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Fellow, only allowed to retire

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/5 11:05:39 Browse times: 301 Comment times: 0

Fellow, only allowed to retire(我国唯一获准退休院士)

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Only allowed to retire, academician, Academia Sinica fellow, your life is an illusion | | Qin Boyi | retire _ news

Qin Boyi pharmacologists, senior academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering, served as President of the Academy of military medical researcher,.

"Fellow of the retired" sound like a strange word. But so far, academicians in the country, permitted to retire, Qin Boyi only one person. 9 years ago, more than 70 years old, he removed the military medical Academy of post, kept the Academician title. Then one-day national, while not forgetting the voice on social issues.

Recently, 18 plenary session suggested that the reform member of selection and management system, introduced fellow retirement and exit the system. Academia Sinica make envious of Qin Boyi sound. All this makes it look again a Qin Boyi.

  "This, I even did not recognize the heterogeneous"

A: when retirement idea came out of nowhere, was brewing for a long time?

Qin Boyi: according to army regulations, I am 65 years old can retire. But I was around the age of 60 after considering retirement arrangements, after 60 years started to select and cultivate successors.

Do you really retire, it has been more than 70 years old, because commentary on fellow slow down now?

Qin Boyi: in 1994, I became the first batch of academicians of the Chinese Academy of engineering. I was 62 years old, in the first batch of academicians ' young. A lot of commentary on Academia Sinica Professor didn't retire, I'll be back don't fit right. Until 2004, only when I'm 72 reported formally to the organization.

A: did you have a retirement process? Have encountered some resistance?

Qin Boyi: Military Academy of me very well. Central to report, that's not good, so no precedent before. Looked through all the files, didn't say what academicians aged retired from the unit, never said Academia Sinica cannot drop out. Program do? Who's going to? Final report from central China's Central Military Commission. Down for the second year.

I think because of his back, was determined, with leaders at all levels to understand, they are able to step down.

A: ever since the commentary on fellow, simply do not return?

Qin Boyi: fellow, I think is just an honorary title, arrangements have little impact on later life. Then somehow, academicians themselves or fellow of the organization or society, there is a misconception, honorary life means life, life. But I don't have the "delusions".

Newspaper: what people around think about you?

Qin Boyi: people understand. Have some other explanation to me outside the unit. But I don't mind. I work for a lifetime and, frankly, not what other people think of me. Most people could still accept me in the end.

A: also agree with, right?

Qin Boyi: there is, but they'll ask, how much economic losses you retire? I said that I didn't go to work and do not care.

Do you think they are in the academic community of "otherness"?

Qin Boyi: overall, I feel not too dissimilar. Fellow, but on this thing, I even if not recognized, it is different.

  "Academician title is helpful to sound"

Newspaper: unload positions after retirement, do you feel lost?

Qin Boyi: there is no loss, I've prepared. For example, these books is my accumulation of 40 years, from the "cultural revolution" before it starts collecting, there are now tens of thousands of books, just to later years retired now ...

In addition, the Academician title I did not retreat, was out of the Military Academy of medical sciences Chair.

A: after you retire, and visit the places in China, wrote a two-part travelogue, which was had been planning to do?

Qin Boyi: big trips are not, are cumulative. But I've been for a walk, think about society.

A: you went to University or make reports at the Conference?

Qin Boyi: these are not my main business. I'm more concerned about national affairs, policy guidelines. Friends come to see me, summarize two sentences: people are afraid after retirement with nothing to do, you can't retire can't finish things he want to do.

A: what do you think about your life now?

Qin Boyi: my self-styled freelance journalist, regular communication between the Government and the people, reflect the voice of the people.

Newspaper: fellow of the title, to sound like you have help?

Qin Boyi: bring a positive effect. Say anything, more compelling, sharp, and everyone will listen to, can accept.

A: in the future, what are you planning?

Qin Boyi: 90 years is mainly in writing. Beginning next year, plans a 3-year period, write our generation see it, think about some of the issues.

Do you want others to like you, you can fall back?

Qin Boyi: better, but hard to do. Our generation of scientists, and has been for the country needs, stick to one thing. A lot of people apart from the study, no other interests or hobbies. I think a lot of scientists, because the heart is lonely.

  "Never too old to old, young people doing"

A: 18 plenary session presents fellows should have retired and withdrawal mechanism, why do you feel that this topic appears?

Qin Boyi: as society has become increasingly complex and subjected to various forms of influence of both houses, broke out over a number of scandals. Time comes to rationalize internal relations again.

Recently because of the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party proposals to improve academicians of the electoral system. Plenary session with its inevitability and driving factors.

A: it was proposed that the age for academicians across, until a certain period no longer hold, what do you think?

Qin Boyi: one size fits all is not conducive to mature fellow in his late years. Like Darwin, Li Shizhen, are at last made the most of his life achievements. But for the moment, Academia Sinica honorary uncertain age lines, is out for me. Fellow, at least for non-scientists is unfair because not all make a significant contribution to commentary on Academia Sinica.

A: also was reluctant to retire.

Qin Boyi: education that we live every day in the past day, Hale and hearty. I've been denying such values. That is the concept of talent shortage, young people can't find work, your old man is never too old to old, young people do?

The Beijing News: fall while others are not, and this fellow will bring honor and interests related to?

Qin Boyi: honor is the main. Interest, I guess that is not small. Some academicians, wears several hats. Are not white and many were hired. But the real scientific research workers, make own topic, enough to spend a lifetime of effort, sleepless nights, evenings and weekends, part-time?

After Marie Curie was awarded the first Nobel Prize, has a lot of titles, her breath gave up 106. She said scientists were haunted by these things won't advance in science. Academician Wang Xuan died, he said scientists often appeared on television, his research life is over.

  "Academicians selected strictly, loopholes abound"

Newspaper: Academician candidates for academic fraud in recent years, plagiarize events frequently broke, what do you think?

Qin Boyi: in General, unhealthy tendencies not only academic problem, but a problem for the entire society. Requires the State overall reflection. Our educational, substance, spirit of light. Under the impact of political culture, economic, cultural, and pure people have not much academic culture.

A: what do you think about the selection of academicians system?

Qin Boyi: academicians selected strictly, vulnerabilities in many. Selection is very strict. Publicity materials, anyone can complain, even if it is an anonymous complaint. There is substantive content, but also to investigate.

But it also has public relations behavior. No PR to your advantage because the competition was too fierce, silos, not PR don't know you don't know is your choice and you? Will have organized special teams to PR now.

The Beijing News: existing selection system has administrative powers to intervene. Fellow, fellow, if only by judging whether better?

Qin Boyi: alone by academician selection also has drawbacks. Academia Sinica also has weaknesses. Best peer-selection, but also unavoidable one-sidedness. Peers with friends and relatives. Their Chinese counterparts talked mostly today you helped me, talk to me tomorrow.

A: at this point, what basis is the most appropriate academician elected to?

Qin Boyi: fellow of the cast President Han qide said, scientists results evaluation, depends on the academic community. This unit my colleagues recognized, professional recognition in the field, on the line, no need for fuss to national attention. In addition, the adjudication, people must have their own independent personality, real insight, can't take personal considerations.


What is a fellow of the retirement and exit system?

18 adopted by the third plenary session of the CPC Central Committee's decision on deepen reform of a number of important issues, offered to the Academician system reform: "reform member selection and management system, optimizing discipline layout, raise the proportion of young talent, introduction of fellow retired and out of the system. ”

But fellow back? What are the conditions and procedures? To date, there have been no specific provision.

In General, the Academician retirement refers to the removed themselves from their posts no longer hold office, but does not mean removing the academicians as a honorary title.

Fellow of the exit is no longer have this honor. Current fellow of the exit system in making major mistakes or corruption issues when implemented.

The Beijing News reporter Zhu Liudi

(Original title: Qin Boyi: academician of your life is an illusion)

(Edit: SN098)December 05, 2013 The Beijing News(我国唯一获准退休院士:院士要干一辈子是种错觉|院士|秦伯益|退休_新闻资讯

  秦伯益 药理学家,中国工程院资深院士,曾任军事医学科学院研究员、院长。






























































  新京报记者 朱柳笛



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