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Guangzhou as the first public listing of governmental authority-authority-the city of governmental authority

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Guangzhou as the first public listing of governmental authority-authority-the city of governmental authority(广州成首个公开政府权力清单城市-权力-政府权力)

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Guangzhou's first open government power to manifest powers cities | | | list of government power _ Government power news

 Guangzhou Sun power list

Development and Reform Commission, the Public Security Bureau, Department of lands have any power? Watchdog, monitoring of authority over large? Tan lines in Guangzhou power list of surprising, 3,705 executive competence matters following the publication of the power of Government to the public is no longer a mystery

| Reporter Liu Jianhua of the well-to-do in Guangzhou coverage

 Development and Reform Commission is doing?

Ordinary people don't fully understand the sector, a lot of people know this is a very large sector of power. But how big, but very few people know. In Guangzhou, the powers of the national development and Reform Commission is now clear – there's only 13 items of administrative examination and approval powers.

Secrets Bureau have any administrative power to approve it? Yes, only two – carried approval, municipal and State carrier departure point of secret-involved computer office automation equipment maintenance approval.

Monitoring service? It looks like this is very powerful sectors, are in fact only a right of administrative examination and approval, called "items without bidding for the record." Yes, just for the record, wrote the notes on this power bar "processing similar messages, copy".

Does that make surprising! In the 18 identified in the third plenary session of the "introduction of a list of local governments and their departments at all levels of power system", on November 21, Deputy Secretary of the Guangzhou City Commission for discipline inspection, municipal supervision Bureau, the prevention of corruption Bureau Director Zhang Weicheng of Guangzhou e-Government Center to announce officially released the list of administrative power in Guangzhou, Guangzhou became the first publication of the Executive Branch "power list" of the city.

Of the well-to-do journalist in "Guangzhou specification publicly run executive force" online discovery, this newly opened site permissions associated with various functional departments is clear, there are queries for the convenience of the public function. Listing 48, Guangzhou, covers the levels of 3,705 units city executive competence matters.

"The power list" to inform the public of the relevant sector "can do", but some scholars said the Sun powers manifest while also hoping to bask "Services list" should also involve public inaction and excess of effective oversight functions. Guangzhou Huang Shiding, Director of the Institute of social sciences of the city management believes that clean up and expose the power list was only a first step, to cut and adjust power is the focus of reform.

Sun power and the responsibility

From Guangzhou on the published lists of executive power, administrative powers of national development and Reform Commission in Guangzhou roughly can be divided into two parts, the part is intended for enterprise, part is directed against the Government itself.

Against businesses including "domestic business investment project approval, foreign-invested projects approved (preliminary report), grain purchasing eligible licenses, issued confirmation of the enterprise's investment project, approved foreign investment projects, venture investment enterprises filing filing, business investment projects, commodity housing construction project for the record."

Against the Government include "Government investment projects (project proposal) approval, Government-invested project (feasibility study) approvals, infrastructure projects and concessions, investment projects approved range of tendering and bidding, auditing, reporting for corporate bonds approved by the tender program."

Development and Reform Commission, in fact more exercise of the rights to the legendary Titanic is approved, the approval of the work. But other administrative work closer to the services sector, such as administrative punishment right for a high level of public security departments.

"In the exercise of executive power, greater injustice than the masses of misunderstanding. "Road, haizhu district, Guangzhou City Public Security Bureau police Chang Liang-jen said to reporters of the well-off, police that a wide range of line pipe, people commonly believed that only when serious offences are involved, is shot by the police. As a matter of fact, around some of the things appear to be unrelated to public order are often within the scope of the Public Security Bureau, announced the administrative examination and approval rights and power of administrative punishment to 45 and 328 respectively.

Two days ago, Zhang Liang's once experience, quite typical of police. November 20, in a residential building in haizhu district, Guangzhou, seven households of elderly police said eight floors are always knocked on floor of the sound, affecting the rest of his family. After Zhang Liang from the police, eight-floor tenants said, because of leakage at the master is the plumbing. Master Chang Liang-jen recommended actions as gently as possible, don't affect the neighbors rest. Hostess said angrily: "I hit in my house, do you care? ”

In the eyes of ordinary people, the noise seems to be recycling business management responsibilities, not knowing that noise nuisance are also within the scope of Public Security Bureau. "Well now, police permission if people have doubts, can be exposed itself to normative administration of Guangzhou Municipality runs the online query. "Chang Liang-jen said that the Executive power issue number is gzcf06036 in Guangzhou explicitly provide that" the penalty for creating noise disturbance to normal life, "implementing entity for the Public Security Bureau. In addition, such as "productive scrap metal to buy scrap metal business acquisitions is not registered", many people think it should be carried out by the Secretary for trade and industry the punishment, in fact, that sort of punishment execution units are the Public Security Bureau.

"Published power list code for both the administrative functions of the Department, which you can also give the public a clear division of responsibilities. "Guangzhou citizens, retired veteran Li Haiqing said, a lot of people have is not clear how much power to government departments, relevant departments to law enforcement, the public is difficult to monitor, which also provided an opportunity for abuse of power of some government departments.

With this list of powers, the crowd can easily monitor the Government, power is not on the list, you can say no. Li Haiqing believes that power and responsibility should be symmetrical, world never does not undertake the responsibility of power. In practice, however, because the terms wrong, officials had abused power were given light sentences, because they do not know what cadres in exercising his powers to assume responsibility, some leading cadres will wanton abuse of power, people are often helpless.

Scholars believe that the publication of the list of powers, it shall publish a list of responsibilities that correspond to these powers, made public. Once responsibility for transparent, people will naturally clear abuses of power this is what punishment. This will not only reduce the authorities punished cadre resistance prevented the authorities from harbouring cadres of the abuse of power.

Why decentralization?

Why Guangzhou can become the first lists of public power cities?

The pressure comes more from the development of the city, on the November 22 issue of the journal of the South, published in Guangzhou power lists issued a message on the same page, more compelling is another title for your comment – "behind government service environment in inland cities of Guangzhou".

One serving North goose, author of the world's top 500 enterprises, bluntly: "the working relationship I and South China provinces, government agencies are closely linked, there is a feeling in their hearts out-Guangzhou Governments services has lagged behind some inland cities, don't improve services, will be hard to keep big business in Guangzhou! ”

In the middle of 2013, Tianjin, Guangzhou will be beyond the "Castle" reports continue to gather under the concern of public opinion in the South, raises about Guangzhou's economic, social and cultural aspects of development strategy and an in-depth discussion of the competitive gap. Guangdong provincial newspaper southern daily reported more firing nine--the theory of Guangzhou and Kowloon, guides local officials, business, popular participation in the discussion.

Secretary of the Guangdong provincial party Committee, Guangzhou Wan qingliang, in response to the "theory of Guangzhou nine", the answers that are given are: market dynamic, energetic, social dynamic.

Vigorously promote the reform of the system of commercial registration, reform became in 2013, the Guangzhou Municipal Government approval to build the key move.

And administrative power list peer of, also has Chief open of, Guangzhou Municipal this year yilai in its online do Hall provides has 1483 items business online do service, which has 571 items achieved full online handle, involves public life of has marriage, and fertility, and entrance, and medical, and employment, and housing, and traffic, area, involves enterprise operating of has registered, and years trial, and investment, and infrastructure, and certification, and tax, and environmental, area.

Guangzhou Municipal Committee, Chen Jianhua said the Mayor is "online business principle, does not act as an exception on the Web", "based on the open principle, in secret as an exception".

Published by the Guangzhou City, if you read this list of powers, you'll find, the Executive power was particularly fine.

Approval authority, most of the relevant sectors of the economy, such as the national development and Reform Commission, the economic and Trade Commission, science and Technology Bureau, and so on.

Power, most of the sectors related to urban governance, Public Security Bureau and the environmental protection agency, Department of lands, and so on.

Right to compulsory, levy, adjudication, payment, check rights and so on, "the power list" resolved the administrative law-enforcement agencies "what" questions, law enforcers must be within the scope of the law enforcement itself as bound by the law, otherwise, likewise be subject to the sanction of law. Which put an end to the current varying levels of enforcement discretion, even bending of favoritism, and played a positive role as a constraint.

"The environment behind the inland city of Guangzhou government services" in the article, author northern cities such as Chengdu, Xiangyang and geese, for example, believe their government service than Guangzhou advanced decade, "these cities from the bottom to the top of the civil service cadre, all in the city planning, they all agree that words and deeds represent the image of local government, reflects the Government's efficiency. ”

Market dynamism can be fired again in this city? Markets forced the Government to accelerate restructuring.

Local businesses, people in Guangzhou, the open city of Guangzhou have higher requirements. Get municipal government departments on the Internet enforcement mandate 5,687 is just a beginning. Publication of the list of administrative power at the same time, how to create a better business environment, providing better public services for business people to purchase, the Guangzhou Municipal Government, is more important.

(Edit: SN054)December 06, 2013 The Xiaokang magazine(广州成首个公开政府权力清单城市|权力|政府权力|政府权力清单_新闻资讯



  文|《小康》记者 刘建华 广州报道





  是不是让人大跌眼镜! 在十八届三中全会明确提出“推行地方各级政府及其工作部门权力清单制度”后,11月21日,广州市纪委副书记、市监察局局长、预防腐败局局长张伟成在广州电子政务中心宣布广州市行政权力清单正式上线发布,广州成为首个公布行政部门“权力清单”的城市。































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