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Li keqiang: safety is not to step on “red line“

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/9 13:38:10 Browse times: 356 Comment times: 0

Li keqiang: safety is not to step on “red line“(李克强:安全生产是不能踩的“红线”)

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Li keqiang: safety is not hit "red lines" _ | | Li keqiang | safety red line news

Xinhuanet, Beijing, December 6-at the plenary meeting of the State Council work safety Committee held at Prime Minister Li keqiang made important instructions, and calls for further strengthening and improving the work safety. He noted that safety was vital event was not stepping on "red line". To conscientiously sum up the previous national work safety inspections and draw life and blood in Exchange for lessons, to build a strong management security perimeter. Production is both battle and protracted war, should set up the people-oriented concept, security development, innovative safety management model, the implementation of corporate responsibility, enhance regulatory enforcement and emergency handling capabilities. He stressed that to adhere to prevention, symptoms and frequent security checks, make plans for exercises, and establish a long-term mechanism. All concerned safety work on important dates this winter and next spring, urgent actions, focus on checking traps correcting disadvantages, especially in the priority areas and sectors to ensure that no dead ends dead zones and do everything possible to curb major accidents.

December 07, 2013 The website(李克强:安全生产是不能踩的“红线”|李克强|安全生产|红线_新闻资讯

  新华网北京12月6日电 在国务院安全生产委员会全体会议召开之际,李克强总理作出重要批示,要求进一步加强和改进安全生产工作。他指出,安全生产是人命关天的大事,是不能踩的“红线”。要认真总结前一阶段全国安全生产大检查工作,汲取生命和鲜血换来的教训,筑牢科学管理的安全防线。安全生产既是攻坚战也是持久战,要树立以人为本、安全发展理念,创新安全管理模式,落实企业主体责任,提升监管执法和应急处置能力。他强调,要坚持预防为主、标本兼治,经常性开展安全检查,搞好预案演练,建立健全长效机制。各有关方面要把今冬明春安全生产工作提上重要日程,迅即开展行动,着力查错补漏纠弊,特别是在重点领域和行业要确保不留死角盲区,千方百计遏制重特大事故发生。


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