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Suzhou two demolition workers were killed, the villagers because his wife and children by pulling a knife

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/5 11:09:25 Browse times: 313 Comment times: 0

Suzhou two demolition workers were killed, the villagers because his wife and children by pulling a knife(苏州两名拆迁人员被杀,村民因妻儿被打拔刀)

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Suzhou two demolition workers were killed village for his wife and children by pulling a knife (fig) | | relocation of Suzhou | killed _ news

On December 3, the home in a village on the outskirts of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, relocation staff and homeowner Fan Mugen bloodshed incidents. Fan Mugen with his wife and three others were injured, two staff members of the demolition was stabbed with a knife by Fan Mugen.

The incident, Suzhou New District Public Security Bureau said the staff is going to "negotiate relocation" Fan Mugen's family believes that Fan Mugen relocation staff is to be taken to coerce its relocation agreement was signed. Fan Mugen no, followed by clashes.

A normal demolition event, why does lead to murder each other by? Comprehensive eyewitness descriptions, direct factor leading to an escalation of the conflict is Fan Mugen's wife and son were hit, subsequently developed Fan Mugen's wrath.

Yesterday afternoon, the local police said the homeowner Fan Mugen on suspicion of assault under criminal detention, the other party some Wu, Qi Mou, Sun, 6 people were detained on suspicion of stirring up fights and.

  Relocation: homeowners had left suicide note

Suzhou Tong Yan Shan is located in the western suburbs of Suzhou. Fan Mugen houses original village 7 Group is a normal rural two-storey house, home vegetable garden in the front and backyards is a sheepfold, keeps a dozen goats. Gu Pan Fan Mugen and wife Jane to grow vegetables, sheep, farming for a living.

Around 2003, the village began the relocation, Fan Mugen home villagers surrounding the demolition agreement reached, has begun to move out, leaving only Noriie a House. Because the compensation issue is not settled, Noriie has been slow to move.

Fan Mugen, 64 years old, 1.72-meter, grub. He was in the army in Inner Mongolia, after veterans return to farming. Because his own house demolition, from 2004 onwards, he began to petition, petition Beijing twice this year.

One villager and he instantly stressed, Fan Mugen honest, very patriotic, "he is still a party member. ”

In October this year, battled in relocation negotiations after a decade of the village leading demolition company staff to Noriie. According to Gu Pan Jen describes, when the two sides talk in the living room, and the atmosphere was "polite". Second daughter-in-law Fan Mugen memories Fan Mugen has said: "eat rice are reasonable, policy by policy. ”

But negotiations between the two sides did not talk about Norman Mailer. Subsequently, the polite atmosphere is the demolition company of "harassment". Fan Mugen finds that his glass was smashed with a brick during the night, some daily necessities were thrown into a well. In order to avoid relocation personnel, and Gu Pan Fan Mugen Jane lived with relatives, just staying at home.

On November 5 this year, Fan Mugen left a "suicide note" was "forced to sign", and expresses the result because of the family home.

On December 2, the Fan Mugen couples return home again. Gu Pan Zhen said at 10:45 A.M. the next day, three or four persons in civilian dress relocation officers came to Noriie, and began kicking the van doors, when Fan Mugen was shower inside the room, taking Jane with a desk against the door. Relocation personnel at the door and said: "finally stuck in your home. ”

According to Gu Pan jen recalls that Fan Mugen then went to the living room, through the door at the other side said: "don't come in, don't push me, you've no. You beat me there is no way, I took the knife. ”

Fan Mugen then alarm. 11:15, son, Deng Quanzhen Fan Yonghai and relatives got wind of it.

Fan Yonghai confirmed that both confrontation through the door for half an hour or so. Subsequently, the demolition officers Fan Mugen arm, dragged him away, while Fan Mugen still holding a teacup.

  Conflict: the wife and son were beaten and then knife

In front of the monk was taken personnel, Fan Mugen waist-level has a length of about 20-centimetre knife with wooden handle. Relocation personnel before breaking into the, put the knife on a stool in the corner of the room. A day before the incident, Fan Mugen in the backyard, used their knives slaughtered a goat.

This tool is not uncommon along the village, villagers often used their butchered pigs and sheep to slaughter. Gu Pan Jen said knives were taken at home before people thrown into the well. Bought this knife from a nearby grocery store, just to buy soon.

Fan Mugen's lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan, quotes, Fan Mugen at the time to meet with them, when the knife is due to "fears" knife is intended only "to scare them".

Noriie a dozen meters outside the door, is a small road named xiaoxiang road. Relocation personnel Fan Mugen arm, tug-of-war, and took him to the side of the road. In order not to let my father be taken away, Fan Yonghai, hold one demolition worker, and greeted his father waiting to escape. At this time, both a pull and push, but did not fight.

Fan Mugen was taken off the road, and several auxiliary police officers soon arrived. Witnesses to the South reporter provides a live picture display, relocation personnel at home with Fan Mugen road to shove out the door, at which point both sides who have no blood. At this point, the auxiliary police at the scene wearing a White Helmet.

Subsequently, the van stops at the side of the road, came out of the car four or five demolition officer. At this point, began to escalate conflicts.

Fan Yonghai memories, other people, with expandable steel baton in his hand. "Ask without asking, see. "Fan Yonghai eye was wounded Fan Mugen was knocked to the ground, sustaining head injuries. In order to protect her husband's head, Gu Zhen retaining Fan Mugen in the head with his right hand, the result was steel bar, wounding. After the hospital diagnosis of fracture of his right arm.

Fan Yonghai speculated that in seeing their wives and children are being knocked to the ground by removal officers, Fan Mugen "true fire".

According to Liu Xiaoyuan, quotes, Fan Mugen said, his head was taken at the time called several times, stabbed each other smoothly from the waist draw his sword back, and see a man beating his wife and then stabbed another person.

In this case, stand in the crowd outside the Deng Quanzhen, a removal officer after the crowd rushed into the assault, bent over holding the abdomen went back, lying in the van. Another man lying in a road side ditch, motionless.

Demolition of two was stabbed seven officers were sent to the nearby Suzhou city people's Hospital. Direction of nandu records to journalists, two demolition workers, a person whose name is "Hu Yulong", was only 24 years old, was stabbed in the heart, when sent to the hospital have died; registration of another person's name as "Ming Liu", 40 years old, one in the front and back of the body, and patients whom were killed.

Inform the local police said in a demolition company in charge of the plot, respectively of the deceased leader and one staff member.

  Back: demolition company under Government

It is understood that the Fan Mugen is in village relocation project, developed by SND huatong construction limited. The company located in the town West of Tang road within a plant.

Gu Pan Jen said relocation officials has said his house 280 sqm House will receive a compensation of 750,000 yuan, then was demoted to 710,000 yuan. Noriie thus was unfair and refused to sign. To this remark, the company's staff refused to comment.

The company said on its website that "Suzhou high-tech zone development of huatong Construction Ltd, affiliated to the Suzhou high-tech zone through town. The company was founded in 2003, is a real estate development company. With registered capital of 50 million Yuan. Main function is to pass the town engaged in infrastructure construction and the development of standard factory buildings. ”

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, through town with about more than 10 security personnel on duty at the door, and all went out to the relevant personnel, declined to be interviewed.

Fan Mugen Noriie think the relocation staff is to stress in a relocation agreement was signed. The incident, Suzhou New District Public Security Bureau said the staff was to negotiate demolition issues.

Local police reported that ", December 3, the Agency reported one death and one serious injury with policing, victim died after. A preliminary investigation by the police, the deceased is responsible for the demolition of the plots, respectively a Director and a staff member of the company. Date of company staff into the home town fan surnamed residents in homes to discuss the relocation of the village, occurs after the murders. ”

Local police said the fan on suspicion of assault and is currently being detained, another party a Wu, Qi Mou, Sun 6 people on suspicion of stirring up fights under criminal detention. At present, the incident still under investigation.

South reporter Zhang Shaojie from Suzhou

Removal officers have been stabbed to death in Suzhou: turning after years of inconclusive petitions

(Original title: Suzhou two demolition workers turning door died)

(Edit: SN048)December 05, 2013 North network(苏州两名拆迁人员被杀 村民因妻儿被打拔刀(图)|苏州|拆迁|杀死_新闻资讯






































  南都记者 张少杰 发自苏州




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