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Cai Mingzhao: dream is playing in China’s charisma

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Cai Mingzhao: dream is playing in China’s charisma(蔡名照:中国梦正在发挥巨大感召力)

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Cai Mingzhao China dream is playing China's charisma | | | XI Jinping charisma _ news

Director of the information Office of the State Council Cai Mingzhao keynote. Photo by Nan Yang of China network

Network in Shanghai, China, December 7, hosted by the information Office of the State Council, the China foreign languages publishing and distribution services Bureau and the Shanghai Academy of social sciences hosted "China dream world dialogue" 7th International Symposium opens in Shanghai. Cai Mingzhao, Director of the information Office of the State Council attended the opening ceremony and delivered a keynote speech, following is a keynote speech full text:

  Chinese dream being played by charisma

  --Theme speech at the International Symposium on Chinese dream

Director of the information Office of the State Council of China Cai Mingzhao

(On December 7, 2013)

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:

Nice to get together with our friends in Shanghai, to discuss the Chinese dream. Adjacent to the Yangtze River, Shanghai faces the sea, is the world leading-edge, window of the world know China. Chinese dream seminar here, is of special significance. First of all, on behalf of the State Council information Office, to the distinguished guests a cordial welcome! Warmly thank all guests coming from afar!

Last November, the closure of the party's 18th National Congress soon, President XI Jinping visited the exhibition the road to revival, first raised the Chinese dream; in March this year, XI Jinping, closure of the first session of the 12th National People's Congress, the President's address system the Chinese dream interpretation. Since then, President XI Jinping discussed many times on various occasions China dream. He stressed that the Chinese dream of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation was to achieve national prosperity, national revitalization, the well-being of the people. The good of the country, the national good, everyone will be good. He stressed that the Chinese dream ultimately was the dream of the people. We are to realize the Chinese dream, is to let people have a better education and more stable jobs, more income and more reliable social security, to the satisfaction of a higher level of medical care, more comfortable living conditions, more beautiful environment, allow children to grow better, work better and live better. He stressed that life in our great Motherland and the Chinese people in the great age, to enjoy good opportunities in life, the opportunity to share a dream come true, shared with the motherland and the opportunities to grow and develop with the times. He also stressed that China dreams are dreams of peace, development, cooperation, win-win, and communicates with the dream of the peoples of the world, will not only benefit the Chinese people, and the benefit of the peoples of the world. These important expositions President XI Jinping, the basic meaning of the Chinese dream.

Eight days ago, we held a seminar in Beijing, talked about some ordinary people's understanding of Chinese dream. From Changzhou, Jiangsu decoration workers he said that "President XI Jinping made the Chinese dream, we look forward to, dare to design their own dream. The dream was to China, and each of our own. " Peasant pottery, "said XI Jinping, Chairman of the China dream, hope to be and feel, we have a lot more looking forward to in your children's education, the elderly will have more peace of mind, China dream is close to us." China University of politics and law graduate said, "suggested that the dream was the world a message of growing, we pride in learning with greater momentum, the future will belong to our young people." A Tsinghua University student said, "Chinese dream suggested that avoided the blindness of our actions, why, and what to do, there is a clear direction and felt very at ease, as learned President has told people how to fight." I am confident that as these migrant workers and college students, as every Chinese's own understanding of China dreams and expectations. On the Internet, "China dream" as the keyword, use the Baidu search engine, you can search for more than 100 million articles.

The response of China's masses, note XI Chairman's China dream, has caused big resonance in the hearts of the Chinese people, and become a social hot topic. Why dreams can evoke such strong resonance in China?

  Dream caused big resonance in China, reflects the good of millions of Chinese people. The Chinese nation is a great nation created a splendid Chinese civilization, but also went through a lot of hardships. In the 1840 of the 19th century, a full century, repeated invasion by big powers in the world, and weight of the suffering of the Chinese nation, and sacrifice to pay large, rare in the world. Hardship Chinese people learned a lesson, that is, "lagging"; formed a common vision is "rejuvenation". From that time on, seek the road of national revival, have become sons and relentless pursuit of the dream. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, after tenacious struggle of the Chinese people, the establishment of new China, the Chinese people have stood up. After more than 60 years of Socialist construction and reform and opening up, and it is now standing at a new historical starting point. President XI Jinping put forward China's dream, turned on the dream of the Chinese nation in the new century project, so Chinese people longing for a better life, yearning for national revival fires was unprecedented.

  Dream caused big resonance in China, comes from the people to the realization of China's unshakable faith in the dream. In June of this year, Guangdong Province Centre's survey showed that most respondents recognize dreams and optimism in China that China's dream to achieve up to 89.4%. People are full of confidence in China's dream, is because we have found the right path to dreams, this is the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This path contains a great practice for more than 30 years of reform and opening of China, continued to explore new China more than 60 years, more than 170 years of history, the Chinese nation in modern China more than 5,000 years of civilization heritage has deep historical roots and a wide range of basis in reality. Along this road, in 35 years of reform and opening, China's overall growth rate is 142 times, urban residents ' income increased 71 times times, significant improvement in the lives of the people, increasing overall national strength. Now, we are closer than ever to our dreams, closer to the target. It makes people believe as long as we unswervingly follow the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics, keeping pace with the expansion of this path, China will be able to achieve the dream that China's future will be even brighter.

  Dream caused big resonance in China, from the people to the new Central collective leadership support and trust. 18 since the year under review, with comrade XI Jinping as the General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, not for any interference by disturbing emotions, not fear by any difficulty, managing complex situations, promote scientific development, is taking on a new aspect in the national, new culture, new development. Eight provisions are made, CPC, lasting fight against corruption, education activities within the party mass line, leading cadres impartiality, government corruption, politics of party political wind. New Central collective leadership's efforts to promote the modernization of national governance systems and governance capacity, so that Chinese society is undergoing profound changes, adds further confidence of the Chinese people to realize the Chinese dream.

Ladies and gentlemen:

People's hope for a national revival, longing for a better life, for the color of desire in life, making China dreams has a great cohesive force and charisma. Dream made in China last year, has played out in real life a lot of positive energy.

  Chinese dream has greatly inspired people's fighting will. "Life vicissitudes, haiyue dream of flying in the chest. "Dreams of China mapped out the blueprint for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, has generated unprecedented levels of national self-confidence and pride, and inspire people to live a better life and make unremitting efforts. Chinese dream inspired by more and more people are planning and are chasing their dreams, dream, to live the dream of studying, rich dreams, opportunities to share the life out of the Mainland, the opportunity to share a dream come true. People firmly believe that as long as hard work and hard work, any dream can come true.

  Dream formed to promote reform in China is huge. Not long ago held 18 plenary session of the Chinese Communist Party, the adoption of the decision on several important problems about deepen reform of, proposed a comprehensive reform of the overall programme, responds to the concerns and aspirations of the people, reform covers a wide, touch the depth of the problem, like never before, people used to "Big Dipper" to express support for the decision. Decided to seek a comprehensive reform of the tasks to be completed by 2020, and the goal of build a well-off society in China are one and the same time. Deepen reforms capable of forming such a broad consensus on the issue, because comprehensive reform measures are focused on the objectives of Chinese dream and provide power protection to achieve the dream of China. It can be said that the road of reform, is the revitalization of the Chinese nation, is the road to dream the dream of the Chinese people, and determined to follow this path, we will be able to step by step closer to goals and dreams.

  China dreams Chinese Communists recognize shoulder the historical responsibility. The fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly is the Communist Party of China, national prosperity, national revitalization, the well-being of the people is the goal of the Communist Party of China. XI Jinping, Chairman of the China dream, put the party's activities and the fundamental interests of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups closely associated with, the future and destiny of the party and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation closely associated with the process. To strengthening the self-construction of the party, the party mass line education activities carried out from top to bottom, overcome formalism and bureaucratism that exist within the party, hedonism and extravagance of the wind, elimination of party spirit of the slack off danger danger danger, insufficient capacity, divorced from the masses, passive corruption risks, have furthered the party's flesh-and-blood contacts with the people. Through a series of rectification Suh JI operations, responsibility consciousness of the party members for the benefit of the people and has grown enormously, and charisma of the party among the people has grown enormously, and the party's ruling ability markedly enhanced.

Ladies and gentlemen:

President XI Jinping made the Chinese dream, caught the world's attention. I hope that through this seminar, let more people know about the world the Chinese dream bring profound changes to China, understand the ideals and aspirations of the Chinese people, understand the process of chasing the dream of the Chinese people. I believe that the 1.3 billion Chinese people realise their dreams will be the big event in human history, will not only make the landscape of China will also make new and even greater contributions to mankind.

I wish the seminar every success, I wish everyone happy in Shanghai. Thank you very much.

(Edit: SN077)December 07, 2013 China NET(


国务院新闻办公室主任蔡名照发表主题演讲。中国网 杨楠 摄

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  中国国务院新闻办公室主任 蔡名照

  (2013年12月7日 上海)











  中国梦大大激发了人们的奋斗意志。“世事沧桑心事定,胸中海岳梦中飞。”中国梦勾勒出中华民族伟大复兴的蓝图, 激发了人们前所未有的民族自信心和自豪感,激励着人们为过上美好生活而不懈奋斗。在中国梦激励下,越来越多的人们规划并追逐着自己的求学梦、创业梦、安居梦、致富梦,与祖国分享人生出彩的机会,分享梦想成真的机会。人们坚信,只要付出辛勤劳动和艰苦努力,任何梦想都能够实现。







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