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The Ministry of civil affairs: direct election of village committees Super 98% save individual injustice

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/5 11:09:51 Browse times: 283 Comment times: 0

The Ministry of civil affairs: direct election of village committees Super 98% save individual injustice(民政部:村委会直选比例超98%存个别不公现象)

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The Ministry of civil affairs: direct election of village committees super save individual injustice | 98% | MCA | elections of village committees _ news

December 5, the State Council information office held a news conference today, introduction to deepening reform, promoting the development of the home, and so on. At the meeting, Minister of civil affairs Li Liguo said that by the end of last year, direct elections of village committees in China had exceeded 98%, not included in special circumstances direct election of villagers ' Committee also create conditions, achieving direct elections in advance.

Li Liguo pointed out that, in accordance with the organic law of villagers ' committees and all institutional arrangements for the development of villager's autonomy since the reform and opening up, village Council elections, particularly direct election work continues to develop, has yielded good results.

Li Liguo said in election of villagers ' Committee, through the reflection of the masses and media monitoring, as well as the civil affairs departments and relevant departments under the direct supervision and knowledge of individual bribery and improper election problems from occurring, as well as local governments on the issue of undue interference in the elections.

Li Liguo stressed that this situation was isolated impact on village elections to promote grass-roots democracy and self-government in the overall enhancement effect.

Li Liguo said that these problems exist, the Home Department in conjunction with the relevant departments to conduct research, constantly strengthening the guidelines work, timely development of normative approaches to a number of electoral procedures and election operations through substantive and procedural norms, promoting democratic elections of villagers ' committees more legitimate, more open, more embodied the villagers will.

(Original title: the Ministry of civil affairs: direct election of village committees over 98% individual injustice exists)

(Edit: SN091)December 05, 2013 China News Network(民政部:村委会直选比例超98%存个别不公现象|村委会|民政部|选举_新闻资讯

  中新网12月5日电 国务院新闻办今日召开发布会,介绍深化改革促进民政事业发展等情况。会上,民政部部长李立国指出,到去年年底,中国村委会直接选举的比例已经超过了98%,没有纳入村委会直接选举的特殊情况也在创造条件、实现直接选举的推进之中。





(原标题:民政部:村委会直选比例超98% 存在个别不公现象)


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