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Shaanxi tongchuan cave-in accident occurred 2 killed and 5 wounded

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/5 11:08:55 Browse times: 349 Comment times: 0

Shaanxi tongchuan cave-in accident occurred 2 killed and 5 wounded(陕西铜川发生塌方事故致2死5伤)

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Shaanxi tongchuan cave-in accident occurred 2 killed and 5 wounded | | Shaanxi tongchuan | collapse _ news

CNS, Shanxi, Tongchuan December 4 (reporters He Xiangqian and Sun Jianchang)-December 4, is located in middle of the Guanzhong plain of Shaanxi tongchuan accident in North downtown, 6 people were rescued, 3 construction workers were buried, two officers were killed, 1 injured firefighters.

, 4th, tongchuan, Shaanxi, North downtown copper industrial company in the excavation of the trench, a cave-in accident occurred, 3 construction workers were buried.

After the incident, Wangyi District, fire protection, public security, homeland, safety supervision, health and other relevant departments rushed to the scene, and rescue the buried people. In the course of rescue, collapse in second, earthwork 1 firefighters have collapsed for the second time, any part of the body is earth burial.

18:10, 6 persons in distress, 5 had been rescued, of which 1 fire and 4 construction personnel, were rushed to the people's Hospital in tongchuan city and Shaanxi coal Kenji hospital for medical treatment. 19:20, the last persons in distress to be rescued and sent to hospital for medical treatment.

It is understood that Wang district, the request of the Government concerned established aid unit rehabilitation group, external evacuation group, race against time to save the injured man, dealing with the aftermath, and to alert the accident took place around quickly, evacuating people, ensure safety of people around.

It is reported that among the 6 was sent to hospital for medical treatment, 2 officers have died, 4 vital signs are normal, in the course of treatment. (End text)

(Original title: Shaanxi tongchuan collapse accident with 2 dead and 5 wounded)

(Edit: SN098)December 04, 2013 China News Network(陕西铜川发生塌方事故致2死5伤|陕西|铜川|塌方_新闻资讯

  中新网陕西铜川12月4日电(贺向前 孙建昌) 12月4日下午17时许,地处关中平原中部的陕西铜川北市区发生一起塌方事故,6人被救出,3名施工人员被埋,其中两名人员死亡,1名消防队员受伤。








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