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Reform in all provinces hooks introduced specific programmes by the end of next year

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/9 13:39:07 Browse times: 345 Comment times: 0

Reform in all provinces hooks introduced specific programmes by the end of next year(各省高招改革具体方案明年底前出台)

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Ideas specific programmes of reform in the provinces by the end of next year introduced | tests | enrollment | _ college entrance examination news

Examination reform of enrollment system is the educational system reform in key areas and crucial links, with great concern of the whole society. 18 by the third plenary session of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues of comprehensive reform decision, this reform has made a comprehensive, systematic, specific deployment.

Why reform? The direction and thinking of reform? How to reform? Jiang Liu Limin understanding on these issues.

Overall objective of the reform

Classification of forming basic modes of examination and comprehensive evaluation, multiple admissions;

Sound separation of examination and enrollment, students independently admissions exam multiple choice, school organizations, professional bodies and the operation mechanism of supervision of the Government's macro-economic management and social participation;

Build bridging communication between various types of education at all levels, recognized the talents of a variety of learning outcomes "Overpass".

Existing problems

"A test determines your life" disadvantages

Liu Limin: existing exam admissions system exists with evaluation standard relative single, and singles way relative single, and entrance channel relative single, "a exam set lifelong" of disadvantages, in must degree Shang led to basic education examination education tendencies, students "exam what, and learn what", school admissions "only scores on the", problem, difficult adapted national on various talent of singles training needs, difficult adapted students full and has personality development of needs, difficult adapted College diversification running, and features running of needs, Deepen the examination reform of enrollment system.

At present, deepen the examination enrolment system has basically ripe for reform, conditions have basically in place.

Examination reform

  Recruit separated several times to select

Liu Limin: high school proficiency test, and we have been pursuing comprehensive quality assessment, helping students to learn for each course, do not tend to go overboard on one or some subjects to fully develop, ask students to select courses that suit your interests, strengths, ambitions, potential of full development of the personality and subject specialist can also guide the students to participate in community service and social practice, promoting students ' healthy growth. At the same time, can also reduce unnecessary burden on their schoolwork. Our comprehensive implementation of the high school proficiency test system, also provided space for the reform of college entrance examination subjects, contents, foreign languages are no longer in college entrance examination held in the future, selected by the students ' self-exam time and frequency, increases students ' right to choose and the expression of foreign language examinations, and the use of more scientific and rational.

Admission systems

  Apply for vocational can not participate in college entrance examination

Reporter: our admission system to the appropriate reforms?

Liu Limin: admission system and the reform of the exam assessment system link, will focus on two aspects of reform: the College (undergraduate) progressively implement based on the common entrance examination and comprehensive evaluation of the high school proficiency test scores, multiple admission mechanism and cultivation of college admission better adapted to the various types of personnel selection rules, better suited to a different orientation and characteristics of running a school. Speed up the implementation of the second category recruit and enroll in vocational colleges, reflecting the characteristics of vocational education to avoid simple analogies and hierarchical distinction between general education, while some students choose their own education as soon as possible. Sit for higher vocational college students may not take the test, schools based on their test scores in high school level and vocational orientation test results.

How to operate the current high school student is not affected

Liu Limin: we have to actively yet prudently, the principle of an integrated and pilot first, pushing, take fully into account the existing reform take fully into account relevant implementing body on the implementation of reforms and social aspects of sustainability, strengthening the feasibility of specific implementation plan, careful operation, doing experimental work, gradually expanding it. To fully consider the periodicity of the education, in accordance with the "three years earlier to know" principle, published some time in advance, ensure that the current high school student is not affected. (Xinhua News Agency)

Reform timetable

First half of 2014

Overall programme issued by the State and reform of college entrance examination reform in the area of implementation. Conditions for comprehensive reform pilot or special pilot reform started in the provinces.

By the end of 2014

Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) introduced specific measures for implementation in the region.


Summary of results and experience, the promotion of.


Basic forms new examination enrolment system, achieving the overall goals of reform.

  Reform seven paths run through elementary school to University

Exploring the implementation of compulsory enrollment of vicinity, including primary and junior high school counterpart helicopter; a rational division of school districts, students go directly to junior high school in the district; conditional region running a new school for 9 years of consistent policy, integrated and effective governance in some big cities choosing overheating problems.

Promoting the reform of senior high school entrance examination system, including the establishment of sound system junior high school academic proficiency tests and quality evaluation, encourages active exploration of a junior high school academic proficiency test scores and enrollment based on the synthetic evaluation of quality education; perfect quality high school junior high school in the rational allocation of seats to the regional approach based on secondary vocational schools with junior high school academic proficiency test results, for certified school.

Establishing and perfecting the high school proficiency test and comprehensive quality evaluation system.

Establishing and perfecting the fit characteristics of higher vocational education "+ vocational skills of cultural makings" examination enrolment system.

Reform of the college entrance examination, establish a comprehensive evaluation, diversity of undergraduate admissions mechanisms.

Conducive to creative talent and high-level application-oriented personnel selection graduate enrollment system of examinations, including exploration of academic degrees and professional degrees graduate classification tests; expanding training and mentor teams enrolment autonomy; the establishment of doctoral "application-performance" admissions system.

Expanding opportunities for community members receive diversity education, establish learning outcomes convert accreditation system.

  How to become more effective in maintaining fair

Establish and improve the access to fair protection mechanisms. Specific measures including: reform College Admissions plans management, national on quality higher education resources relative shortage area take support sexual policy, expanded implementation "Midwest area admissions collaboration plans", accelerated narrowed regional gap; on basic education weak of rural, and remote, and poverty, and national, area take tilt sexual policy, expanded implementation "rural poverty area directed admissions special plans"; town workers personnel suiqian children in local participate in careers exam perfect supporting policy; established up admissions opportunities fair of dynamic monitoring and regulation mechanism.

Rigorous exam enrollment management, improve the exam integrity and security management system. Clean and strictly regulate all kinds of bonus policies. Personal, school examinations evaluate integrity file system, increasing the penalties for honesty and anomie.

Comprehensive and in-depth implementation of admissions "sunshine project" perfect information publicity system, college admissions self-discipline, serious recruitment discipline to enhance accountability, improve social supervision mechanism.

(Edit: SN098)December 08, 2013 Online-Sichuan tianfu morning post(各省高招改革具体方案明年底前出台|考试|招生|高考_新闻资讯

  考试招生制度改革是教育体制改革中的重点领域和关键环节,全社会极其关注。十八届三中全会通过了 《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,对这项改革作出了全面、系统、明确的部署。





  构建衔接沟通各级各类教育、认可多种学习成果的人才成长 “立交桥”。












  如何操作 目前在校高中生不受影响

  刘利民:我们要按照积极稳妥、统筹兼顾、试点先行、有序推进的原则,充分考虑现有改革基础,充分考虑相关实施主体对改革的实现能力和社会各方面的承受能力,加强具体实施方案的可行性论证,审慎操作,做好试点工作,逐步推开。要充分考虑教育的周期性,要按照“三年早知道”的原则,提前一定时间公布,确保目前在校高中生不受影响。 (新华社)





  各省 (区、市)出台本地区具 体 实 施 办法。









  建立健全适合高等职业教育特点的 “文化素质+职业技能”考试招生制度。









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