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Former City Secretary of Haikou to their car, threw out inspections from some money

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/9 13:36:34 Browse times: 261 Comment times: 0

Former City Secretary of Haikou to their car, threw out inspections from some money(海口原城管局长出门巡查就有人往其车里扔钱)

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Out former City Secretary of Haikou inspections, some people throw money into a car Haikou | | | UMPAP Secretary _ news

Xinhuanet, Haikou, December 8 (reporters and and and and Chen Jiang and Luo Yu and Yin Weixin)-should have layers of checks, regulators and put illegal construction when "money tree", acting as "protective umbrella". Discipline inspection and supervision departments in Haikou city had recently informed the 8 cases of illegal construction in the field of corruption, set off in the city of "demolition storms", 3 out of the four districts under the jurisdiction of Haikou city Secretary and captain of the urban management enforcement as a result of accepting a bribe dropped. Why change to law enforcement officers illegally built "the mole"? How to jump out of the cut leeks unauthorised rally of a circle? "Comment" reporter tracing investigation.

  "Once the Secretary arrived, some people throw money in the car"

Haikou city in recent years, investigating cases of illegal construction areas as a focus for anti-corruption work and concentrate on the fight against a number of officials illegally built enrichment. Among them, the Chengguan system against corruption-prone zone in the area.

Most cattle illegally built "umbrella" Chengguan Secretary! As cases of investigated personnel, Shi any longhua District Attorney prosecutors of Cheng 燚 told reporter, has is located in Haikou car South Station, and was called Haikou "most cattle contrary to built" of "billion city homes" July 2010 started construction, due to no legitimate of reported built procedures, was law enforcement personnel found, and suppression Hou, 3 name developers bribery longhua district original Chengguan Secretary Fu Haiman, get its special "care", makes contrary to built to continues to opened built. Not only that, but had planned to build a 15-story CAP is rush to build two buildings into 17, against the area of more than 30,000 square meters, Haikou the masses feel strongly about.

Cheng 燚 said, "investors Zhang Xueshen, Zhenming Guo, Tang Mingguang 3 people using the opportunity to eat, three times to 450,000 yuan in a wine box, sent Fu Haiman. ”

In August 2012, was sentenced to 10 years ' imprisonment on a charge of accepting bribes committed Fu Haiman, longhua district supervision Bureau has given its "double" punishment.

However, Fu Haiman is not alone. According to Haikou, discipline inspection and supervision departments in December 2012, meilan district of the former City Secretary Li Wenqiang for taking bribes for illegal building to serve as "umbrella" being investigated, was also "double" and sentenced to 10 years ' imprisonment. And it happened a few days ago, the Council's former Secretary Meng Xubai were caught for taking bribes.

Meilan district Procuratorate introduced anti-corruption agency Deputy Director Zhu Jingjing, Li Wenqiang receiving building and merchant money amounts to 260,000 yuan, was successfully completed by some illegal building, including the identification of a number of houses with limited property rights. Not only that, but as the Secretary, Li Wenqiang and forcibly collecting money trouble on purpose. "Around Cheung Road, Haikou road and the United States, is the most concentrated areas of illegal building, Li Wenqiang jurisdiction, when we survey the surrounding residents say that once he ' drive ' the road, someone's going to throw money in the car, really crazy. ”

Li Wenqiang money cars except for some illegal construction, developers, owners, and his own subordinates. Under a captain is the original city management in wheat, another is the primary enforcement agency Chief Hsiao Yang, the duo received 350,000 yuan and 70,000 yuan was sentenced to three years ' imprisonment and 5 years ' imprisonment.

What is more, Haikou, qiongshan original Chengguan Secretary Zhong Buming, together with their subordinates and Planning Bureau under the name demolition compiled the relocation table, forged fake demolition projects in obtaining national compensation 173,000 dollars.

A comrade of Haikou City Commission for discipline inspection said with emotion, surprise rush to build momentum for illegal building in Haikou repeated, are directly connected with city corruption. "The mole" does not, inter alia, illegal construction demolished!

 Regulatory system can't box power rent-seeking desire

Related sources, high risk provides a hotbed for illegal construction, urban management is highly concentrated, imbalance of powers and responsibilities and the lack of effective controls, certain public officers act as illegal construction "umbrella".

International tourism island since the implementation of the strategy, illegal construction in Haikou city "scale" rise for nearly two years You Lie. Incomplete statistics show that currently illegal construction of Haikou has more than 6.3 million square meters, of which there are a large number of houses with limited property rights, some Chengguan Department rent offer space.

Haikou open over the years to build, is implemented by "just can't build" policy at the same time, residents ' strong demand continues to grow. For example, the Haikou land use plan 2006-2020 2005 for approval at least August 2012 before approval of the State Council, approved by the construction between 7 no gate, aging residents for housing, separation of the children built a large number of "unauthorised", in order to have "clearance", frequent phenomena such as money intercese.

Too much concentration of power leads to corruption of sudden. According to reports, the Chengguan's enforcement authority, issuing right of compensation is highly concentrated in the hands of a few leading cadres. "Powerful" urban management cadre, is not in the public service, for personal gain. Discipline inspection departments of Haikou said, longhua original Chengguan district Secretary Fu Haiman nerve and take the "best ambiance of" "umbrella", it is because its power is too concentrated: the confirmation, penalties for illegal construction, report or not, what he says goes. "Hundreds of millions of dollars to their homes" were forcibly removed by longhua District Government, resulting in financial loss to the Government more than 6.3 million dollars.

Meilan District Commission for discipline inspection Standing Committee Tang Juan said: "contrary to building involves planning, approval and other aspects, but ' something ' Chengguan Department only, without the balance of powers and responsibilities, easily lead to poor law enforcement, rent phenomenon. "Say a word used in person ' s name, city administration to develop less favourably, but heavy, line inspection and enforcement staff to increase income while receiving money.

Daring regulatory loopholes allow some public officials. Qiongshan district of Haikou Zhang Xinchao Vice Secretary of Commission for discipline inspection said that, over time, urban management oversights, loss of control, loss of correction in question. Eruptions-the original in qiongshan city Secretary Zhong Buming and arbitrary, urban management Bureau of internal mismanagement, while continuing to reflect and report, it has not attracted enough attention, leading it towards crime, "deep water".

  Building demolition, remove the illegally built "amulet"

According to statistics, since 2011, Haikou Office investigated a total population crimes of public officials in the field 55 55, 18 18 people annually. Urban management system becomes hot spot in corruption cases. Recently, the district and incorporated a number of illegal construction of Haikou against public officers in the field, involving a dozen people, including urban management leadership.

In recent years, often the newspapers involved in the fight against illegal construction around the phenomenon of corruption. Hubei Wuhan and Jingdezhen in Jiangxi province has investigated more than ambiance of corruption cases, a number of land, urban management personnel involved.

Stakeholders suggested that do well in building demolition work first of all, an effort should be made to strengthen supervision to urban management and other related sectors and aspects such as policy development, housing construction, many-pronged, Peel the ambiance of "amulet".

A more pragmatic approach to Haikou, will start aerial mapping investigation, illegal construction, made the area map, the plain, both dynamic monitoring. And to identify illegally built to cater for needs for production, reduce construction barriers, giving way; "sort of" cheating State compensation to crack, so the combination of unblocking, compressed space for rent-law enforcement officers, the soil to eradicate corruption.

Meanwhile, stakeholders suggested that to reduce the corruption of the black-box operation, the Government should be more open and transparent decision-making and policy formulation. Qiongshan district of Haikou discipline Inspection Commission Deputy Secretary Chen Zecheng said: "in terms of city planning, land management and demolition policies to open to the public, minimizing corruption brought about around quickly. ”

"The fight against illegal construction corruption increasing in Haikou, internal control mechanisms is being perfected. "Haikou, head of the Municipal Commission for discipline Inspection Office, who asked not to be named said that at present, Haikou, the compliance Division continuously strengthen the internal oversight mechanism, mechanism for building party style, and political monthly, as well as the independent Commission against corruption risk assessment, risks strengthening unit integrity investigation, in particular strengthened inspections, lay high voltage cable, if corruption is detected, will not tolerate.

December 08, 2013 The website(海口原城管局长出门巡查就有人往其车里扔钱|海口|城管|局长_新闻资讯

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