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10 representatives of the survivors for the State of the Nanjing massacre memorial ceremony

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10 representatives of the survivors for the State of the Nanjing massacre memorial ceremony

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Attended by 10 representatives of survivors ' State of the Nanjing massacre memorial ceremony victims of the Nanjing massacre | | survivors of the victims of the Holocaust _ the national memorial ceremony news

CNS, Nanjing, December 13 (reporter Zhong Sheng)-13th, at 10 o'clock in the morning, national memorial ceremony to the victims of the Nanjing massacre Memorial for compatriots killed in the Nanjing massacre by the Japanese invasion of China. Ten representatives of victims of the Nanjing massacre survivors attended the national memorial ceremony. They are:

(1) Lu Qi, female, aged 60. Born January 29, 1954 in Nanjing, the Han. Social children's welfare home for retired workers in Nanjing city, the senior nurse. Lee so young daughter of survivors of the Nanjing massacre, survivors of the victims.

In December 1937, was seven months pregnant before Magistrate Michael Jenkins, due to restricted mobility, and his father stayed in the city cannot escape, hiding in the basement of a primary school in Nanjing Wutai Mountain. Three Japanese soldiers found them, the Japanese attempted to rape Lee so young, before Magistrate Michael Jenkins will not from, and three Japanese soldiers fought, 37, unborn child aborted, after United States doctors to rescue Wilson, luckily survived. Lu Qi from 1970 to 1979, commune in guanyun, Jiangsu Province River line in 1972 and joined the Communist Youth League in 1980 and to social welfare work; retired in January 2004.

(2) Zhang Xueping, female, aged 58. Born October 5, 1956, Han ethnic group, Nanjing Zhongshan retired shoe factory. Department of Nanjing massacre survivor daughter Xia Shuqin, Xia Nieshi, who survivors of the victims.

In 1937, Xia Shuqin family were killed by the Japanese invading army 7. Her mother, Xia Nieshi, sister Xia Shufang, Xia Shulan and raped by Japanese soldiers. Zhang Xueping career in 1975, working in Nanjing Zhongshan shoe factory Proportioning plant in 1997, laid off, since the 2006 retirement.

(3) Yu Huiming, female, age 57. Born December 13, 1957, Han, copper bar factory in Nanjing retired workers. Department of Nanjing massacre survivor daughter Yu Changxiang, Yu Bifu granddaughters of the victims.

On December 15, 1937, Yu Bifu were captured by the Japanese at home when the porters, Xiao Shi Kou West Street after being killed by the Japanese to death and their bodies never found. Yu Huiming October 1977 to enter any inspector, leader of the copper bar factory in Nanjing, retired in December 2007 so far.

(4) Sun Jie, female, 26 years old. Born September 30, 1988, Han nationality. Zhejiang new-study abroad co employees. Department of Nanjing massacre survivor Zhou Xiangping granddaughter, dead week in precious granddaughter.

In December 1937, the week in your home were killed by the Japanese Army captured, weeks after your father to find a week when you were killed by the Japanese army. Sun Jie Nanjing Chang Le road primary school in September 1994; 27th school, Nanjing from September 2000 to June 2006 attend 2007-2011 school, Jiangsu economic and trade Polytechnic; study in February 2012 to date working in Zhejiang Xin Tong co., Ltd.

(5) Wang Zhengdong, male, aged 65. Born June 6, 1949, Han nationality. Nanjing, a construction company worker back off. Department of Nanjing massacre survivor Wang Yilong son, HA de grandson, dead.

In December 1937, invading Japanese troops invaded Nanjing, hadecai hid in bomb shelters in their yard, were burned to death by the Japanese. Wang Zhengdong 1969 Huaian queue, in 1975 into a construction company until his retirement in Nanjing.

(6) Rong Fu, female, 51 years of age. Born December 4, 1963, Han nationality. NCIC ammonia fertilizer plant retired workers. Daughter Fu Zhaozeng of the Nanjing massacre survivors, victims of Wang Fu's great-niece.

In December 1937, Wang Fushi in the Changle road No. 388, opposite the door came the Japanese, were shot and killed by the Japanese. Rong Fu in 1981 into the NCIC ammonia fertilizer plant, retired in 2008-present (because of its work in hazardous jobs, as a matter of policy to retire).

(7) Cen Quanzhen, male, age 63. Born on September 22, 1951, the Han. China Nanjing technical equipment co retired workers. Department of Nanjing massacre survivor son Cen Honggui, Cen Xiaosan nephews of the victims.

In December 1937, the Cen Xiaosan a residence outside the Hanzhong city walls at the root of the straw House, the Japanese military set fire to their home, Cen Xiaosan burned alive under 2 years of age. Cen Quanzhen in 1970 to enter Nanjing technical equipment co, retiring in 2011 so far.

(8) Wang yan, female, 67 years old. Was born on July 15, 1947, the Han. Treasure ship, retired elementary school teacher in Nanjing, Chinese Communist Party members. Daughter Wang changfa Department of the Nanjing massacre survivors, the victims niece Wang Changfu.

In 1937 by Japanese troops invaded the city the next day, his uncle Wang Changfu captured by Japanese army gunned down. Wang yan Xiaozhuang normal school in 1965 in Jiangsu Province. In 1967 after graduating from assigned to new river elementary school, teachers. In 1977 to ship primary school as Dean, President of the Union. 1996 in ship elementary school joined the party. Since retired in 2002.

(9) Zhou Yulan, female, aged 64. Born December 26, 1950, Han nationality. Joint Logistics Department material supply station of Nanjing forces retirees. Yao Xiuying Department of the Nanjing massacre survivors daughter, Yao Xushi, who survivors of the victims.

In December 1937, the invading Japanese army after the fall of Nanjing, Yao Xiuying took refuge in a bomb shelter near the Nanjing tournament HongQiao, the Japanese military machine gun fire in shelters crowd, Yao Xiuying mother Yao Xushi, sister and brother Yao Chundi, Yao Hong Miao, Yao Xiaoshan 4 people were killed, grandfather Yao Dabang injured, came after the Japanese army, were stabbed to death by the Japanese. Zhou Yulan in October 1968, the commune in Jiangning County, Nanjing Chun hua qinglongshan Brigade countryside; work in 1975 entered Nanking military Joint Logistics Department material supply station; retired in December 2000 to this day.

(10) Mr LI, female, 49 years of age. Born March 17, 1965, Hans, freelance. Department of Nanjing massacre survivor daughter Chou Xiuying, Chou You-the dead granddaughter.

In December 1937, the Japanese invading troops invaded the city. Chou Youshi Nanjing massacre victims were stabbed to death by the Japanese. Nanjing, Li Jinhua 1982 to 2002 in the former sawmill subsidiaries zhenxin leasing company, 2002 laid off so far. (End)

(Original title: 10 survivors ' representatives attend the State memorial ceremony to the victims of the Nanjing massacre)

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