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XI National Memorial Day speech of 23 proposed peace

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XI National Memorial Day speech of 23 proposed peace

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XI National Memorial Day speech of 23 proposed peace | National Memorial Day of the victims of the Nanjing massacre XI Jinping | _ news

CNS, Beijing, December 13-title: National Memorial Day: XI Jinping, speech of 23 times of "peace"

Author: Ma Xueling Chen Yixin

"Peace like a warm sun, rain-like moisture. Sun and rain, all creatures can thrive. There is peace and stability, humans can better realize their dreams. ”

13th, in the countries of the victims of the Nanjing massacre memorial ceremony, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, he said.

On this day, is the first National Memorial Day of the victims of the Nanjing massacre in China. At 10 o'clock in the morning, national memorial ceremony at the Japanese invading troops killed in the Nanjing massacre Memorial Hall. The symbol of the CPC Central Committee, the national people's Congress Standing Committee, held on behalf of the State Council, the CPPCC National Committee, the Central Military Commission, reflecting the national symbol of the highest specifications.

Today 77 years ago, invading Japanese troops in Nanjing, China has been providing for more than 40 days in horrific massacres, produced shocked the Nanjing massacre.

History cannot be forgotten, 77 years later, China is still unforgettable. In his speech today, he counted that year suffered the enormous suffering of the Chinese people: "the 300,000 people were killed, countless women raped and destroyed, countless children were murdered, one-third buildings have been destroyed, a large number of possessions plundered"; "after 8 years of bitter fighting, casualties were people paying heavy price of 35 million people."

"300,000, one-third, 8 years, 35 million ... ... XI data type of facts, recite the Japan year caused untold suffering on its people, that although we have been advocating ' Sino-Japanese friendship ', but that doesn't mean we forget history and forget the pain. "Diplomatic Academy, Zhou Yongsheng, a Professor of the Institute of international relations to Beijing, reporter ...

CASS Japan Institute Deputy Director, Yang Bojiang, a researcher noted that history after he mentioned was moved shortly thereafter, Thanksgiving, including "compatriots of mutual assistance and mutual support", it also includes a "Germany's John H. D. Rabe, and Denmark's beienhaer·xindebeige and the United States of John Magee" and many other international friends and fearless Act, and the judgment of the International Military Tribunal for the far East.

"It makes people feel, is not just sad, it is an inspiring and motivating, positive energy from all over the world. "Yang Bojiang of Beijing, Xinhua said.

Zhou Yongsheng, and it is for Japan on the issue of some politicians in the history of "backsliding" strong counter evidence. In recent years, Japan there is a sharp political "right turn" forces, not only engage in "historical revisionism", to whitewash aggression, trying to break the peace Constitution, lifting of collective self-defense, opening the door for future use of force, foreign troops, raise fears from neighbouring countries and the international community.

Thus, Zhou Yongsheng believes that XI Jinping today about "history does not change over time, and it will not disappear from tongue denies. Nanjing massacre irrefutable evidence and should not be tampered with, "description of a reality, and the cautionary tale-" peace is needed to secure that peace is needed to maintain the. Everyone cherish peace and only peace, only everyone and remember the bitter lessons of the war, there is hope for peace. ”

It is worth mentioning that, "peace" was not only appears 5 times in the sentence above, more speech is XI Jinping, today it is one of high frequency words. According to statistics from Beijing, reporter, in which more than 2,100-word speech, he mentioned 23 times of "peace", through to the end.

Beijing, reporters noticed he emphasis on peace, first in the meaning of today's public memorial ceremony, he said, "we held a memorial ceremony for the victims of the Nanjing massacre, is to appeal to every kind of people yearning for peace and your commitment to it, rather than to perpetuate hatred. Sino-Japanese friendship for generations between the two peoples, take history as a mirror and facing the future, jointly contribute to peace for mankind. ”

In addition, during the event, there are 77, Nanjing city teenagers read out the Declaration of peace over this segment. Chinese media comments said, "today, our symbol of Nanjing massacre victims, are responsible for their own peaceful development, is also responsible for the peaceful development of the world. Only their own faith and hope, with faith and hope to the world. ”

Shortly thereafter, XI Jinping stressed: "to forget history means betrayal, denying guilt means that repeated. We should not, because a few Japanese militarists launched wars of aggression in a nation hostile to the nation, war guilt in the few militarists and not the people, but people should not forget the aggressors had committed serious crimes. ”

Zhou Yongsheng pointed out that XI Jinping this expression quite a big picture, "in such an important symbolic significance, underlining the very few militarists and the vast majority of Japan distinguished people, it is clear that this is a future-oriented declaration. ”

"But we should also recognize that Japan fight right-wingers will endure. Trying to deny history and beautifying aggression any act of aggression, and must not be tolerated, which is responsible for China, but also for Japan is responsible for, is responsible for the world and humankind. "Zhou Yongsheng said.

Yang Bojiang, XI Jinping this formulation a strategic, not only including the Sino-Japanese relations, and for dealing with China and has been on the invasion of some Western countries, also has an important practical significance. (End)

(Original title: National Memorial Day: XI Jinping, speech of 23 times "peace")

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