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Changxing Island ship of the Chinese Navy for male the Maldives 600 tonnes of freshwater

Writer: aaa Article type: The daily news(新闻时事) Time: 2014/12/10 8:26:29 Browse times: 210 Comment times: 0

Changxing Island ship of the Chinese Navy for male the Maldives 600 tonnes of freshwater

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Changxing Island ship of the Chinese Navy for male the Maldives 600 tonnes of freshwater | | | freshwater Maldives _ Chinese naval news

New social welfare Maldives male, December 9 (Li Wenjie Tan Hao) 9th, at 15 o'clock Beijing time, after nearly 20 hours of intense work, Changxing Island ship successfully completed for the Chinese Navy, send more than 600 tons of fresh water, Maldives male tasks.

4th, the male only desalination plant caught fire, and equipment damage, the India Ocean Island capital quickly run into fresh water shortage crisis.

According to the agreed with Malaysia's water supply to the Changxing Island 9th, at 17 o'clock in the afternoon the ship pulled away from the dock, the male anchor outside the Harbour, make use of shipboard desalination Unit continued to manufacture water, port and will be regularly provided to the local population.

According to the local head of a temporary water supply points, at present, the Government of Maldives in male City set up a number of water supply points and timing for the public water supply. Chinese Navy transported more than 600 tons of fresh water has passed various points into the public water supply, effectively alleviate Malé city water supply pressure. (End)

(Original title: Changxing Island ship of the Navy to the Maldives, Malé, China completed 600 tons of fresh water transport tasks)

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