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The Chinese side 3 “do not“ fight back Japan: no longer recognized provocation

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/5 11:09:38 Browse times: 299 Comment times: 0

The Chinese side 3 “do not“ fight back Japan: no longer recognized provocation(中方3个“不要”回击日本:勿再就识别区挑衅)

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China 3, "not to" hit back at Japan: stop identifying provocation | identify area | | Foreign Ministry _ news

 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the three "no" hit back at Japan

Morning News (reporter Hana) Japan Abe 3rd evening with United States Vice President Joe Biden held talks, followed by the two sides four consensus on China Air Defense identification zones. Yesterday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei at a regular press conference with the three "no" response, demanded that the Japanese side not to provoke China on this issue and stop making trouble, not to seize upon.

United States Vice President Joe Biden recently in Japan related to evaluate China East air defense identification zone, Hong Lei, said unilateral heighten regional tension not China but Japan. Is Japan unilaterally "buys" the Diaoyu Islands, frequently deployed warships interfere with normal exercise training activities on the Chinese side, rendering China threat, for the Government that more troops to make excuses. For us proposed Sino-Japanese should communicate on the issue, Hong Lei said China is ready to work on the basis of equality and mutual respect, maintain dialogue on technical issues on the same day to communicate together to maintain on air space flight safety and order.

In response to the Japan set up a "National Security Council" questions, Hong Lei said that due to historical reasons, Japan's military security has been well received by its Asian neighbors and the international community. This year, Japan there have been a number of negative trends in the relevant fields. Japan Prime Minister about "aggression is not conclusive", Deputy Prime Minister declared that "amending the Constitution to follow the Nazis". "Such words and deeds, how can its Asian neighbors at ease? "Hong Lei said.

Expert analysis

Japan also did not "kidnap" the United States

There are media reports, during Biden's visit to Japan had rejected Japan Prime Minister Abe made three requests, agreed only to use "cannot be the default Chinese air defense identification zone" vocabulary to express Japan and the United States on this issue of "unanimity". On this, people University international relationship College Deputy Dean Jin Canrong, in accept Beijing morning news reporter interview Shi analysis pointed out that, United States take such of policy is normal, because United States and Japan of status different, needs consider global layout, to in Japan and China Zhijian keep balance, "from current see, Japan wanted to ' kidnapping ' United States also do not to, United States in strategy Shang also is sober of. ”

American distinction politics military advantage

Jin Canrong said that United States recognition in political opposition to zones of China East China Sea area, the "all United States in East Asia, the rules now that China began to rule, United States did not feel very comfortable, very angry. ”

"The United States military denies it, that China's air defense identification zone compression United States military freedom. "Jin Canrong said that the air defense identification zone, our United States approaching the detection countermeasures will certainly enhance, invest more in this direction detection and deportation, United States if you regularly go in the same direction, will certainly feel the pressure.

Jin Canrong said that United States allow to inform China of flying, is financially recognized that if bad on this issue will affect the United States civil aviation, "don't make any money", it will cause economic losses. United States is a more pragmatic, to separate political, economic and military interests.

United States Unlike Japan "single-minded"

Jin Canrong said that with the United States are different, Japan is "single-minded", non-political, economic and military interests together. United States now is "not recognized" instead of asking China to "undo" that relatively sane, indicating that only United States choices. As the air defense identification zone is United States precedent, by all the world's air defense identification zone unilaterally declared without consulting with other countries.

National Defense University military expert Li daguang, believes that recognition by States of China's air defense identification zone, is a trend, as the United States and other countries have been informed of civil aviation, other countries will naturally do so also in the future.

Morning news reporter Hana

(Edit: SN067)December 05, 2013 Beijing morning post(中方3个“不要”回击日本:勿再就识别区挑衅|识别区|中日|外交部_新闻资讯


  晨报讯(记者 韩娜)日本首相安倍3日傍晚与美国副总统拜登举行会谈,随后宣布双方在应对中国防空识别区问题上达成四项共识。昨天,外交部发言人洪磊在例行记者会上用三个“不要”予以回应,要求日方在这一问题上不要再挑衅中国,不要再制造事端,不要再借题发挥。













  晨报记者 韩娜


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