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Journalists photographed Mandela mistakenly Flash head bodyguard clap hands-Nelson Mandela-South Africa

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/6 12:12:22 Browse times: 284 Comment times: 0

Journalists photographed Mandela mistakenly Flash head bodyguard clap hands-Nelson Mandela-South Africa(记者给曼德拉拍照误开闪光灯,脑袋被保镖拍巴掌-曼德拉-南非)

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Journalists photographed Mandela bodyguard accidentally Flash head clap hands | | Mandela South Africa | bodyguards _ news

Beijing on December 6 the Reuters new media (Xinhua Yuan Ye) as a Xinhua News Agency reporter, I worked in South Africa resident 4 years, privileged to live side by side with Mr Mandela. Tortured for his illness, he passed away suddenly punched her, not only because of reverence for Nelson Mandela's charisma, there is a secret in the heart of the affair.

I South Africa accommodation is located in a tree-lined road in the North of Johannesburg, where most of "boasting" and that is our only two-family homes with the Mandela family. Being South Africa's most famous characters, as well as former President, around his family and household, there is no difference: a two-story building, quiet courtyards of flowers after another both inside and outside, but it was impossible to see the situation from outside the walls; the only difference, is outside his house has 24 hour security.

Usually very quiet here, if we one day see him suddenly in front of a number of unusual vehicles, knew the dignitaries or international stars to visit Mandela.

In 2004, Nelson Mandela to the outside world after announced it would cut back on public appearances, he appeared less and less in the public eye. In South Africa, covering activities a lot, but whenever I heard that Mandela attended, whether domestic or international media, journalists are swarming. Because, we all know that such opportunities will be fewer and fewer. Sometimes after meeting Mandela on a brief press conference held in the yard of his house, then I'll be able to enjoy the convenience as neighbors: just three minutes walking, unlike other reporters came to drive one or two hours.

When you are face to face with the international celebrity, I feel at close range, was his wise, funny and straightforward: his childlike smile covered her as a joke, if he personally announced that simmered for grief when her son died of AIDS, he never made a secret of his own as a person's emotions.

On March 1, 2006 South Africa local government election polling day. In accordance with established practice, Nelson Mandela to Johannesburg country club voting station, Zhong wenfeng to reporters and voters queued up waiting close to feel his presence. Busy Mandela photo shoot, I forgot to set the camera to not Flash mode, and flash light. "Holy shit ... ..." was feeling sorry for myself, a bodyguard rushed my head took a slap. I didn't reply, because I know that this is not making a big taboo: pictures Mandela would never allow Flash. It is Nelson Mandela Foundation News dump "iron rule" because Mandela in the Robben Island prison was forced to hit long limestone and eye diseases, must not be subject to strong light stimulation.

When Mandela was escorted out, he waved to the line of people voting frequently smiles, cheers and applause, I heard the cry of a woman with trembling voice muttered: "I saw him! To see him! "I turned and looked around, is one of the older white woman, she had tears of excitement beyond emotion. Another black woman tells me she came here early this morning, not for voting, but would like to see Mandela's eyes.

Not in South Africa, might not feel Mandela in South Africa, their status. South Africa's media at the time reported that Mandela, always like to affectionately call him "Madiba" (which comes from the name Tymbou tribe to which Mandela belongs). Bookstore publications on he can swing a shelf full, gold carved into his head, stands in the Sandton business district of Mandela's bronze is one of the most liked pictures of attractions, in addition to "Nelson Mandela" bridges, squares, the city also named. Sometimes, I even think that Mandela was "sanctified", although andongni·sangpusen has mentioned in the book, in conferring with the Mandela biography writing, he repeatedly stressed that "I'm no Angel".

July 18, Mandela's birthday that day, South Africa was full of festive festivity, South Africa's major newspapers had front-page photographs of his brilliant smile, coupled with "happy birthday" banner. Now, on July 18 by the United Nations as "Nelson Mandela international day", South Africa 67 minutes for people on this day (public service 67 Mandela) in time to participate in public service activities and ideals--Mandela's lifelong pursuit of democracy, reconciliation, diversity, equality, responsibility, respect and freedom-the generations.

Tracing Mandela's footsteps is my wish. In April 2008, I boarded a Robben Island Cape Town, to see the imprisoned Nelson Mandela's prison. This is a located in the stormy Atlantic Ocean Island, once barren bleak, was the scene of exiled leprosy patients in its early years, and later South Africa white Government devoted to the political prisoners, they have no escape possible. I stood it was then imprisoned Nelson Mandela before the tiny cell, I saw simple bedding on the floor. How many days and nights, he is here to learn, to think, to protest, gradually accumulated change in South Africa people's power.

I arrived at Mandela's home: kunu, small town in the Eastern Cape. Green grass covered hills rolling like a wave to the horizon, with a tapered Round House at the top of a group three, five groups dot the boundless land. This is a SA way people typically live on the ground, a century had not changed, still South Africa one of the most deprived areas. Standing on a small hill, I seem to see young Mandela playing figure and his mates in the herd. Nelson Mandela Museum staff member told me I can see one of the bungalows, said: "there, where Mr Mandela was born, and he hoped that after his death and was buried there. ”

Well, my dear "Madiba"!

(Edit: SN098)December 07, 2013 The website(记者给曼德拉拍照误开闪光灯 脑袋被保镖拍巴掌|曼德拉|南非|保镖_新闻资讯

  新华网北京12月6日新媒体专电(记者袁晔) 作为新华社记者,我曾在南非常驻4年,有幸与曼德拉先生比邻而居。对他病情的牵肠挂肚,对他的突然逝世肝肠寸断,这不仅仅是因为崇敬曼德拉的人格魅力,还有一种隐隐于心的情愫。













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