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The former Deputy Director of the State administration of taxation

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/5 11:09:44 Browse times: 269 Comment times: 0

The former Deputy Director of the State administration of taxation(原国税总局副局长)

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Former Deputy Director of the State administration of taxation: non-speak for the rich against property taxes excise | | | sat _ the property tax news

Beijing News reporter photo by Xue 珺

Current hot real estate tax, inheritance tax, property tax, Deputy Director of the State administration of taxation, the original Xu Shanda are against it, for which he was criticized. The Beijing News anniversary "2014" Special Edition interview, he said, the tax should be incorporated into the entire tax system to study. Like the housing market should be divided into affordable housing, housing and commercial upmarket housing three classes, and links at commercial high-grade housing consumption taxes.

Xu Shanda believes that, the size of the tax share to adjust slowly as the level of economic development, not human subjective designs. He believes China 10-15 years in the future, property taxes will only increase the share of 4%-5%, artificially ahead of design will not work.

The financial expenditure structure, Xu Shanda believes that is currently the biggest problem is the share of investment for State-owned assets is too large, while inputs share for social security is too small.

The Beijing News reporter Li Lei and intern Ann Blum

Estate duty is not suitable for China

"From all over the world-wide, the estate tax is in the extinction of the State. The level of personal income tax affecting population movements, not to mention the inheritance tax. ”

A: in addition to property taxes, property tax is another area of concern taxes from estate duty, the view was expressed that, China has introduced inheritance tax conditions, what do you think?

Xu Shanda: inheritance tax (property tax) is not in line with China's national conditions. From all over the world-wide, the estate tax in a dying State, currently in Hong Kong, Singapore has stopped levying estate duty. The level of personal income tax affecting population movements, not to mention the inheritance tax.

Chinese entrepreneurs to speed is pretty fast. In an economy, the wealthy immigrants too fast, it is definitely not a good thing.

Newspaper: levying property taxes are considered to be effective measures to reduce the increase of direct taxes indirect taxes?

Xu Shanda: tax structure, including indirect taxes, direct taxes (income taxes) and property taxes in three categories.

When an economy's level of development is low, its largest share of indirect taxes and smaller proportion of income tax, property tax share is even smaller. With the improvement of the level of economic development, growing GDP and social wealth, decline in the proportion of indirect tax, income tax and property tax share increase, this is the general rule.

In 1994, the proportion of indirect tax in our country more than 75%, income tax proportion was about 15%, about 1991–2002 share of property taxes. With the deepening of reform, indirect taxes especially VAT and income tax have corresponding tax cuts, at present, the proportion of indirect taxes exceeding 60%, proportion of income tax rose to 28% per cent, approximately 11% share of property taxes. Business tax to sales tax continues to progress, the proportion of indirect taxes will decline further. This is a trend, is the result of historical and natural economic development.

United States individual income taxes accounted for more than 70%, this is the United States decides the level of economic development. Specific gravity varies with the size of slowly adjusts the level of the economic development process, not artificial subjective designs.

  Opposes the estate tax does not speak for the rich

"I just advocated the introduction of (high-end homes) sale excise taxes. Sellers and homeowners were wealthy, trading links, I have advocated taxing what is speaking for the rich? ”

Newspaper: of VAT tax reform plan is contrived?

Xu Shanda: camp increased design is modified in line with the direction of economic development.

If the tax reform is not in line with the direction of economic development, or beyond the level of economic development, they must not succeed.

Newspaper: new levy property taxes did not meet current levels of economic development?

Xu Shanda: I think the Chinese 10-15 years in the future, property taxes will only increase the share of 4%-5%.

Judging from the proportion of indirect tax changes, 20 fell by about 15%, indirect taxes average percentage cut of about 0.7% per cent a year.

Share of property taxes has increased by 20 years 4%-5%, the future is pretty much the same speed.

10-15 years in the future, the proportion of indirect taxes will be reduced to about 50%, the income tax increase to about 35% per cent, property tax share is about 15% or so. Throughout the history evolvement of tax structure of States, is highly correlated with its level of economic development. Subjective to practice as an idea, artificially ahead of design will not work.

Newspaper: even scholars have questioned some of your views speak for the rich, what do you think?

Xu Shanda: I know someone who has this claim, but no one told me to my face, if in person, I will debate with him.

On real estate issues, first of all I'm speaking for low-income groups, emphasizing the construction of affordable housing and the construction of ordinary housing is speaking for whom? Opposes the estate tax is not to simply speak for the rich.

I just advocated levying a sales stage of consumption taxes, levy is the commercial premium from retains links to trade links. Sellers and homeowners were wealthy, trading links, I have advocated taxing what is speaking for the rich?

Two mode of taxation, value-added tax is in favour of tenure does not speak for the rich, in favour of taxation is to speak for the rich trading links? This logic is clearly not established.

Proportion of revenue for social security than the United States in half

"One-third of the Chinese Government's fiscal revenue over GDP, with the United States. United States financial share for social security to 36%, our share of social security than the United States in half. ”

A: our country's financial expenditure structure is reasonable?

Xu Shanda: fiscal expenditure structure in our country have a lot of problems, I think the biggest problem is the share of investment for State-owned assets is too large, while inputs share for social security is too small.

One-third of the Chinese Government's fiscal revenue over GDP, with the United States. United States financial share for social security to 36%, our share of social security than the United States in half.

The Beijing News: Finance Minister Lou Jiwei believes that too much social security system vulnerabilities, how much to eat. Whether the social security system should be reformed?

Xu Shanda: the reform should, of course, the social security system, plug the loopholes of the reform must be completed. My financial Institute is studying issues of China's social security system reform, we believe that the reform of China's social security system is of the utmost importance to clarify the orientation of the reform of the social security system.

First of all, civil servants and the Government institutions ' access to the social security system, can no longer be borne by fiscal spending, it is a combination; other SOEs is farmers ' social insurance.

From raised social security funds of sources see, first, for Government civil servants and institution personnel of social security nature of financial expenditures to with this groups of combination synchronization classified to social security in the; second is operating sexual State assets value-added of part to cut Xia a classified into social security in the, let people can share operating sexual State assets of reality proceeds; also, on farmers land produces of proceeds also to has part classified into social security. Rural group all land access to the capital markets must be predicated on to resolve the farmers ' social insurance.

Particular emphasis is: we believe that affordable housing in pension, health care should be as much a part of China's social security system.

A: after the unification, the proportion of social security can be achieved?

Xu Shanda: now there is part numbers is not clear. But some of the data is can be considered, such as size of the part State-owned capital gains transferred to the social security.

The Beijing News: operating earnings of State-owned assets should be classified as social security?

Xu Shanda: the total size of operating state-owned assets is no accurate statistics, but the scale of State-owned assets supervision system of State-owned enterprises have statistical data, together with the financial system, cultural system of State-owned enterprises, State-owned assets total more than 100 trillion, their annual return on assets of approximately 1%. Part of the proceeds to them, can require them to annually follow the asset classified as 0.5% of the total social security fund, according to that ratio, annually transfer to scale up to hundreds of millions of social insurance.

State-owned assets to come up with part of the proceeds transferred to the social security principles should be clear down at the legal level, specific percentage can be calculated.

  Should reduce local dependence on central financial

"Cannot be returned to rely prior to 1994 the central parts of the old regime. Both places have some liquidity, dependence on the Central Government should not be more than 20%. ”

The Beijing News: financial relationship between Central and local governments in China have always been a big problem. Contradiction of local government power and authority does not match seemed to become more and more prominent, what do you think?

Xu Shanda: match the power and authority is one of the very early reference. Financial resources match expenditure responsibilities, this proposal is better, but the best reference resources and had its purse strings match the expenditure responsibilities.

Judging from the various levels of government spending in proportion, proportion of Central Government expenditure to 15%, local Government's share of expenditures is 85%; but judging from the income, revenues slightly ahead of 50% of the Central Government, local government revenue is less than 50%. That is, the local government spent 8 cents at 5 o'clock, 3 5 Mao is waiting for the Central Government to pay for it. Share this view, reliance on local governments to the Central Government are too high.

A: high degree of reliance on Central Government local government which issues arise?

Xu Shanda: 8 5 3 5 requires the Central Government to give money, Governors and mayors is actually very difficult to work.

For local government, and give money to the speed and size of the expenditure of the Central Government does not match the speed and scale, so I have to spend. Where money rush to where central government money to stop back.

A: this issue should be how to solve it?

Xu Shanda: there are two solutions. First Central can take part on expenditure responsibilities. National co-ordination of the social security system, local governments wouldn't have to spend the part; or vertical management of the Court, the Central Government gave the money to the Supreme People's Court, and then allocated to the provincial, municipal and county levels by the Supreme People's Court Court. This can to some extent, ease the contradiction.

I think places reliance on Central Government cannot be higher than 20%.

The second way is to align financial expenditures and a certain amount of financial power and responsibility, by some financial power mean to have some tax autonomy of local governments. Such as consumption taxes in real estate sales, according to the supply and demand of local government discretion to determine the tax rate but also by the local tax Bureau levied. So-called purse strings, on the revenue side, including some degree of tax legislation and the right to impose.

Between Central and local governments should form such a fiscal situation. Central control, cannot be returned to rely prior to 1994 the central place of the old system, while places have some liquidity, dependence on the Central Government should not be more than 20%.

  Consumption tax for local taxes

Now production the consumption tax should be transferred to the retail segments, along with the vehicle purchase tax to local taxes. That would give retail consumption and vehicle purchase tax.

Newspaper: local governments can control the tax autonomy, won't accept flowers?

Xu Shanda: this is a matter of the design of tax system. Such as in the sale of the property tax levy consumption taxes, what kind of House, such as how much to tax, tax for the local government itself, inappropriate change. Consumption tax related to how to design with the local real estate market, like Wenzhou, Ordos and the current real estate market conditions, tax rates are not high.

Local governments have a certain property might not be so bad, delegated to the local Government must tax legislation is in line with the reality of China. Idea that local governments have a certain amount of tax legislation as secession is not supported by the experience in other market economy countries, institutional design for Central decentralisation is the key.

The Beijing News: camp changed after the increase, local government financial waning?

Xu Shanda: that's right. Tax is a local maximum, taxes, tax reform, tax 100% goes places other VAT 75:25 ratio is divided into Central and local. Over time, this situation is not sustainable.

Such as corporate restructuring, VAT business may pay tax on business combinations, the combined share of taxes to how to divide? So final sales tax must be the same percentage share lost part of this means that the local business tax, identified divided into Central and local, and then transferred to the central parts, place cut part. Local financial revenue scale and proportion are shrinking. Such a pattern is bound to further enhance the local dependence on the Central Government. This is inconsistent with the current orientation of the reform of central-local fiscal relations.

Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem of State main tax.

A: how to solve it?

Xu Shanda: the first thing to consider is consumption and vehicle purchase tax. Now should I think production value-added levy consumption tax to retail, together with the vehicle purchase tax to local taxes. That would give retail consumption and vehicle purchase tax. Current taxes on consumption of motor vehicles, motorcycles, cigarettes, alcohol, jewelry, luxury watches, 14 items, such as oil.

Consumption tax and vehicle purchase taxes are added together around 1 trillion, when camp this is the increased local revenues reduce the amount of the basic hedge. Go to retail and consumer tax, local government investment impulse would be weakened, encourage more consumption.

However, local tax retail sales tax currently has no experience, comprehensive introduction is unlikely to achieve, can change with camp increased the pace to pilot some taxable items, mature and then expand tariff lines.

  To charge people by the NPC

"The Treasury's expanded coverage of the budget every year, but to date has not yet been fully completed, there are still a lot of government money into the budget management. ”

A: you said the future in the field of taxation, first of all to receive money to people and businesses that power constraints. There are still a lot of money without constraints of power?

Xu Shanda: I say this means not just taxes, tax legislation the NPC and the State Council regulations. Mainly fees and funds.

Delegation of national people's Congress and the State Department in the past to many charges of local government power. For example, due to insufficient education funding, the State Council has issued a document to say that all levels of Government to raise funding for education through multiple channels to meet the educational needs. What are channels? Among them the Municipal Government decided to levy a charge to address educational issues. Like a lot of things.

Governments at all levels take how much money from the GDP statistics did not accurately, finance expanded coverage of the budget every year, but to date has not yet been fully completed, there are still a lot of government money into the budget management.

A: how should constrain the power to collect money?

Xu Shanda: that everything the people paid to go through Congress, and you want to expose. Does not pass through the national people's Congress, after money not given, also in charge indicated on your ticket is collected on under which laws and regulations of the national people's Congress. Not approved by the national people's Congress, government departments issued a fixed charges shall be abolished. The system was introduced, the populace with much less arbitrary things that can substantially reduce the burden on ordinary people.

For example, individual businesses each year by various cost burden is very heavy. Some units do not have a legal consciousness, even paid to have randomness, give money, not invoiced less, not cost. Now some fines, said fined 200, bargaining to 50 do not vote, as well. And some fine targets, outlast indicator getting paid less, this is the wrong thing.

If charging in the future after the national people's Congress and the public, so much more harmonious society, many conflicts are now here.

Newspaper: difficult to implement, right?

Xu Shanda: I think it is not difficult, mainly determination problem.

Is not to charge, but in the process has to go through Congress, even if it is a county-level people's Congress. Government departments themselves completely, and certainly shouldn't have received money. NPC's supervision and intervention is a constraint, reduced charge of randomness.

(Original title: Xu Shanda: the proportion of revenues for social security is too small)

(Edit: SN098)December 05, 2013 The Beijing News(原国税总局副局长:反对征房产税非替富人说话|消费税|房产税|国税总局_新闻资讯

  新京报记者 薛珺 摄




  新京报记者 李蕾 实习生 安百隆


















































































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