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Zhongshan, Guangdong Province 500 armored strike continued: supercargo resume and salary increases

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/5 11:11:15 Browse times: 330 Comment times: 0

Zhongshan, Guangdong Province 500 armored strike continued: supercargo resume and salary increases(广东中山500运钞员罢工续:押运员复工并加薪)

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Zhongshan, Guangdong Province 500 armored strike continued: supercargo resume and salary | supercargo | | armored strike _ news

Bet hundreds of bills rejected out of banking suspension news tracking

Nanfang daily news (reporter/Luo lijuan/trainee reporters Wang Ziwei) is responsible for the city's more than 20 banks bet hundreds of bills of hundreds of outlets refused to drive Bank suspended cash affected (see the newspaper on December 4 a II 02 Edition of the bet hundreds of bills rejected out of banking suspension). Security escort service head office branch in Zhongshan City staff to tell reporters recently that the company's proposed spending cuts, program plan reduces benefits to employees refusing the car fuse.

Around 20 o'clock last evening, one employee told reporters, involved companies agreed, in consultation with the staff, it is proposed to pay more than 510 Yuan, overtime not included as appropriate, by the labour administration and counsel to assist in the development of the management system, supercargo today resumed normal car shipping cash today. However, this idea has not yet been confirmed that access to company.

  Some staff Provident Fund adjusted to 160 680 per month

So-called "program" plans, that from this month began, including the sector, and branch in within, monthly requires reduced 30% operating cost, and management costs and administrative costs, and management personnel wage in the of floating post award and reduced costs indicators completed rate hooks; Corporation administrative personnel is by company overall reduced operating cost, and management costs and administrative costs indicators 30% of completed rate meter mention floating post award.

In the "program" scenario, the Provident Fund and the restructuring of their meal allowances for the most closely watched. "Once drivers Fund units and individuals out of 340 Yuan, now unified regulating 80; meals before supplementation, now make up only a fraction, were not wages, it would be too harsh. "An employee said.

It is reported that according to the plan, purchase of housing accumulation Fund personnel, base total adjustments for 1600, 5% payment is no longer ranked companies prepared meals (breakfast 6.5 Yuan, 11 meals), staff dining can enjoy subsidised meals breakfast and a meal (breakfast subsidies 3.5 Yuan, 6 meals subsidies). In other words, employees pay meals adjusted to 3 for breakfast, dinner 5. In addition, the original to enjoy company benefits, such as subsidies, car repair, a bus, company and individual 50% costs to be borne, and management's wage structure was adjusted, Vice manager level to wages adjusted to the 2,500-6,500 Yuan.

 Leave salary deduction will be executed on the labour code

Xinhua learned that employees called "the program" program, from the Security Service Corporation in Zhongshan city, at a "Conference on corporate program."

According to escort Branch staff provided a copy of Zhongshan city, called the Security Service Corporation Act (mountain Telegraph [2013]50), on November 11 this year, the company held a theme in order to cut costs of internal meetings, including the General Manager, Deputy General Manager of 7 participants. The paper stated that, after snow in Zhongshan City CPA firm's audit findings, head office total paper losses of 1.66 million Yuan, who wishes to "program".

The document also refers to, causing the loss of main reasons for include "excessive operating costs and management costs, wages and benefits exceeded the cost, profit and expenditure imbalance" and so on, and mainly in the "staff meal costs overruns, excessive welfare and administration costs (utilities, Office supplies, maintenance costs) is too large," and so on. Yesterday, reporters contacted Novo accounting firm in Zhongshan city, the "agent travel" as an excuse, declined interviews with reporters.

However, according to a staff member disclosed that because escort staff objections to the program plan, recently canceled for security companies to cut back on spending plans. 20 o'clock yesterday, and a staff who participate in the consultation process revealed that the mediation of the sector in question, raising salaries of the employees of the company reached an agreement, which intends to raise more than 510 Yuan monthly salary, leave deduction of salary according to labor law enforcement. "The big issues are settled, and as usual the car tomorrow. "The staff said.

(Edit: SN077)December 05, 2013 Nanfang daily(广东中山500运钞员罢工续:押运员复工并加薪|押运员|罢工|运钞员_新闻资讯

  《数百押钞员拒出车 部分银行业务暂停》新闻追踪

  南方日报讯 (记者/罗丽娟 见习记者/王子威)负责全市20多家银行数百网点的数百押钞员拒绝出车,有银行业务受影响暂停取现(详见本报12月4日AⅡ02版《数百押钞员拒出车 部分银行业务暂停》)。中山市保安服务总公司押运分公司职员向记者透露,近日该公司提出的缩减开支、扭亏增盈计划降低了福利致员工拒出车导火索。












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