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Autonomous enrollment system in Guangdong colleges test water pH-pH-independent recruitment

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/6 12:10:02 Browse times: 324 Comment times: 0

Autonomous enrollment system in Guangdong colleges test water pH-pH-independent recruitment(广东高校试水博士生自主招生制度-博士生-自主招生)

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Autonomous enrollment system in Guangdong colleges test water pH doctoral | | independent enrollment | Guangdong _ news

  Guangdong colleges test water doctor "application-audit"

South reporter Yang Guangxia lofty correspondent Sean Fang yesterday, South China Agricultural University, the graduate school established, Vice President Wu Hong revealed that Hua Nong forthcoming programme of postgraduate education reform, next year will come up with 4 colleges and 50% places piloted doctoral "application-audit" system to select special talents, which like PhD students making their own admissions. This reporter learned that, several colleges, including the large, international, are "testing the water" Dr new selection system, "autonomous enrollment" has been introduced in small areas.

  Application-audit: PhD student in "autonomous enrollment"

Wu Hong said at yesterday's inaugural meeting of the Graduate School of under three ministries, including the Ministry of Education issued in March this year, the views on deepening the reform of graduate education, Hua Nong PhD in from this year a pilot singles "application-audit". Previously, selection and take the form of ' featured plus doctoral students, "but a test determines your life, examinations may be bound up in the way people with special skills. For instance, some people with the research potential, but English is not. ”

Wu Hong says, "apply-audit" threshold set by the admissions College are basic, such as whether it has published high level articles. Student application, comprehensive evaluation carried out by a group of professors, including professional issues, experimental skill test, organized by the Institute in the wider group of experts interviewed, determining the list of admissions. This assessment is not to exclude written, "but the investigation targeted, weakening of the written test, intensive interview, weighed by a Professor, and delegation of authority to the supervisor. "It would be like to doctoral students during a" autonomous enrollment ".

Because it is the first year "test the waters", Chinese farmers this year produced only Veterinary College, school of Economics and management, College of resource and environment, Faculty of agriculture 4, 50% seats for the pilot, such as good effect will gradually be introduced in other disciplines. Specific recruiting programmes will be developed by different disciplines.

 Laborers, and the trial

This reporter learned that, this year's "test the waters" of this system of doctoral recruiting Hua Nong is not alone. Zhongshan University, South China University of technology, Jinan University College also has announced the specific mode of operation.

First piloted in 3 colleges of the philosophy department. Department of philosophy, for example, as long as you have a master's degree, or for fresh graduates of the master's degree, with the corresponding foreign language level proves that there were two more names connected with these disciplines, an associate professor or above recommended by experts, may apply. In March of the following year, written examinations and interviews will be held to examine the student's academic background, professional quality, foreign language proficiency, thinking skills, creativity, etc. Not only for the domestic, foreign students can also apply accordingly. Yesterday, has announced the names of applicants shortlisted for the comprehensive examination of the philosophy department.

Cum in 7-bit to the Academy will organize experts to trial the application materials, giving the professional qualities of foreign languages, achievements in three areas, research potential. Rated independently by each mentor, after you remove the maximum and minimum points, on a professional basis, sorted by average score from highest to lowest, number of interviews and intake ratio does not exceed 2:1.

However, to the supervisor "decentralization", which inevitably let the public to question the impartiality of the selection. "There will be a ' favor ' problems, from system design to prevent this. "Wu Hong said that admissions will set up a basic threshold, and two expert groups to the collective control, is not a supervisor in charge.

  Dr Huazhong agricultural University will explore the cross-campus transfer admission

Currently, transfers between graduate students in the school, didn't get into this school, or transfer to another school. But the PhD student transfers cannot be. Wu Hong said, "agricultural" prefix in doctoral student enrollment, the school faced problems, "for example, fellow of the Institute, there are key subjects and research strength, but apply to very few people. "He revealed, Huazhong agricultural University is also exploring transfers between doctoral school admissions system, in the same or similar major will receive from the" 985 project "," the "project 211" universities transfer test-takers or be piloted in colleges and universities in Guangdong Province. In addition, China will also expand the scope of doctoral students selected, Associate Professor or research associate may also declare my PhD supervisor.

(Original title: Guangdong colleges test water doctor "application-audit")

(Edit: SN094)December 06, 2013 The Southern Metropolis daily(广东高校试水博士生自主招生制度|博士生|自主招生|广东_新闻资讯


  南都讯 记者阳广霞 高远 通讯员方玮 昨日,华南农业大学研究生院成立,副校长吴鸿透露,华农即将出台研究生教育改革方案,明年起将拿出4个学院50%的名额,试行博士生“申请-审核”制度来选拔特殊人才,这就好比对博士生进行自主招生。记者了解到,包括中大、华工在内的几所高校,都在“试水”新的博士选拔制度,“自主招生”已在小范围推行。














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