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High School of hancheng flu and 101 fever 22 people hospitalized

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/9 13:37:19 Browse times: 255 Comment times: 0

High School of hancheng flu and 101 fever 22 people hospitalized(陕西韩城一中学发流感疫情,101人发烧22人住院)

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Inside a fever flu 101 people in middle school students in 22 people hospitalized | | | flu outbreaks _ news

Newspaper in weinan (reporter Shi Junrong Zheng Han) on December 4, Jiucun village junior middle schools 34 students have flu symptoms of fever one after another, Korean City Health Bureau to test 10 student acquisition of pharyngeal specimens sent to the provincial CDC for testing, diagnosis is hepatitis a common influenza a specimens. As of December 7, 101 students have flu symptoms of fever, in which 22 students hospitalized, condition stable, not severe. The remaining students are receiving outpatient treatment and observation at home.

December 5, hancheng City Government duty office after receiving the City Health Department report, hancheng city, immediately start public emergency plan, set up a leading group for flu prevention and control, municipal leadership quickly led the Directorate of health, Department of education, head of the food and drug administration, the main and disposal experts rushed to the school to keep the investigation and rescue work. Prompt start of influenza prevention and control in the health sector level-IV emergency response plan, strictly according to the relevant requirements for rapid diagnosis and treatment of sick students and other teachers and students, parents and residents for medical observation and monitoring, prevention and control work. Municipal Health Bureau has set up a group of experts, conduct epidemiological investigations, analyze the causes, to provide a scientific basis for disease control and prevention and cure, prevent the spread of disease and expanding.

At present, the Jiucun village secondary school teachers has been arranged for the time being on holiday, disposal of the outbreak investigation, disease treatment, parents of students to appease the other work is in order.

(Original title: fevers of 101 students 22 people hospitalized)

(Edit: SN091)December 08, 2013 Xian Xian news network evening news(陕西韩城一中学发流感疫情 101人发烧22人住院|学生|流感|疫情_新闻资讯

  本报渭南讯 (记者 石俊荣 郑晗) 12月4日晚,昝村镇初级中学34名学生陆续出现感冒发烧症状,韩城市卫生局对10名学生采集咽试子标本送至省疾控中心进行化验,确诊一个标本是甲型普通流感。截至12月7日下午5时,已有101名学生出现感冒发烧症状,其中22名学生进行住院治疗,病情均平稳,无重症。其余学生接受门诊治疗,居家留观。





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