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Yongcheng, Henan authorities say poisoned women owners are not retaliating against

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/5 11:10:50 Browse times: 307 Comment times: 0

Yongcheng, Henan authorities say poisoned women owners are not retaliating against(河南永城官方称不会对服毒女车主进行打击报复)

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Yongcheng, Henan authorities say poisoned women owners are not retaliating against owner | | | yongcheng, Henan province _ news

Recently, the female owner Liu Wenli Yong Cheng city of Henan province goods due to unbearable road penalty after media reports, the suicide event caused widespread concern. Yongcheng city Outreach Office informed the 4th, Yong Cheng city in this event has been responsible for the relevant public officers to deal with it, the City Department of Transportation Transportation Management Bureau and Deputy Secretary, respectively, of being suspended or removed from Office.


  6 those responsible were dealing with

On November 14, in yongcheng, Henan province a large goods vehicle overloading is local transport administration, the Highways Department have been fined. Female owner Liu Wenli parties cannot afford to pay a fine of drinking toxic pesticides suicide, after rescue from danger.

December 1, yongcheng municipal outside vision Office in official website "yongcheng network" publishing has processing of situation progress: November 30 late CCTV broadcast about reported Hou, yongcheng municipal, and municipal immediately held Conference take decisive measures, made clear requires: a, and established joint investigation group, quickly identified things after, took out serious processing views; II, and instructed city traffic Council party, and Highway Council party write deep check, on about responsibility people serious processing; three, and timely to social publishing investigation processing situation; four, and Rehabilitation care of discharged clients in a timely manner; v, strengthening enforcement against traffic, roads and law enforcement supervision and rectification of the situation, put an end to such a possibility.

On December 4, yongcheng city Outreach Office once again informed that yongcheng Municipal Government attaches great importance to look squarely at the problems and relevant responsible person to deal with it quickly identified. On December 1, the joint investigation team stationed in yongcheng, Henan province investigation on this matter.

Informed that has been made to the City Department of Transportation Transportation Management Bureau, Deputy Secretary to give a suspension check processing; transportation management board transport battalion commander for removal from Office. Municipal Road Bureau in charge of suspension; mobile overload enforcement agency chief dismissed, removed from mobile law enforcement jobs; participating overload enforcement agency leader dismissed that day, out of mobile law enforcement positions. Upon completion of the joint fact-finding Group investigation, for further processing.

Yong Cheng city also calls for transportation, highway systems and the law enforcement sector style discipline reorganization, learned profound lessons, by analogy, take notice, and complete the rectification, to prevent similar incidents, ensure civilized law enforcement, administration according to law.


  Women owners feel they have done wrong

Party on the morning of November 29, the female owner Liu Wenli recovered and been discharged. In an interview, Liu Wenli admitted: "overrun. "Liu Wenli recalls," I had was less than 300 bucks, tell them, Miss a, they also do not believe that I had really run out of money ". Over both sides, until the next day at 0 o'clock in the morning, standoff has been going on for 7 hours on it, then this poison incidents occurred.

After the rescue, Liu Wenli's life was saved. On November 27, she decided to discharge, "there are so many loans haven't yet, can't afford to cure". Today, Liu Wenli hang to the village health clinic a couple of bottles a day hanging bottles, "will save me is a point".

Prior to discharge, Eternal City Highway Bureau Liu Wenli 30,000 medical expenses, being detained in the car. Liu Wenli now well preserved hospital issued "identification of diagnosis", doctors use a pen to write "organophosphate poisoning". She said that highways and transport at that time said that she was not drinking pesticide, she just wanted to take this evidence to tell them when she was really drunk, really got nothing.

Liu Wenli said after CCTV reported, the son saw this news, he told Liu Wenli, "MOM on TV", but MOM and son did anything wrong.

Liu Wenli also think that "doing something wrong", she said, I knew the thing is, is borrowing money at that time, should also pay fines, not because of his "stubborn" to drink pesticide, getting his body was bad, and also get the entire family to worry about. More important is that things happen, people are punished, those removed from Office, has offended many people. Your trucks will run on this road, but also so many loans.

Yesterday morning, the Eternal City Highway Bureau Office staff told reporters that women must not be owners of retaliation in the future, will be strictly in accordance with the laws and regulations of law enforcement if they continue to overload will be dealt with according to law.


  Must establish law enforcement supervision system

High female owner drank pesticide caused by overloading, a public outcry. Press survey found that just erupted, "Chinese-style" overload shady corner. Long time, cart drivers as "his flesh", some law enforcement agencies has not been effective overload and continuous "innovative" fine, eye-popping.

For "to penalty escrow" mess like, Chongqing University economic and Management College Liao Chenglin Professor think, this phenomenon award-winning check going, study its bedrock, its behind is the sector Zhijian public power set rent, and found rent of by Lee impulse in haunting, "only fine not regulatory" on driver illegal acts of disguised encourages, is disguised of law enforcement income-generating, its results is public power abuse even private, breeding corruption, must established on law enforcement sector of supervision system.

Liao Chenglin, managed to straighten out the relationship between on the one hand, and can learn from foreign overload into criminal, increase the punishment, as well as to lower logistics costs. In the United States, overload will be subject to punishment not only fines, will be subject to criminal prosecution and detained for short periods. In Korea, oversize transportation vehicles found will be directly transferred to the Court by the Highways Department.

According to Xinhua News Agency, people's daily, the China business news reported

(Original title: yongcheng transportation management 6 persons suspension or removal from Office of the Secretary)

(Edit: SN098)December 05, 2013 The Beijing times(河南永城官方称不会对服毒女车主进行打击报复|车主|河南|永城_新闻资讯

























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