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Biden said China must be based on mutual trust, and praise the Chinese leadership and pragmatic

Writer: hpmailer Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2013/12/5 11:04:41 Browse times: 246 Comment times: 0

Biden said China must be based on mutual trust, and praise the Chinese leadership and pragmatic(拜登称中美必须以相互信任为基础,,赞中国领导人务实)

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Biden says shall be based on mutual trust between China and praised China's leaders, pragmatic | | Biden | Chinese leaders _ news

"Globe reporter Wu Yuanchun" United States Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Beijing on December 4, starting his visit to China. Reuters reported on December 4, the United States Vice President Joe Biden held talks with XI Jinping, China's President, said the same day, on the basis of Sino-US relations must be built on mutual trust, he also praised the Chinese leader frank and pragmatic.

Reported that, although the United States said the Diaoyu Island issue applies to the US-Japan Security Treaty, but at the United States rather than in any military conflict between China and Japan.

Biden praised the Chinese leader XI Jinping in talks to people a frank and realistic. He said: "in the development of new types of relationships, urgent task is both traits. Frank trust, and trust is the basis of genuine, constructive change. ”

XI Jinping, China's President said the current regional and international situation is undergoing profound and complex changes. XI noted that today's world is not at peace. China in maintaining world peace and stability, shoulder the common responsibility to promote human development progress to strengthen dialogue and cooperation are the only correct choice for the two countries.

In addition, reports that Biden and XI told reporters in a speech made no mention of China's designation of the East China Sea about the air defense identification zone.

(Original title: Biden says shall be based on mutual trust between China and praised China's leaders, pragmatic)

(Edit: SN091)December 05, 2013 Global times(拜登称中美须以互信为基础 赞中国领导人务实|中国|拜登|领导人_新闻资讯

  【环球网报道 记者 乌元春】 美国副总统拜登12月4日乘专机抵达北京,开始对中国的访问。据路透社12月4日报道,美国副总统拜登当天与中国国家主席习近平举行会谈时称,中美关系必须建立在互信的基础上,他同时称赞中国领导人坦率并且务实。





(原标题:拜登称中美须以互信为基础 赞中国领导人务实)


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