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Vietnam reaffirms the implementation of beibuwan Bay estuary maritime delimitation negotiations a consensus

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Vietnam reaffirms the implementation of beibuwan Bay estuary maritime delimitation negotiations a consensus

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Vietnam reiterated that implementing the beibuwan Bay estuary maritime delimitation negotiation consensus | |-Beibu Gulf and Vietnam _ news

According to Viet Nam voices, December 12, the beibuwan Bay estuary waters in sixth round of consultations held from December 10 to 12th in the Chinese capital Beijing.

Both sides reiterated, earnestly implement the leaders steadily carry out the consensus of the beibuwan Bay estuary maritime delimitation negotiations while actively promoting cooperation and common development in the area. Reported that in this round of negotiations, the joint review panel in accordance with both under international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention, consensus in Beibu Gulf estuary Bay area for joint investigation, to serve the delimitation and cooperation for common development in the region, exchanged views on a number of specific elements.

  The beibuwan Bay estuary in maritime delimitation negotiations

October 11, 2011, China and Vietnam signed in Beijing to solve the People's Republic of China and Viet Nam agreement on maritime issues the basic principles of the Socialist Republic. The agreement stated that maritime dispute, both parties will be resolved through negotiations and friendly consultations. Both sides agreed that the proper settlement of maritime issues in line with the fundamental interests and common aspirations of the two peoples, and is conducive to regional peace, stability, cooperation and development.

The agreement said, and steadily promote the beibuwan Bay estuary maritime delimitation negotiations, while actively discuss joint development in the area. Actively promote maritime cooperation in sensitive areas , including marine environmental protection, marine scientific research, maritime search and rescue, disaster relief cooperation. Both parties held twice a year on border issues regular meetings between heads of delegation, hosted in turn , if necessary, hold special meetings.

From May 2012, Vietnam according to the agreement, held two rounds of talks a year, date and place of the first four rounds were: 2012.5.21-5.22, Hanoi; 2012.9.26-9.27, Beijing, China; 2013.5.29-5.30, Hanoi; 2013.10.7-10.9, Beijing, China.

On October 13, 2013, Li keqiang visits Viet Nam, said that China is ready to work with Vietnam along the maritime, land, financial cooperation along three main lines and manpower. One of the first main line is "actively promoting more offshore joint development, establishment of Sino-Vietnamese sea jointly developed a consultative working group". Li pointed out that speed up the Working Group of the beibuwan Bay estuary waters , and strive to jointly develop substantive progress in estuary waters in the Gulf, to explore wider offshore joint development experience. Public opinion analysts say this marks ice-dealing with ocean issues in a substantial step. Since then, the fifth round of consultations was accelerated from previous years May be advanced to February (2014.2.19-2.20, Hanoi).

In the fifth round of negotiations, the joint review panel services in beibuwan Bay estuary maritime delimitation and cooperation in the area of common development of the two major goals exchanged views on a number of specific elements.

In May this year, Viet Nam against the Chinese (both mainland and Taiwan) the violent smashing of the factory, scheduled to be held in May this year of Yan 7 months after the sixth round of consultations in Beijing.

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