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Guangxi tengxian women jumping off the bridge disappeared, witnesses said bystanders too dull

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/12/11 9:18:35 Browse times: 180 Comment times: 0

Guangxi tengxian women jumping off the bridge disappeared, witnesses said bystanders too dull

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Tengxian, Guangxi women jumping off the bridge disappeared, witnesses said bystanders too numb | jump bridge | onlookers _ news

7th, public, Teng Ayan (a pseudonym) told reporters on December 6 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when he passed the Xijiang bridge, seeing a woman dressed in yellow standing outside the railing of the bridge, about 30 meters away from the woman packed with crowds of onlookers, some police officers at the scene now, and advises pedestrians to stay off jump river woman. He saw the woman standing outside the railing of the bridge to pick up the phone call, call duration is about 2 minutes.

Xu 2:40 P.M., the woman plunged into the river when someone in the crowd scream, he also heard someone call the nearby vessels came to save people. 2:45, a boat appeared on the River, and quickly came to a woman from drowning near the site.

Ayan, told reporters: "this boat should be near the sand of motor boats. "But to his disappointment is that this boat serves no search-and-rescue tools, hull didn't exactly close to drowning woman, two men on Board continually try to use their vessels near the woman, and tried to pull her up with her hands, but without success.

After the incident, several Internet posts caused many users to describe this matter concerns users have the thread to express their views. Some netizens accuse the police of inaction; some say they watch pictures, which the woman does not jump to close; also accused online of people sprayed indiscriminately, as users would not dare act rashly at the scene. Official response, Teng said, when police officers has quickly reached the scene, and rescue many times but without success.

 "Query" user has accused the police of failing to take effective measures to

Suicide girls before jumping off the bridge, already have police on the scene. Some netizens believe that police should find a way to communicate with the woman, and discourages work, "woman after jumping off the bridge in the presence of party members and cadres, including police, to save water."

A Netizen said: "1:45 P.M. rushed to the scene, before jumping off the bridge at 2:30, for so long, the police didn't arrange boat accidents below? On both sides of the river don't even have a boat? Embankment Pier Wei Ferry over there you can ask a come on? ”

"There is saved for the first time on the bridge, is a dereliction of duty, also have 10 minutes to save time in the River, but can't save. "A Netizen said that police should be a professional rescue teams, recruits must go through rigorous training, duties of the police is to maintain social stability and protect people's lives and property safety," How can the police on this matter, Teng can't really do any better? ”

 "" Witness lamented the fact that the crowd was too numb

O the presence of informed, upon enquiry, was reported after police officers arrived at the Department responsible for search and rescue, but the search-and-rescue vessel has yet to appear. Ayan said that after the woman sinks into the water and floating up the river sank to the river bottom after struggling for more than 10 minutes, and then did not appear again. Ayan says: "I think that the girls should be able to swim because she is first surfaced on his hands, last estimated to be tired and sank. "Ayan said the woman was missing in the river after 5 minutes before he left:" until I leave, never seen a professional search-and-rescue ship. ”

Many netizens said the scene that onlookers are too numb, had no one to lend a helping hand. "Suicide is not necessarily her intention, because there were no words of a care and retention, it may make her more hopeless, apathetic is the greatest tragedy in our society. "The Netizen said.

Netizen speculation involved women does not necessarily really want to jump, after all she stood for so long on the bridge, then jump. "This girl is too na?ve, too, standing for a long time, full ready to rescue time to jump, who has jumped on the rear axle is full of spectators. ”

 "Response" police officers several times close to the rescue was not successful

On December 7, the County party Committee propaganda Department, Teng said on the matter, it is understood that the 1:42 P.M. December 6, Public Security Bureau, Teng 110 alarm centre received the alarm, saying "the Xijiang bridge, Teng had a woman for jumping off the bridge to commit suicide, required from the police." Alarm, direct instruction of the Centre East station and street patrol unit to Xijiang bridge management. 1:45, was patrolling near the Xijiang bridge patrol unit 3 joined the East police station and police arrived at the scene for disposal.

Police evacuated crowds, and to persuade the woman, but they became very emotional, see a policeman threatening to jump off. Police repeatedly trying to get close to the rescue, but the woman is jumping off the bridge, the police had given up, and immediate feedback to 110 police Centre, by the Marine Department, the county organized boat rushed to the scene. Police also quickly under the bridge to find boats for rescue, but could not find it.

2:32 P.M., after the woman has been put through a phone call, suddenly plunged into the river. A small boat happened to pass under the bridge and immediately involved in the rescue, but was not successful. 2:40, maritime rescue ships arrived, the lady has now sunk into the water. Rescue boats immediately in conjunction with the police to search back and forth the waters around, but couldn't find the drowning woman.

After the incident, the public security organ get in touch with families of the jump river woman, and learned from their parents, the woman suffering from severe emotional problems, she had previously had thoughts of suicide. Y according to South China Morning Post

(Original title: woman jumping off the bridge in Guangxi tengxian missing controversial netizens accusing police officers of the Police Department improperly, some netizens think Xia Jiang rescue infeasible)


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