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Two rivers in Chongqing water group, former General Manager of taking bribes of more than 3.9 million sentenced 13-Chongqing-water

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/6 12:15:47 Browse times: 269 Comment times: 0

Two rivers in Chongqing water group, former General Manager of taking bribes of more than 3.9 million sentenced 13-Chongqing-water(重庆两江水务集团原总经理受贿390多万获刑13年-重庆-水务)

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Two rivers in Chongqing water group, former General Manager of taking bribes of more than 3.9 million sentenced 13 | | | bribes _ of water supplies in Chongqing news

Chongqing, Xinhua, December 6 (Xinhua Zhu Wei) original Song Wei, General Manager of the two rivers in Chongqing water group using his power to help your boss contract service subcontract works, landscaping, earthwork subcontracting huge wouldn't receive a case recently in Chongqing first intermediate people's Court of the first instance verdict, Song Wei committed bribery and sentenced to 13 years ' imprisonment and confiscation of property of 600,000 yuan, and recovery of 3.903 million dollars derived from illegal.

It is reported that during the Court trial, Song Wei's relatives paid back stolen money 3.903 million Yuan on his behalf.

Court finds that defendant Song Wei as a State-owned Corporation delegated to the non-State-owned company engaged in the business of national staff, duties will for the benefit of others, property was received unlawfully to 3.903 million Yuan, whose behavior constituted bribery. As Song Wei brought honest confession of his crimes after the fact, including judiciary has not keep track of the same offence, despite the confession, but still capable of sincere confession before the trial ended, and returned all the illicit money, may be mitigating, as appropriate, made as the previous sentence.

(Edit: SN089)December 06, 2013 The website(重庆两江水务集团原总经理受贿390多万获刑13年|重庆|水务|受贿_新闻资讯

  新华网重庆12月6日专电(记者 朱薇)重庆两江水务集团原总经理宋薇利用职权帮助老板承包劳务分包、园林绿化、土石方分包等工程收受巨额好处费一案,近日在重庆市第五中级人民法院一审宣判,宋薇犯受贿罪被判处有期徒刑十三年,并处没收财产60万元;追缴违法所得390.3万元。




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