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Guangdong proposed compensation mechanism in colleges and universities to prevent family price

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Guangdong proposed compensation mechanism in colleges and universities to prevent family price

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Families of Guangdong proposed compensation mechanism in colleges and universities to prevent unexpected death _ price | news

Provincial clear case will call for emergency disposal, published in book form for the academic reference

Express News reporter Luo Qiong's Zhang Qiming reported prone to accidental deaths of college students in recent years is the trend, but in the process, huge payments tend to become "unbearable". 22 groups of CPPCC proposals related documents, standard handler for accidental deaths of college students in order to prevent claims of "wild speculations". Provincial clear case will call for emergency disposal, published as a book for academic reference.

Accidents should be dealt with by self

The proposal reflected only in the Guangzhou University City, accidental deaths of college students in recent years have had a dozen, frequent accidental deaths of college students has aroused the community's concern. However, in recent years in the processing of related events, is often in a "wave" of University assumed full or major civil liability, huge pay issue has become "unbearable." In addition, at the time of handling similar incidents, all colleges and universities alone, lack of help and support from related departments are also missing practice crisis response and operational guidelines. 22 members of the people's political consultative conference joint recommendations by the Department of education stepped in to take the lead to set up organizations to handle emergency events, specializing in disposal of the accidental deaths of college students.

Provincial response, illegal to complain in recent years wanted "higher levels in government departments involved in" mentality and the trend is clearly, educational administrative departments directly involved in dealing with such events, it may not be conducive to problem solving. In addition, Guangdong Province currently has 141 colleges and universities, student accidental deaths have occurred, all processed by the administrative departments of education, likely caused by illegal to complain of "pooled", causing even greater crises.

Further clear provincial, government decentralization, expanded autonomy is the trend of educational reform in colleges and universities, according to the principle of territorial management, each school to deal with such events, more conducive to strengthening of management infrastructure work, fewer accidental deaths occurred.

Trying to set up to pay mutual fund

Proposals for strengthening University student died accidentally disposed of normative and operational, it is necessary to publish relevant documents by the competent local government or education to form students ' system specifications and operating instructions for disposal of the accidental deaths. Proposal believes that the document should clarify the four issues, including the identification of cause of death, and standard of liability and compensation. On the compensation standard, proposed, in view of the special circumstances of universities, I hope the relevant Department to prepare students of accidental death compensation standard, so as to avoid accidental death often unrealistic payouts to the families of students requested.

Province Department of education confirms that the recommendations and said it would call for case to respond to emergencies, published as a book for academic reference. In addition, the Office will seek to introduce social groups ' death by accident to pay mutual fund set up and perfect the mechanism of contradiction.

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