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Parts of civil servant asked in advance, delaying retirement or a point in time

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/9 13:38:47 Browse times: 289 Comment times: 0

Parts of civil servant asked in advance, delaying retirement or a point in time(各地出现公务员提前离岗,延迟退休或无时间点)

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Parts of civil servants asked delay early retirement or retired without time delay | | | retirement age of civil servants _ news

Huanghua, Hebei 62 cadres "retire" again ignite public opinion to a discussion of the retirement system. The China Business Journal reporter was informed that in 2013, this advance asked phenomena occur not just in huanghua, even in suburban Beijing subordinates, also appeared for the cadres at and above the age of 55, earlier advised the left of.

However, with the recent buzz "delaying retirement" a stark contrast. 18 consideration of the third plenary session of the party through a comprehensive reform of the CPC Central Committee on several major issues identified in the decision to develop incremental delays retirement age policy. People Department data shows that by 2012, the cumulative balance 2.2968 trillion yuan of pension insurance funds in China, average annual growth over the past decade and balances 33%. Many experts believe that as China's demographic dividend is gradually disappearing, more severe aging, pension funds or there is a huge gap. Delayed retirement since last year has become the focus of public opinion, some people think that this is in order to fill the pension gap. It is reported that the people Department for "delaying retirement" a discussion, there is no defined implementation "delaying retirement" point in time, throughout these discussions are only at an early stage.

  Beijing also is "left in advance"

  "Early retirement is designed to yield the jobs of young people. ”

"Many parts of the early retirement, also in Beijing. "One person work for subordinate districts and counties in Beijing, told reporters recently in the area to" encourage "," left early, "document issued in June 2013, of lines of communication with the internal documents, are not publicly released.

"Its content is mainly aimed at civil servants, took the form of a voluntary, over the age of 55 the District Government civil servants, can retire. "These people," said Exchange provided that the advance left on staff salaries and entitlements, increased by one level. ”

"For example, left before the section leader, after early retirement, you can adjust the level cadres, and enjoy the treatment level cadres. "The person added.

This reporter has learned, there are already some qualified staff dealt with a left early, but different from the huanghua, left in advance of the process as a whole to take a voluntary form.

At present, the policy of encouraging early retirement doesn't just happen in Beijing and Hebei, have also emerged in other provinces to encourage return policies.

In July this year, society Office in Anhui Province promulgated the opinions on development of private economy in services, among the many supporting policies, one of the most eye-catching with the civil servants. Under the new deal, allow qualified civil servants, seeking early retirement business.

Reported in Henan, local enterprises and administrative body, earlier retirement age was not asked of you can say are widespread.

It is understood that the last round of early-retirement "boom" appears in the 90 's of the last century.

Placing surplus staff of State-owned enterprises in 1993, the State Council regulations on the Nineth clearly states: "workers within five years of retirement age, my application, enterprise leaders, can quit work recuperating. ”

Around 1998, Government organs and public institutions a large number of persons taking early retirement.

One person involved in such early retirement, told reporters that "early retirement, is intended to yield the jobs of young people. "It is learnt that the huanghua municipal Committee of Pan Haiying had mentioned in his statement the Conference to achieve cadres of ladder, 25 Deputy section leader, Mayor under 30 years, Secretary of under 35 years of age.

Recently, the Hebei huanghua municipal party Committee Standing Committee has designated section leaders asked the age line in advance: (greater than or equal to) 53, Deputy Chief (greater than or equal to) the age of 52. As the huanghua coercive measures taken by the Government, against 62 workers call an early left, but strongly opposed by 3 cadres, the matter was exposed, caused a great stir.

Hebei province has set up a special investigation team to investigate the incident.

At this point, the Department led many people ministries and experts to participate in the discussion of China's pension system top design about a month ago, postponing retirement policy was one of the topics discussed.

  "Delaying retirement" no point in time

"The current market pressure was very great, groups of college students need jobs, we need more jobs, postponing retirement policies will not be implemented immediately. ”

In advance left many events occur at the same time, the CPC Central Committee announced on November 15, the CPC Central Committee's decision on deepen reform of major issues set out in the "developing incremental delays retirement age policy."

Delaying retirement seems to be imminent.

However left the event in advance, making the "delaying retirement" policy all riddles. Earlier, a man Department officials told reporters that "current employment pressure is very large, group after group of college students in need of employment, we need more jobs, delaying retirement policy will not be implemented immediately. "2013 is known as the most difficult job.

Reporters received news from the stakeholders, discussions about postponing retirement issues all still in their earliest, no research to specific content, also has yet to implement the policy in time.

Human resources and Social Security Ministry said external Jin Weigang, Director of the Institute of social security not long ago, "incremental delay retirement refers to future policies related to delaying retirement will take a little step slow way, gradually extending the retirement age. If retirement age needed after more than two years, after all the policy only extending the retirement age in the first year and a half years old, be extended for another six months for the second year, and so on. Minimize retirement policy adjustments for the impact of social and related personnel, this comparison is in terms of raising the statutory retirement age in many countries generally accepted practices.

United Kingdom pension insurance are required to pay for 39 years, United Kingdom high retirement ages in Europe now, the retirement age of 67, and by 2020 up to 68 years of age.

In 2010, France to raise the retirement age, have triggered a nationwide strike to protest the Government to raise the retirement age, France delayed retirement due to increases in labour supply and labour force participation rates.

Spain in 2011 the Government reached an agreement with the unions, decided to postpone most of the legal retirement age from 65 to 67 years old, to reduce the fiscal deficit.

One Department released data show that "the 20~59sui employment age group population will peak in per cent by 2020. The coming period, we will still face huge pressure of employment growth. Increased number of college graduates in China this year to 6.99 million people. The next 5 years, keeping the scale of employment of college graduates in about 7 million annually, accounting for about a year in the human resources market, half of the workforce, and this figure will further increase, coupled with the secondary professional school graduates, town failed to further studies of high school graduates and demobilized soldiers, almost 16 million people, China's youth employment pressure. ”

China business news

(Edit: SN077)December 07, 2013 People's daily online(各地出现公务员提前离岗 延迟退休或无时间点|延迟退休|公务员|退休年龄_新闻资讯
































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