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Sinking in Indonesia Viet Nam fishing vessel seized after 22 Chinese fishing boat

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/12/10 8:31:52 Browse times: 193 Comment times: 0

Sinking in Indonesia Viet Nam fishing vessel seized after 22 Chinese fishing boat

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Sinking in Indonesia Viet Nam fishing vessel seized after 22 Chinese fishing trawler | | Indonesia _ news

Reference news network on December 9, Taiwan media said Indonesia further sank 3 ships illegally fishing in Indonesian waters of Viet Nam after fishing, recently seized 22 illegal fishing waters in Southern Papua Province, city, large fishing vessels.

According to Taiwan "Central News Agency" 9th, Indonesian Minister of Marine Affairs and the fisheries Susie (Susi Pudjiastuti) said the 22 detained Chinese fishing vessel displacement is greater than 300 tons, a few days ago in the Arafura Sea, Indonesia (Laut Arafura) illegal fishing.

Susie said, Department of marine and fisheries, through the Foreign Ministry protested to the Chinese Embassy in Indonesia, and to discuss next steps.

Reported that the Indonesian Navy 5th Anand bass Islands (Anambas) sank 3 ships entered waters were detained for illegal fishing in Indonesian waters of Viet Nam fishing show Indonesia's determination to safeguard fishing rights.

Indonesian President zuokewei (Joko Widodo) says illegal fishing every year suffer a loss of 24.2 billion dollars in Indonesia, due to the lack of effective supervision, there are currently up to 5400 foreign fishing vessels illegally fishing in Indonesian waters.

Zuokewei said, in the face of huge economic losses caused by illegal fishing, he has instructed the Navy not only arresting illegal fishermen, also sank a 10 or 20 illegal fishing by foreign fishing boats, so that these people are afraid to do it again.

(Original title: Media: sinking in Indonesia Viet Nam fishing vessel seized after 22 Chinese fishing boat)

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