voice of evening peak reported the news yesterday (6th), Daguan County, Yunnan province Court sentenced Guo Yuchi public statutory rape case. Court retrial held, the original judgment in the first instance the key facts of the crime are clear, the evidence fully, the conviction is accurate and legitimate trial procedures, but punishment is inappropriate. Guo Yuchi eventually commuted to terms of imprisonment for eight years.

Official with statutory rape 4 case from the judgment of the first instance defendants in prison for five years, to be ordered a retrial of the case, was sentenced to eight years. Twists of the case progress, network sustained attention and question is raised.

  ≫> focus: officials of raping four young daughters whether the sentence is reasonable?

In late August, Daguan County Director, Office of Government set-up Committee of Yunnan province Guo Yuchi young Wang to see roadside play such and such, then ill read, the King held home bedroom implementation of adultery.

In the first instance, the Court found Guo Yuchi established rape and raping young girls under 14 years of age shall be more severe punishment. But at the same time believe that Guo Yuchi statements can take the initiative to the facts of the crime, better attitude in confessing, integrated whole plot sentenced to 5 years ' imprisonment. When the remand, Daguan County, Yunnan province Court held that the conviction is accurate, improper sentences, Guo Yuchi to 8 years of imprisonment.

In this regard, attorney Chen Weibiao advocates for victims, in view of the circumstances of the case seriously, plaintiffs in prison should be a decade or more.

Chen Weibiao: gravity is mainly reflected in ignoring the cries of the victims, and twice raped. Four-year old child has no ability to protect themselves, not to resist.

Provisions under the Penal Code, committed rape in Office for more than three years, to ten years in prison; a statutory special plots to imprisonment of at least ten years, life imprisonment or the death penalty. China University Law Professor Hong Daode believes that judgment in the present case the point is Daguan County, Yunnan province courts found that the circumstances are serious.

Hong Daode: we speak of particularly serious is the sentence in more than a decade, after a retrial of the case to local court, is not considered to be statutory aggravating circumstance. Local courts sentenced to 8 years have reflected heavier requirements for intermediate values of 3 to 10 years of age was 7.5 years.

  ≫> focus II: whether the public prosecutor's Office to protest?

Protest is the judgments or orders of the people's Procuratorate, people's Court, and that there are errors, asked for the rehearing to a people's Court according to law litigation activity. Murder lawyer Chen Weibiao said, after the first trial, as sibling Daguan County Prosecutor's Office not to protest and Daguan County, Yunnan province courts, zhaotong city prosecutor's Office to apply for protest to higher authorities. Chen Weibiao said, because is not satisfied with the sentencing to eight years, did not rule out another "protest".

Chen Weibiao: not satisfied with the result, but not to protest, and also the consideration of the victim's family. Even applying for protest, Daguan County, Yunnan province Prosecutor's Office may not protest, it may ultimately have to zhaotong County people's Procuratorate complaint.

Introduction University criminal law Professor Hong Daode, prosecutors protested depends largely on the Court's judgment sentencing specifications reflected in the Supreme People's Court.

Hong Daode: in theory the Supreme People's Court and sentencing issues norms there is a logically. Daguan County prosecutors believe that 5-year sentence by the Court, has a three-year prison sentence was heavier, so there is no protest.

  ≫> focus three: how to guarantee the moral compensation to victims?

In a pre-trial, as four young girls were killed by a party of the moral compensation of 800,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan, such as medical expenses, transportation. But in the end, through the courts for compensation in the amount of non-litigation mediation, Guo Yuchi's ultimate willingness to compensate 150,000 yuan. Required by far with the murder party. Murder lawyer Chen Weibiao said that at present, my spirit of criminal incidental civil damages is difficult to get legal support, but hope to be promote through the case.

Chen Weibiao: with this case as a turning point, attracted the attention of society, introduced more equitable, promote the Supreme Court judicial interpretation in dispute, not placed in the criminal supplementary civil mental compensation awards.

University criminal law Professor Hong Daode also believes that China's criminal compensation is mainly compensation for direct damage or economic loss. However, the moral claim punitive damages, legal citizen's rights to claim for moral damages should be supported.

Hong Daode: mental damage compensation is a citizen's right, but there is no confirmation of punitive damages in our law. Tort liability law only if we increase the punitive damages, so in order to join the mental damage compensation in criminal with civil compensation.

(Original title: 4 years of absent officials in Yunnan province was sentenced to eight years moral compensation is difficult to achieve)

December 07, 2013 China broadcast network(云南强奸幼女官员被判8年 精神赔偿难实现|云南|幼女|赔偿_新闻资讯

  央广网昆明12月7日消息(记者张棉棉 任梦岩)据中国之声《新闻晚高峰》报道,昨天(6日),云南省大关县法院就郭玉驰强奸幼女案进行公开宣判。法院再审认为,原一审判决认定的主要犯罪事实清楚,证据确实充分,定罪准确,审判程序合法,但量刑不当。最终将郭玉驰改判有期徒刑八年。



















(原标题:云南强奸4岁幼女官员被判八年 精神赔偿难实现)


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