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Central Meteorological Observatory continued to haze the Orange alert has been issued, tomorrow will be gradually weakening

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/9 13:35:21 Browse times: 266 Comment times: 0

Central Meteorological Observatory continued to haze the Orange alert has been issued, tomorrow will be gradually weakening(中央气象台继续发布霾橙色预警,明日将逐步减弱)

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Central Meteorological Observatory continued to publish haze Orange warning tomorrow will gradually weaken | Central Meteorological Observatory warning _ | haze | news

Beijing December 7 electric integrated news, Central Meteorological December 7 6 o'clock continues to released haze Orange warning, is expected to today day to night, Jiangsu, and Shanghai, and Zhejiang in the North, and Anhui big Department, and Shandong West and South, and Henan East, and Hebei in the South, and Beijing in the South, and Tianjin, to air pollution meteorological conditions up 4~5 level, Council to can up 6 level, not conducive to air in the pollutants spread, above most areas has in the degrees haze, part area has heavy degrees haze. Meteorological departments predicted that 8th afternoon, from the effects of cold air coming, North China and East China nightly weakened dissipates mist haze from North to South.

  Beijing: haze hit the city's severe air pollution

The afternoon of 6th released Beijing haze yellow warning signals, the meteorological conditions are not conducive to the spread of the pollutants in the air, appears to moderate haze in the plain areas, air quality levels of pollution, and cold air arrived in Beijing at noon tomorrow, air quality has improved.

According to the 6th in the process of gradual deterioration of air quality. The morning of 6th Beijing, most of the sites concentration is around 100 μg/m3 PM2.5 hours, lightly polluted. Around midday, Tongzhou, Daxing, yizhuang and other regional air quality has reached high levels of pollution.

Experts estimate that from today to tomorrow at noon, air quality level 5 severe pollution in the city, second only to the highest level 6-level pollution levels. Tomorrow around noon, there was a moderate cold air to Beijing, bringing northerly winds, when the weather will clear up, fog and haze will disappear.

  Shanghai into a "frosty" start emission reduction measures 30% bus stop

Fog and haze, and Shanghai recently became "frosty". According to the Shanghai municipal environmental protection Bureau website 6th news release, under the influence of particulate matter transmission and spread of adverse conditions, the city's air quality index of 437, polluting, and primary PM2.5 concentrations of pollutants 582 mg/m.

In this regard, Shanghai starts the appropriate emergency measures to reduce emissions. Green City and district levels of Government to implement electricity dispatch, key industrial enterprises in limiting the pollution limit or stop, stop construction of outdoor jobs, and road excavation renovation and easy dust Terminal yard operations, enhance road cleaning, muck truck stop, yellow tagged car stop, shut down 30% party and Government organs and institutions corporate car, prohibited straw burning out in the open, the prohibition of discharge of fireworks and firecrackers.

Official sources revealed that this morning, 350-400, AQI index for Shanghai, main pollutants to PM2.5, the serious air pollution. Recommended that children, the elderly and the sick to stay indoors and avoid physical exertion, the general population avoid outdoor activities.

  Zhejiang 11 city pollution face mask sales reflected public concern

In recent days, has been tightly surrounded by haze in Zhejiang province. Portal site data from Zhejiang Provincial environmental monitoring center showed that 5th 11 fall pollution in cities in Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, Ningbo, jiaxing, huzhou, Shaoxing meet seriously polluted.

Fog, haze, leading to steep increase in patients with respiratory diseases, patients with respiratory tract infections, fever and gastrointestinal infections and other common diseases. Media reports of Hangzhou first people's Hospital of respiratory medicine and now has been in a high State of Pediatric outpatient visits, infusion passengers a day on average substantial increase from a year earlier.

"Where to breathe", reflecting people's worries. Anti Haze "weapons" masks gradually selling online. It was reported that Taobao on "masks" the search volume last month, an increase of 74.3%, with the increase of 95.7% compared to the same period last year, increased by almost 1 time. From a recent two-month national search, highest in Shanghai, followed by Beijing, Zhejiang ranked fourth. Search volume ranked first in the province, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua and disaggregated way.

Zhejiang Provincial meteorological observatory predicted, starting tomorrow, a strong cold air will affect the Middle East Department, air pollution will be significantly improved.

  Alarm Orange fog-warning in Jiangsu transportation seriously disrupted

Jiangsu meteorological observatory at 5 o'clock today sounded the Orange fog-warning: Xuzhou, Lianyungang, Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Suqian, Huaian, Changzhou and Yancheng visibility less than 200 metres in some areas of dense fog will continue, Yangzhou, Taizhou, and Nantong, Wuxi, Suzhou has been fog and visibility was less than 500 meters will continue.

Because of the heavy fog in Nanjing Lukou International Airport, from the 6th up to the present, China Eastern Airlines Jiangsu company had only 1 A321 aircraft and 1 A320 aircraft, 3-145 aircraft back to Nanjing, the remaining aircraft and cancel, 7th supplement classes. At present, the China Eastern Airlines Jiangsu company had launched the level-IV emergency response plan, flights are being adjusted, expected to flights today will be extended to 2-3 hours.

Road traffic aspects, by fog impact, today G2 Beijing Shanghai high-speed (wide Cheng Tin Cheng) wide Cheng Tin Cheng full, and Jiangyin bridge, and G50 Shanghai Yu high-speed Jiangsu paragraph, and G40 Shanghai Shaanxi high-speed (through Kai) full, and G40 Shanghai Shaanxi high-speed Taizhou paragraph, and G15 Shen Hai high-speed (coastal) Hai to Liu bridge, and G2513 Huai Xu high-speed Xuzhou airport to lindong Exchange, and S18 salt Huai high-speed (salt Xu) Yancheng South to jianhu, and Taizhou bridge, and G25 long deep high-speed (Ning Huai Nanjing paragraph) implemented temporary traffic control, currently not lifted.

Water transport, the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province town lift car ferry, car ferry, Wei tong had been suspended for a time, then resumed operations after the increased visibility.

(Original title: China's Party continued "haze v" tomorrow will be gradually reduced dissipation)

(Edit: SN077)December 07, 2013 China News Network(中央气象台继续发布霾橙色预警 明日将逐步减弱|中央气象台|雾霾|预警_新闻资讯

  中新网12月7日电 综合消息,中央气象台12月7日6时继续发布霾橙色预警,预计今天白天到夜间,江苏、上海、浙江中北部、安徽大部、山东西部和南部、河南东部、河北中南部、北京中南部、天津等地空气污染气象条件达4~5级,局地可达6级,不利于空气中污染物扩散,上述大部地区有中度霾,部分地区有重度霾。气象部门预计,8日下午开始,受冷空气到来的影响,华北及华东等地持续多日的雾霾天气将自北向南减弱消散。

  北京:雾霾来袭 全市空气重度污染




  上海成“雾都”启动减排措施 三成公车停驶




  浙江11城市陷入污染 口罩热销折射公众忧虑





  江苏拉响大雾橙色预警 交通运输严重受阻





(原标题:中国多地陷持续“霾伏” 明日将逐步减弱消散)


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