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Yu zhengsheng: violence is one of the few not to label Xinjiang

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/12/11 9:21:49 Browse times: 268 Comment times: 0

Yu zhengsheng: violence is one of the few not to label Xinjiang

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Yu zhengsheng: critical molecules is one of the few not to label Xinjiang | | Xinjiang _ Yu zhengsheng news

The afternoon of December 9, Beijing Office of Xinjiang, 10 fight in the Mainland's Xinjiang people gathered together, waiting for the arrival of a respected leader.

17:30, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the CPC, the CPPCC National Committee, Yu zhengsheng, smiling, and presence among us. Kuerbanjiang·saimaiti 10, author of I am from Xinjiang Xinjiang people working in the Mainland was greeted with excitement. Yu zhengsheng, smiled and shook hands with everyone asking each person's work life.

Kuerbanjiang·saimaiti like to Yu zhengsheng, President a delicate Uighur Flower hat and a traditional ethnic dress jiapan. Yu zhengsheng, the initiative to greet everyone individually photographed.

Since the central coordination team leader in Xinjiang, Yu zhengsheng to Xinjiang many times inspection survey on Xinjiang's economic and social development and improve people's livelihood, social stability, and to conduct in-depth investigation and research, guiding Xinjiang to study and solve practical problems.

"People make a self-introduction. "Yu zhengsheng, a Word so that we opened the door to conversation.

I'm from Xinjiang, author of the kuerbanjiang·saimaiti the first to speak. Last year, visitor from WADA, now CCTV cameraman young Uighur used the camera to record and about 100 senior Xinjiang people living and working in the Mainland. Engineer, presenter, lawyers, businessmen, artists, interior designers, teachers, students, ... ... Today, the 10 protagonists in the book here, open up to Chairman Yu.

"I took is in the Mainland's Xinjiang people's experiences, in every part of the story to tell. "Interview with kuerbanjiang·saimaiti details I am from Xinjiang, photography, publishing, publishing it through, rattling off about half an hour.

Yu zhengsheng, interrupted from time to time to communicate with kuerbanjiang·saimaiti. He said the book reflect I come from Xinjiang has 100 people working and living in the Mainland State in Xinjiang, is very real, heart.

"I carefully read has this this book, has three a special highlight of feel, a is social of development for many people provides has success of opportunities, as long as gritty, and overcome, and efforts struggle, everyone are can found himself of location, played himself of role; II is frontier minority comrade in mainland development will encountered many difficult, located party Government to help they solution difficult; three is to in contacts Exchange in the resolve contradictions, promotion understanding and mutual trust. , "Yu said. "I recommend this book to the provincial party and Government leaders, let more people know the real people in Xinjiang and Xinjiang. ”

Ai He says ahmatjan Jiang·Abu all Reheman, thank, abuduresuli·abudureyimu, naifeisha·NI he says ahmatjan, ainiwaer·maimaiti, bayierta, xiayidong·maimaiti, nuermaimaiti·tuniyazi, ground forces xiati·wubuli to speak, speaking experience, said growing freely difficulties, making recommendations, and atmosphere of the venue has been very encouraging.

"We represent Xinjiang in the Mainland, we strive to do their own, presenting a true Xinjiang. "Naifeisha·NI says ahmatjan women lawyers has returned from studying in America live in Shanghai.

"Cultural diversity in Xinjiang and thick hometown I trained a lot of very good quality, I have a responsibility to people in Xinjiang, to contribute to the development of my hometown. "The Beijing people's broadcasting station host thank after working in Beijing, had WADA counterpart has worked for 4 months.

"Thanks to country creates good conditions, I have have done. "Xiati·wubuli 2002 admitted to mainland high school class today at Qinghua University studying for a PhD.

Listening to people talk about jobs, said life, word perfect, Yu zhengsheng pleased nod, interrupted from time to time.

People in Xinjiang people to study in the Mainland, employment and living situation, made suggestions one by one. Yu zhengsheng Chairman, very caring and careful understanding and encouraged everyone to strive to overcome difficulties and play a positive energy.

Without realizing it, 1.5 hours later, we speak still a hoot.

After listening to members ' speeches, Yu said, a lot of people in Xinjiang based on their efforts to integrate their lives, contribute to the local economic and social development. We want to achieve great national unity and prosperity, it must be promoting the exchange between the masses of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, and the Mainland's exchanges, to enhance national sentiments in the exchanges, increase understanding and trust, strengthen joint development of faith.

"Violent terrorist cases was misunderstood by some people in Xinjiang. Critical molecules are very small, not representing nationality, region, not to label Xinjiang. , "Yu said.

Yu zhengsheng pointed out that Central Government attach great importance to work in Xinjiang, Central Working Conference on Xinjiang II determine the focus of work and focus placed on social stability and long-term peace and stability. Pay special attention to the education of the masses of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, employment, develop labor-intensive industries and local party committees and Governments should help local people solve practical problems in Xinjiang, people of all ethnic groups to live a good life.

Everyone broke into enthusiastic applause, applause had moved, excited, more confident ... ...

After the meeting, you could stand the excitement: "the Central leaders in Xinjiang, the Xinjiang people work hard, make me feel even harder, and I have to work harder, so that more people understand the true Xinjiang. "Beijing middle school English teachers ' nuermaimaiti·tuniyazi said.

"Every person in Xinjiang, especially in the Mainland's Xinjiang people representing ' Xinjiang ', is the responsibility and obligation to be a good ' spokesperson in Xinjiang. "Crescent Moon restaurant in Beijing, Chairman ainiwaer·maimaiti said.

Sinopec Research Institute of petroleum exploration and development engineer Ai He says ahmatjan Jiang·Abu Reheman participate will go abroad to continue to work after the meeting, he said: "I will remember President Yu hoped that do their work drives people around so that Xinjiang will be fine, the motherland will be even better! "(Yao Tong)

(Original title: to let more people know the true Xinjiang--Yu zhengsheng met my from Xinjiang on authors and book characters represent)

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